Series One: The Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton Papers from the Birmingham Central Library
Part 1: Lunar Society Correspondence
James Watt, 1768-1780
Box 1: Items 1-193, All A L S unless otherwise described.
Brief abstracts, notes of subject content or extracts are provided below for
some iteMs.. These merely give a flavour of some of the material included and do
not do full justice to the detail of the letters themselves. The full
descriptive listing for each box of material is to be found on the film ahead of
the material for that particular box.
1. 1768 October 20 Glasgow - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
'I got safe home on Wednesday last week. When you were so kind as to express a
desire to be concerned in my fire engine I was sorry I was not immediately able
to make you an offer. I had involved myself in a considerable debt before I
had brought the theory of the fire engine to its present state. Dr Roebuck
agreed to take my debts upon him. I made over to him two thirds of the property
of the Invention: the debts and expenses are now about £1200. It gave me great
joy when you seemed to think so favourably of our scheme as to wish to engage in
it. The doctor will write to you that you may be a third part concerned in
paying the half of the cost and whatever you may think the risqué he has run
deserves. The objection against the engine before the trials made last winter
were that it might be difficult to make a piston steam-tight without water or
other fluid above it, and that the vacuum might not be formed by exhaustion
sufficiently sudden or perfect. If Doctor Small should choose to be concerned
with you in this it would be agreeable to Dr Roebuck and highly so to me.'
2. 1768, December 12 Glasgow - M Boulton, Merchant, Birmingham. 1pp.
'I have sent you one doz. German Flutes at 5/-, a Copper Digester 1/10-. Also
some documastic pipes for Doctor Small, a piece of petuntse and a lump of impure
kaolin which is excellent for stopping the pipes with as it does not fly through
thrust into fire quite wet. I have not got the furnace made for you but shall
soon. I have almost finished a most complete model of my Reciprocating Engine.'
3. 1769 - Document headed: 'Mr Watt's Specification of his
Method of lessening the Consumption of Steam and Fuel in Fire Engines.' 2pp.
folio. Printed. Enrolled in the Court of Chancery, 29 April 1769.
4. 1769 January 28 Glasgow - Dr William Small, Physician, Birmingham.
3pp. folio.
'I wrote to you last Sunday with a copy of the intended Specification which I
hope you have read. I have not heard from Boulton yet. I fancy it will be best
to defer the bargaining till the Doctor and I be in England. I have been trying
experiments on the Reciprocating Engine. I have improved the Condenser. I have
contrived a most excellent method of measuring distance by means of a telescopy.
[Sketch]. Our pottery is doing tolerably. I have tried no chemical experiments
this winter. What new things I Mr Boulton doing and what are you contriving? How
is Capt Keir employed?'
5. 1769 February 22 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physicia, Birmingham. 2pp.
'I received your draft of the Specification with which I am much pleased. I
made an imperfect trial today of an alteration in the Condenser with which I am
much pleased. [Sketch]. I propose working the Condenser by a Water Wheel. Am
still plagued with headache and sometimes with heart-ache.'
6. 1769 March [20] Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 7pp.
'Below is a copy of a 'draught' of the Specification altered from yours in
some places. I am sending a copy to Cumming and the Attorneys the Patent draft
January 5th. The letter is for a method of lessening the consumption of steam
and fuel in fire engines. The Specification must be given in before the 5th May
and I intend to see you before that time. There are two furnaces making for Mr
Boulton and you. I made a trial of my engine with the new Condenser. I made use
of train oil to make the piston tight. The inner Cylinder will be made of Block
Tin because it is not liable to be discoloured by oil.'
7. 1769 April [20] Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 2pp.
'I thought by this time to have been on the road towards you. As the
Specifications cannot be delayed I transmit to you some additions to what I sent
last. After you have corrected and amended the whole, I will be obliged to you
to transmit it to Mr Cumming to give to the Attorneys to engross and send it to
me to sign and seal.'
8. 1769 April 28 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
'I signed the Specification at Berwick on the 25th. If linen draper Moore does
not use any engines to drive his chases he can't drive them by steam. If he
does I will stop them. I have begun to erect an engine of 18 in Cylinder & 5
foot stroke at Kinneil, the Doctor's place. You want a steam Chaise: pray make
one. I will give you leave . I find that if the engine succeeds my whole time
will be taken up in planning and erecting the Reciprocating engine and the
Circulator must stand still unless I neglect certainly for hope. Now Mr Boulton
wants one or more for his own use. If he will make a model of it of 20 ins
diameter at least, I will give him my advice and as much assistance as I can. I
wish Mr Boulton and you had entered into some negotiations with the Doctor about
coming in partners. I am afraid it is now too late for the nearer it approaches
to certainty he grows the more tenacious of it. His expectations are solely from
the Reciprocator, possibly he may be tempted to part with the half of the
Circulator to you. Mr Boulton asked if the Circulator was contrived since our
agreement: it was but it is a part of the scheme and virtually included in it.
As to the Alcaly, Doctor Black has it at present under tuition: he proceeds
slowly according to the way of philosophers. Doctor Roebuck's colliery is in a
very thriving way and daily improving. Some people in Birmingham have an
interest in doing all in their power to lessen his character and credit. They
never can forgive that do no wrong.'
9. 1769 May 28 Glasgow Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp. folio.
'I am informed that the Specification is enrolled in due time and Hately
has sent you a copy of it. I have packed up your Furnaces and shall send
instructions along with them, and I shall also send petuntse Tobacco Pipes,
Kaolin to stop them and an Oil of China made of Cornish Soap Rock and of
Petuntse (but quarts will do if pure). I send also a bit of a pure pipe clay
crucible converted into porcelain by melting in it window glass, bone-ashes,
minimum and nitre. Let Mr Boulton keep in his eye a China Factory as a good
trade. I have this day made a conclusive trial of my new Condenser: the
frictionless pump afforded a lodgement for air, and was therefore rejected and
block-tin cylinders put in its place [Sketch]. I am considerably advances with
the 18 inch engine. I have just now got a curious book, being an account of all
the machines, furnaces, methods of working, profits etc, of the mines of the
UPPer Hartz. [the following lines have been cancelled by Watt]. 'In not
accepting your . for a fair young lady. If not . to be returned I suppose
another more forward may come to the lady make his offers and will I am afraid
be accepted. This comes of delay. I do not know where you can get such answers.
She is just a proper wife for a philosopher, long suffering and patient, slow to
wrath and easily disposed to accommodate herself to the humour of people she
likes, is very sensible, has a good [face] or . rather an . and myself I
believe if you had come home would have persuaded her to marry you. I tell you
all this to show you what you are in a fair way of loving]. A chemical Swiss
dyer who is come here to dye standing red on linen and cotton in which he is
successful. I enclose you some of Chaillets red yarn boiled in soap and some as
it is dyed. He says that he has discussed a more powerful solvent of earth of
Allum than the vitriolic acid. I have found it is not necessary in making Reamur's
Porcelain that it should be surrounded with anything, more continued heat will
do without any danger of melting. Arsenic answers perfectly the purpose of nitre
in discussing the principles of inflamability out of glass of salis, and is also
a most potent flux in spite of Pott. As to Mr Parrot's engine - cannot give
a positive answer: our idea at present is first to supply those places where
coals are 20S pr(?) and upwards, that is provided the Experiments in
Great answers.'
10. 1769 July 5 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
'This comes to inform you that Dr Roebuck set out for England today or
yesterday and will probably be at Birmingham before he returns. I have never
spoken to him on our subject since I informed you, nor can I with propriety do
it at present, but leave it to Mr Boulton and you to do on it what you see
proper. I have got almost every part of his machine ready for putting together
and may possibly in three weeks complete it. Both Dr Black and I are busy with
large experiments on the Alcolis and Dr Black is forthwith to solicit a Patent
under the title of (having inserted) the art of making an alcaline salt from .
salt of lime. I mentioned to Dr Roebuck (who is also concerned in it) that
I had told you of our discovering the means of decomposing salt by lime . I
forgot to tell you that the Condenser of the large machine is finished . I had
almost forget to send you instructions out to lute the furnaces.' [Sketch
with instructions].
11. 1769 September 20-25 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham.
6pp. folio.
'The engine trial has not been decisive, but I am still allowed to flatter
myself with hopes I am just now employed in taking a survey of the river Clyde,
to have some purpose of improving the navigation of it. Dr Roebuck was to set
off for England as today. I have had some conversations with him about making Mr
Boulton and you a proper offer, which I expect he will do when with you.'
12. 1769 September 20-25 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham.
6pp. folio.
'I am really sorry on my own account that your engagements hinder you from
entering into our scheme. If the engine succeeds I propose making the Cylinders
of copper (instead of tin). You know Dr Black's final invention of the theory
of the Alcali which he communicated to me and I tried experiments till I gave a
probability of its succeeding in practice. Doctor Roebuck was taken onto the
scheme soon after me. The two doctors must find money to carry it on for you
know I cannot. Do you remember if I ever mentioned in your house before C K,
that my secret was the decomposition of salt? I know I did not mention the means
and what is the name of the book you mention? From what I know of C K he would
be a most agreeable partner to me. Is your new scheme a secret or may I know
what it is?'
13. 1769 November 3 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
'I have been so busy surveying that I have not yet got the proposed
alterations completed. The new Condenser consists of two sets of pipes, eight on
each set. I have discovered a fault that all levels I have run are subject to.
Is your Canal near finished or any of your locks done?'
14. 1769 December 12 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
'I shake hands with you and Mr Boulton on our connection. I have just got the
new alterations of the engine ready to carry to Kinneil. I have projected the
Canal to bring coals to the town, it will cost £10,000. I have also constructed
a method whereby vessels can be brought into the dry dock at Port Glasgow,
though they trap much more water than the common rise of the tide, by means of a
lock. If I was to follow the business of levelling, I should certainly make some
more alterations in levels. My friend Chaillet has made some more droll
discoveries: he makes sap the solution of which gelatinous and transparent, he
converts it into common glue by adding a metal to it. He has improved the
previous to date and I believe will make Carmine soon. I have continued or
improved a Muffling Furnace for Dr Irvine, and I daresay would do for Mr Boulton's
enamellers. I have also imagined a way whereby a chamber fire may in 5 minutes
he made into a Muffle or Melting Furnace. Have you found out what Tutenague is
composed of? I hear it is malleable, I never saw it. My friend Hately has
differed with his new employees and is to leave them. I therefore wish you to be
on the watch for he will do me all the ill he can.'
15. 1770 January 3 Glasgow - Dr Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
16. 1770 January 31 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
17. 1770 February 25 - Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham.
4pp. folio.
18. 1770 March 10 - Kinneil - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham.
3pp. 4to.
19. 1770 March 16 - Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham.
3pp. folio.
20. 1770 September 9 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
21. 1770 October 20 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
22. 1770 December 21 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
23. 1771 December 24 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
24. 1772 November 7 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
25. 1772 November 24 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 4pp.
26. 1773 January 17 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to (Meteyard No 104).
27. 1773 March 7 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 2pp.
28. 1773 March 28 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to. (Meteyard No 108).
29. 1773 March 29 - M Boulton, London - James Watt, Glasgow. 3pp.
4to. Endorsed on 'Dr Roebuck's affairs.' On blank page - Account, John
Roebuck to M Boulton & Co 1772-2. (copy).
30. 1773 March 29 - M Boulton, Lonfon - Jams Watt, Glasgow (Private).
2pp. folio. Endorsed in M Boulton autograph 'Copy of a Letter to Mr Watt at
Glasgow. London 29 March 1773.'
31. 1773 May 20 Kinneil - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
32. 1773 May 31 Edinburgh - M Boulton (? London) 4to. Endorsed
- Dr Roebuck's Missive to Mr Watt on my Acct.
33. 1773 June 12 - M Boulton (.) - James Watt Glasgow. 2pp. to 4to.
Dr Small (.) - James Watt. 4to.
34. 1773 July 4 Glasgow - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
35. 1773 July 25 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Physician, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
36. 1773 August 17 Glasgow - Dr Small.
37. 1773 August 24 Glasgow - [? Dr William Small]. 1p. 4to. (Meteyard
No 121).
38. 1773 December 11 Glasgow - [Dr Small, Birmingham]. 3pp. 4to.
39. 1773 December 24 Glasgow - Dr Wm Small, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
(Meteyard No 128).
40. 1774 (?5) January 25 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed - James Watt January 1774 ? 5.
41. 1774 March 3 Glasgow - Dr Small, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. (Meteyard No
132). Thermometers/heat expansion. Dividing screw.
42. 1774 April 29 Glasgow - (? .) to Dr Small? 2pp. 4to. (Meteyard No
134). Ill health. State of Scotland: high rate of emigration. Inverness Canal
plans finished.
43. 1774 May 6 Glasgow (? .) to Dr Small? 1p. 4to. (Meteyard No 135).
Mother-in-law died. Dr Irvine has discovered how to register temperature of body
44. 1775 January 13 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. Adjusting
of weights; sale for unstamped/stamped weights. London weights. Plate.
45. 1775 January 31 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. London
engines. Silvering and gilding-button metal - better work than Birmingham.
Engine orders.
46. 1775(?) February 26 Bush Lane, London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp.
4to. Endorsed - 'James Watt, London 26 February.' (1775 on death of Dr W
Small?) Letter of consolation. (Meteyard No 143).
47. 1775 March 7 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Business
with Solicitor General.
48. 1775 March 29 London - M Boulton, Soho Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Performance of Soho engine: vacuum gauge. Thoughts on the condenser.
49. 1775 April 22 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews, Bush Lane,
Cannon Street, London. 1p.4to. (incomplete).
50. 1775 May 27 London - Watt to Boulton, 2 1/2pp. 4to. Tired of London
- business there. Order for Roebuck. Soho engine.
51. 1775 June - M Boulton to J Watt. 2pp. 4to. Report on Soho engine.
52. 1775 August (?) - The Tea Vase and Button Assizes. Endorsed - Draft
to Mr Watt. 2pp. folio. M Boulton (...) to (J Watt) Glasgow. 4pp. folio.
Obtaining a horse for Watt. Visitors to Soho. Report on Soho engine. Possible
engine orders for well/coal mine/copper smelting. Mr Papps of Truro - engineers in Cornwall. Calculations. 3pp. 4to.
53. 1775 December 13 - Order from Mr James Watt to Soho Manufactory: 2
pare of Wyatts pattn plated CandS directly after Xmas. 1 Slip.
54. [1775] - Document endorsed 'Case of James Watt, Engineer, Inventor
of the new Improvements upon the Steam Engine'. 3pp. folio. Printed. 1 copy.
55. [1775] - James Watt of Glasgow - To the Honourable the Commons of
Great Britain in Parliament assembled. Copy Petition. 3pp. to 4to. Endorsed 'Petition
J Watt for the extension of the term of his patent'.
56. 1775 - Document endorsed:- An Act for Vesting in James Watt,
Engineer, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, the sole Use and Property
of certain Steam-Engines, commonly called Fire-Engines, of his Invention,
described in the said Act, throughout His Majesty's Dominions, for a limited
Time. [1775]. 7 '. folio. Printed. (Missing from the original since 2/3/88.)
57. 1776 February 24 - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham to James Watt, at Mr
Wilkinson's at Broseley, in Shropshire. 2pp. folio. Inverted cylinder idea.
Work in Smith's shop. Cylinder order for Wilkinson. Forthcoming Lunar Meeting:
'Pray remember that ye celebration of ye 3rd full moon will be on Sunday March
3rd. Darwin & Keir will both be at Soho I then propose to make many motions
to the Members respecting new laws & regulations, such as will tend to
prevent the decline of a society which I hope will be lasting. Pray bring Mr
Wilkinson. I think he will make a good member.'
News from the War in Quebec.
Visit of the Empress of Russia: 'The Empress of Russia is now at my House
and a charming woman she is.'
The letter then concludes with the following: 'John Wood hath determined to
have his great Engine altered as soon as we can, which with ye orders I suppose
you bring home will make a great figure in our order book. Pray make my
respectfull Compliments to Mr Wilkinson hoping he will make Soho his home when
he comes this way.'
58. 1775 April 23 M Boulton, London to James Watt. Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. folio.
59. 1776 July 3 Glasgow - Watt to Boulton, Birmingham. 7pp. 4to. See H
W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 492. Requesting MB to
have partnership deeds drawn up and sent to him and MB to bring them. Training
of engineer carpenter. Terms of contract for Watt's future father-in-law to
60. 1776 July 8 Glasgow - Watt to M Boulton, Birmingham 'private
business'. 3pp. 4to. Concerning contract/business to sort out before leaving
Scotland; Sir Archibald Hope's engine requirements.
61. 1776 July 10 - M Boulton, Soho Birmingham to James Watt, Glasgow.
7pp. 4to. A.L. Ill health. Advice on publicising different types of engine. Watt's
forthcoming marriage: also that of William Matthews. Problems with the Soho
engine. Mr Pearson, the clerk at Soho.
62. 1776 July 15 - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham to James Watt, Glasgow.
Money matters re: Watt's marriage. Act of Parliament re: Patent extension.
Soho Engine. M Boulton required as a witness at trial of Dr Small's patient
and a mad doctor!
63. 1776 July 25 - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham to James Watt, Glasgow.
3pp. folio. Visitors at Soho: Summons to attend Solicitors General against
Gainsboro. Engine orders/price of power.
64. 1776 July 28 Glasgow - J Watt to M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Forthcoming marriage and journey to Liverpool. Mr Pearson. Health of Watt's
65. 1776(?) August 23 Glasgow - J Watt to M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p.
66. 1776 November 3 - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham to J Watt, at Mr
William Matthew's, Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 3pp. 4to.
67. 1776 December 3 - M Boulton, Soho to Mr Watt 'to be conveyed to
him with the utmost expedition'. 3pp. 4to. Endorsed - Mr Boulton to Mr Watt
at London, December 31, 1776.
68. 1776 December 3 London- M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
69. M Boulton, London to J Watt, Engineer, 'Wherever he can be found in
Liverpool'. 2pp. folio.
70. 1777 March 14 Newhall - M Boulton, London to J Watt, Birmingham.
3pp. 4to.
71. 1777 April 20 - M Boulton, London to J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
72. 1777 May 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
73. 1777 May 3 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. folio. A.L.
74. 1777 August 4 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
75. 1777 August 9 Truro - M Boulton at Mr William Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
76 1777 August 14 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
77. 1777 August 25 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
78. 1777 September 13, Truro - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed - September 13th 1777 Mr Watt from Cornwall.
79. 1777 September 10 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
1777 September 20 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
80. 1777 November 4 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p.4to.
81. 1777 November 25 Harpers Hill - Mr Walker, Newhall. 1p.4to.
82. 1778 January 18 . - M Boulton, London. 1p. 4to. Endorsed - Joseph
Harrison (at Chelsea) hath something particular to communicate to you.
83. 1778 January 31 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
84. 1778 February 2 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
85. 1778 May 26 Exeter - M Boulton, Care of Wm Matthews, Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
87. 1778 June 19 Redruth - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
88. 1778 June 25, July 1, Redruth - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
89. 1778 June 27 Redruth - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. See H W
Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 497.
90. 1778 July 3 Redruth - M Boulton, Care of Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
91. 1778 July 4 Redruth - M Boulton, Care of Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to. Draft reply in M Boulton's hand written on
blank page.
92. 1778 July 6 Redruth - M Boulton, Care of Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to. Draft reply in M Boulton's hand on 3rd page of
93. 1778 July 8 Redruth - M Boulton, Care of Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
94. 1778 July 10-11 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
95. 1778 July 16 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
96. 1778 July 20 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Annexed to Mr Wilkinson's account against Richmond. 1p.4to.
97. 1778 July 22 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
98. 1778 August 2 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
99. 1778 August 3 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. See
H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 498.
100. 1778 August 6 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
101. 1778 August 8 Redruth - Messrs Boulton and Fothergill, Merchants,
Birmingham. 1p.4to.
102. 1778 August 13 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio
103. 1778 August 15 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. to 4to
A.L. See H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt. P 499.
104. 1778 August 15. Boulton & Fothergill, Birmingham - J Watt,
[Redruth]. Letter Book 1777-1779 folio 665.
'Materials for Torilang Engine supplied by John Wilkinson. Mr Boulton is
at Coventry and will visit Bedworth Joseph Harrisson and Mr Playfair have not
yet returned. Mr Henderson is on his way to Newcastle: he says you promised
to send him some new directions about putting together parts of Mr Chapman's
Engine. The Hallamanor's materials should now be in Bristol, and Mr James will
advise you of their being shi'.ed, and when Mr Boulton returns he will furnish
you with the Invoice.'
105. 1778 August 22 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
See H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 503.
106. 1778 August 27 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
107. 1778 August 29 Redruth M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio. See
H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 505.
108. 1778 September 6 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 7pp. 4to.
109. 1778 September 9 Redruth - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
110. 1778 September 12 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
See H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p 507.
111. 1778 September 16 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
112. 1778 September 19 Truro - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p.4to.
113. 1778 September 24 Chacewater - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p.4to.
114. 1778 October 2 Redruth - J Turner, [.]ham, Wrexham,
N Wales. 1p. folio.
115. 1178 October 2 Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
116. 1778 October 2 Redruth - M Boulton at Messrs Matthews & Barton, Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
117. 1778 December 17 Redruth - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
118. 1778 December (?24) Redruth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
folio. Details of Engine Construction in Cornwall etc. (Catalogue No 229).
119. 1778 [Birmingham] - Headed 'List of goods burnt at Soho in ye
Engine house independent of the Engine' - 1778. 4pp. 4to.
120. 1778 (?) - Commencing 'I have my own fears on ye matter as it
certainly will not do it unless ye Engine can go 10 strokes ye minute . which
is an incredible velocity for so long a stroke, so large an Engine and so great
a quantity of dead matter to put in motion, however, I have made a Calculation
etc ...' 1p.folio. Incomplete.
121. 1779 January 15 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
122. 1779 January 16 [Birmingham] - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
123. 1779 January 18 Birmingham, at Mr Matthews's, Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
124. 1779 January 20 Birmingham - M Boulton, Green Lettuce Lane, London.
2pp. 4to.
125. 1779 January 22 Birmingham - M Boulton . 2pp. folio.
126. 1779 January 23 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp. 4to.
127. 1779 January 24 - Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
128. 1779 January 24 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, London. 1p. folio.
129. 1779 January 26 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp. 4to.
130. 1779 January 27 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
131. 1779 January 28 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
132. 1779 January 29 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp. 4to.
133. 1779 February . - [M Boulton, London]. 2pp. 4to.
134. 1779 May 7 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, London.
3pp. 4to.
135. 1779 May 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
136. 1779 May 11 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, London.
3pp. 4to.
137. 1779 May 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, London.
1p. 4to.
138. 1779 May 13 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
139. 1779 June 26 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
140. 1779 June 27 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
141. 1779 June 28 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
142. 1779 June 30, Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
143. 1779 June 31 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
144. 1779 July 2 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to. Headed 'Experiments on Chelsea engine by J W
Decr 4th 1775'
145. 1779 July 5 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to. 'To be sent to him immediately'.
146. 1779 July 7 [Birmingham] - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to. 'Wants an immediate answer'.
147. 1779 July 9 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
148. 1779 July 15 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
149. 1779 August 13 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
150. 1779 August 13 Birmingham - M Boulton at The Post Office,
Southampton. 1p. 4to.
151. 1779 August 17 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthew's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to. 'To be delivered immediately. Please to
find Mr Boulton soon as possible as we presume Mr Watt waits a reply'.
152. 1779 September 30 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
3pp. 4to.
153, 1779 October 4 Chacewater - James Keir, Care of Mr Wm Matthews,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
154. 1779 October 6 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
155. 1779 October 11 - A Watt, (Mrs) Clover Glasgow - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. (copy) Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt,
Gregory: Watt, Mrs.'
156. 1779 October 11 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
157. 1779 October 15 [Chacewater] - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 2pp.
folio. Headed: Wheal Chance Engines, Calculated October 15th from the data
furnished by the Mine
158. 1779 October 16 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
159. 1779 October 18 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
160. 1779 October 21 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
161. 1779 October 28 Chacewater - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
162. 1779 October 30 Chacewater - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
163. [1779-80] - Note in James Watt's autograph to (?) Messrs Withers
& Comp. 1 slip.
164. 1780 April 5 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London.
165. Endorsed 'Mr Watt about mending Boylers'. 1 slip.
166. 1780 April 8 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
167. 1780 April 9 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
168. 1780 April 11 [Birmingham] - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'With respect to Exper(I)m(en)ts on
Yorkbuilding Water Works'.
169. 1780 April 13 Birmingham - [M Boulton]. 4pp. 4to.
170. 1780 April 18 - L B copy. M B to J W. L B 1780 to 1787.
171. 1780 April 20 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 3pp. 4to.
172. 1780 April 21 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 2pp. 4to.
173. 1780 April 22 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 1p. 4to.
174. 1780 April 24 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 1p. 4to.
175. 1780 April 29 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to. and attached slip.
176. 1780 May 1 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to.
177. 1780 May 2 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House, Strand,
London. 2pp. 4to.
178. 1780 May 3 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House, Strand,
London. 2pp. 4to.
179. 1780 May 4 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House, Strand,
London. 2pp. 4to.
180. 1780 May 8 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House, Strand,
London. 3pp. 4to.
181. 1780 May 9 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House, Strand,
London. 2pp. 4to.
182. 1780 May 10 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 2pp. 4to.
183. 1780 May 18 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to.
184. 1780 May 19 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 1p. 4to.
185. 1780 May 21 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to.
186. 1780 June 1 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to.
187. 1780 June 2 Birmingham - M Boulton No 149 near Somerset House,
Strand, London. 3pp. 4to.
188. 1780 June 9 London - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
189. 1780 June 12 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
190. 1780 June 13 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
191. 1780 July 9 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
192. 1780 June 11 Birmingham - M Boulton No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
193. 'Eulogy of Watt' by H W Dickinson. 8vo London, 1936.
James Watt, 1780-1781, Box 2: Items 1-122
1. 1780 August 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 6pp. 4to.
2. 1780 September 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp.
3. 1780 September 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 1p. 4to.
4. 1780 September 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
5. 1780 September 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
6. 1780 September 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
7. 1780 September 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 4pp.
8. 1780 September 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
9. 1780 September 23 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
10. 1780 September 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 5pp. 4to.
11. 1780 September 12 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 4pp.
12. 1780 October 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 5pp. 4to.
Received on ye 9th.
13. 1780 October 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 2pp. folio.
Received on y 11th.
14. 1780 October 7 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
Received on ye 11th.
15. 1780 October 9 Birmingham - Lieut L Henderson, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp.
folio. 'For Mr Boulton'.
16. 1780 October 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
17. 1780 October 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. folio.
18. 1780 October 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. By express.
3pp. folio.
19. 1780 October 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 4pp. folio.
20. 1780 October 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. folio.
21. 1780 October 30 - Document headed - Answers by Boulton and Watt to
Mr Olde's queries October 30th 1780. Addressed to - Mr Collins Newhall
[Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to.
22. 1780 October 31 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 5pp.
23. 1780 November 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
24. 1780 November 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 2pp. 4to.
25. 1780 November 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
26. 1780 November 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 4pp. 4to.
27. 1780 November 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 1p. 4to.
28. 1780 November 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 2pp.
29. 1780 November 21 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 4pp.
30. 1781 January 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
31. 1781 January 24 Harpers Hill, Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
32. 1781 March 24 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
33. 1781 March 29 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
34. 1781 March 31 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's. Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
35. 1781 April 1 Birmingham - [M Boulton]. 1p. 4to.
36. 1781 April 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
37. 1781 April 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
38. 1781 April 7 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
39. 1781 April 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
40. 1781 April 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
41. 1781 April 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
42. 1781 April 16 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, [London]. 1p. 4to.
43. 1781 April 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
44. 1781 April 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
45. 1781 April 22 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
46. 1781 April 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
47. 1781 April 26 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
49. 1781 June 19 Truro - M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
50. 1781 June 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
51. 1781 June 21 Cosgarne - M Boulton, [Soho, Birmingham] private. 3pp.
folio. Written on last page - under same date, Letter of Agreement between
Boulton & Watt and James Watt.
51a M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - James Watt. Press Copy. Letter Book
MS 1781-1783 p50. 2pp. 4to. [?incomplete].
52. 1781 June 24 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
53. 1781 June 25 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
54. 1781 June 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
55. 1781 June 28 A Watt (Mrs) Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
8pp. 4to. (Copy) Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt, Mrs.')
56. 1781 June 28 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - James Watt. Letter book
MB 1781-1783. 3pp. folio. Typed copy.
57. 1781 June 10 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
58. 1781 July 5 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
59. 1781 July 7 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
60. 1781 July 9 Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall - Samuel Ewer Jr., No 50
Cheapside, [London]. 2pp. 4to. Press copy.
61. 1781 July 9 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
62. 1781 July 12 Mr Watt & Mr Wilson, Chasewater - M Boulton, Soho
near Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. [The first part of this letter is in the autograph of
Mr Thomas Wilson, the remainder is written and signed by Mr James Watt.]
63. 1891 July 14 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
64. 1781 July 16 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
65. 1781 July 19 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
66. 1781 July 21 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
67. 1781 July 23 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
68. 1781 July 26 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
69. 1781 July 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
70. 1781 July 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
Press copy.
71. 1781 July 30 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
72. 1781 August 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
73. 1781 August 6 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
74. 1781 August 9 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
75. 1781 August 11 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
76. 1781 August 13 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
77. 1781 August 16 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
78. 1781 August 18 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
79. 1781 August 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
80. 1781 August 23 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
81. 1781 August 30 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
82. 1781 September 1 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
83. 1781 September 3 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
84. 1781 September 6 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - James Watt. 3pp.
folio. Typed copy. Letter-book MS 1781-1783.
85. 1781 September 8 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
86. 1781 September 10 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
87. 1781 September 10 Cosgarne Captain Martin Stephens. 2pp. 4to. A L
88. 1781 September 13 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'To remain at Soho until Mr Boulton returns'.
89. 1781 September 15 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
90. 1781 September 16 Cosgarne - M Boulton. 4pp. 4to.
91. 1781 September 17 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1pp. 4to.
92. 1781 September 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 6pp. 4to.
93. 1781 September 22 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
94. 1781 September 27 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
95. 1781 October 1 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
96. 1781 October 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
97. 1781 October 8 Cosgarne - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
98. 1781 October 11 Cosgarne - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
99. 1781 October 13 Cosgarne - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
100. 1781 October 15 Cosgarne - M Boulton Care of Mr Wm Matthews, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
101. 1781 October 18 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
102. 1781 October 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
103. 1781 October 25 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
104. 1781 October 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
105. 1781 October 30 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp.
106. 1781 November 1 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
107. 1781 November 3 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
108. 1781 November 5 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
109. 1781 November 8 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
110, 1781 November 10 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
111. 1781 November 12 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
112. 1781 November 13 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
115. 1781 November 22 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
116. 1781 December 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
117. 1781 December 22 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
118. 1781 December 27 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
119. 1781 December 31 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
1781 - 'Packet, the wrapper endorsed - Part of Rotative Specification on
Copying Paper.'
120. (1) 'I send you enclosed three yards of the Specification, and
have about one yard more to send' (Watt to Boulton, 1 November 1781).
121. (2) 'I wrote you on Saturday with drawings of the 5th method of
rotative, and enclosed I send the complete specification of that method'. (Watt
to Boulton, 7 January 1782.)
122. (3) A contemporary copy of (1). 12pp. folio.
From Box W1 (260). Boxes of Incoming Letters. Items 157-173.
James Watt and Co (of Soho, Birmingham): Correspondence and other material,
1780-1804. Includes memo of subscribers to copying machines (1780), synopsis of
sales and profit, price lists of copying machines, and Mr Keir's recipe for
the preparation of paper.
James Watt, 1782-1784, Box 3: Items 1-198
1. 1782 January 3 Cosgarne - Lieut L Henderson, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
2. 1782 January 3 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
3. 1782 January 5 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
4. 1782 January 7 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
5. 1782 January 10 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
6. 1782 January 15 Cosgarne - James Keir, Winson Green, Birmingham.
4pp. 4to. See H W Dickinson - Some unpublished letters of James Watt p 510.
7. 1782 January16 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
8. 1782 January 19 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
9. 1782 January 21 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
10. 1782 January 23 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
11. 1782 January 26 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
12. 1782 January 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
13. 1782 January 31 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
14. 1782 February 2 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
15. 1782 February 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
16. 1782 February 7 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr William Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
17. 1782 February 9 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr William Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
18. 1782 February 11 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr William Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
19. 1782 February 13 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
20. 1782 February 14 Cosgarne - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
21. 1782 February 16 Cosganre - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
22. 1782 February 20 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 4pp. folio.
23. 1782 February 23 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
24. 1782 February 26 John Buchanan [Soho, Birmingham] to M Boulton at Mr
Moore's, Secretary to the Society of Arts, etc . Adelphi, London. 3pp.
folio. Annexing copy of J Watt, Cosgarne (Fb 20, 1782 to Messrs Jas Pearson
& Jo Buchanan). Enclosing - Lieutenant Henderson - . (Pmissing) and J
Watt (?) to Messrs Pearson & Buchanan (missing).
25. 1782 February 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
26. 1782 March 2 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
27. 1782 February 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
28. 1782 March 9 Cosgarne - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
29. 1782 March 14 Truro - [M Boulton]. 1p. folio.
30. 1782 March 16 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
31. 1782 March 18 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
32. 1782 March 21 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
33. 1782 March 23 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
34. 1782 March 28 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 5pp. folio.
35. 1782 March30 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
36. 1782 April 1 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
37. 1782 April 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
38. 1782 April 5 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 6pp. folio.
39. 1782 April 10 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. [H
W Dickinson - some unpublished letters p 511]
40. 1782 April 15 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
41. 1782 April 18 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
42. 1782 April 4 Cosgarne - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
43. 1782 August 20 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
44. 1782 September 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro,
Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
45. 1782 September 24 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro,
Cornwall. 2pp. 4to.
46. 1782 September 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro,
Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
47. 1782 September 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro,
Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
48. 1782 October 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. folio.
49. 1782 October 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. folio.
50. 1782 October 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
1p. 4to.
51. 1782 October 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, near Truro,
Cornwall. 1p. folio.
52. 1782 October 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, near Truro,
Cornwall. 3pp. folio.
53. 1782 October 5 Cosgarne, Matthew Boulton - James Watt, Harpers
Hill, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
54. 1782 October 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
55. 1782 October 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. folio.
56. 1782 October 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. folio.
57. 1782 October 18 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
1p. 4to. Written on blank sheet - Mrs Watt, Harpers Hill [Birmingham] - M
Boulton 1p.4to. A L.
58. 1782 October 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
1p. 4to.
59. 1782 October 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. folio.
60. 1782 October 29 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
61. 1782 November 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
62. 1782 November 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
63. 1782 November 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
64. 1782 November 16 Bristol - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
65. 1782 November 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Cosgarne, Truro]. 4pp.
66. 1782 November 22 James Watt - M B. 4pp. folio.
67. 1782 November 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
68. 1782 November 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
69. 1782 November 30 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
70. 1782 December 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
71. 1782 December 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
72. 1782 December 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 6pp. 4to.
73. 1782 December 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
74. 1782 December 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
[H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p512]
75. 1783 February 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
76. 1783 February 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
77. 1783 February 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
78. 1783 February 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Merchant, London. 2pp. 4to. Enclosing J Buchanan, Soho- Mr Watt, Harpers Hill,
Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
79. 1783 - 18 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. folio.
80. 1783 February 20 - Birmingham - M Boulton [at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London]. 2pp. 4to.
81. 1783 February 24 - Birmingham - M Boulton [at Mr Wm Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London]. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed. 'Z Walker hath just read
yr fav of 23 Currt. Walker cannot answer positively, presume Mr Pearson must be
consulted on the subject, and most probably it will be only yourself that can
unriddle some part of the account.'
82. 1783 April 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
83. 1783 April 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
84. 1783 April 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
85. 1783 May 17 Birmingham - Robert Cameron at the Angel Inn, St
Mattins Le Grand, London. 2pp. 4to.
86. 1783 May 17 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, [at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London]. 1p. 4to.
87. M Boulton [London] - J Watt [Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to. A L.
88. 1783 May 18 Birmingham - M Boulton [at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London]. 3pp. 4to.
89. 1783 May 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, [at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London]. 3pp. 4to.
90. 1783 May 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
91. 1783 May 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, [at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London]. 3pp. 4to.
92. 1783 May 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, [at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London]. 2pp. 4to.
93. 1783 May 29 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
94. 1783 September 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Care of David Melville
Esq, Dublin. 3pp. 4to.
95. 1783 September 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, at David Melville's Esq,
Dublin. 2pp. 4to.
96. 1783 September 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, at David Melville Esq,
Dublin. 2pp. 4to.
97. 1783 October 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, Care of Doctor Joseph
Black, Edinburgh. 3pp. 4to.
98. 1783 October 18 Birmingham - M Boulton, Carron Inn, Falkirk 2pp.
99. 1783 October 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Carron Inn, Falkirk 3pp.
100. 1783 October 22 Birmingham - M Boulton, Carron Inn, Falkirk 2pp.
101. 1783 October 29 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
102. 1783 November 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Thos Fentons Esq,
Rothwell Haigh near Leeds. 1p. 4to.
103. 1783 November 5 Birmingham - M Boulton Care of Messrs Landell
& Chambers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1p. 4to
104. 1783 November 6 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
105. 1784 May 5 Mrs A Watt, Birmingham - M Boulton, c/o Mr Wm Matthews,
Merchant, Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to. (Copy) Original placed in Box
labelled 'Watt Gregory: Watt, Mrs.'
106. 1784 May 11 Mrs A Watt, Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp. 4to.
(Copy) Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt, Mrs.' Written
by James Watt on a blank sheet 'I have a letter to day, wanting an Engine
for Nantes to drive a number of 8 feet millstones they want a 50 inch cylinder
to raise water for a wheel.'
109. 1784 June 22 Birmingham - M Boulton, Care of Mr Thos Wilson,
at Chacewater near Truro. 3pp. 4to.
110. 1784 June 24 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wilson's Chacewater,
Truro. 2pp. 4to.
111. 1784 June 26 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Thos Wilson's
Chacewater, Truro. 2pp. folio.
112. 1784 June - Birmingham - M Boulton, Mr Wilson's Chacewater,
Truro. 2pp. 4to. (Copy) Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt,
113. 1874 June 30 M Boulton, Chacewater - J Watt [Birmingham]. 3pp.
4to. Press copy.
114. 1784 June 31 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wilson's Chacewater,
Truro. 3pp. 4to.
115. 1784 July 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wilson's Chacewater,
Truro. 3pp. 4to.
116. 1784 July 5 M Boulton, Cosgarne - Mrs A Watt, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to. Press copy. (Copy) Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt,
117. 1784 July 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p. 4to.
118. 1784 July 8 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 5pp. 4to.
Press copy. A L.
119. 1784 July 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
120. [1784 July] M Boulton, [Cosgarne, Truro] - [J Watt, Birmingham].
2pp. 4to. Press copy. (Pt 2 - see 1784 July 8).
121. 1784 July 13 Birmingham - M Boulton [Cosgarne, Truro]. 3pp. 4to.
122. 1784 July 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 4pp. 4to.
123. 1784 July 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 4pp. 4to.
124. 1784 July 15 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Press copy.
125. 1784 July 17 M Boulton, Truro - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Press copy.
126. 1784 July 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. folio.
Endorsed: 'With a Copy of Dicks letter & Report of Torybourn Engine'.
Annexed - copy, Wm Dick, Edinburgh 10 July 1784 & Report signed John
Rennie, George Macleran, George Turnbull.
127. 1784 July 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
128. 17184 July 21 Birmingham - M Boulton [Cosgarne, Truro]. 1p. folio.
129. 1784 July 22 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 4pp. 4to.
130. 1784 July 22, July 24 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham.
3pp. folio. Press copy.
131. 1784 July 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
132. 1784 July 24 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
133. 1784 July 26 M Boulton [Cosgarne] - J Watt, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Press copy. A L.
134. 1784 July 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, Truro. 3pp. 4to. (Copy)
Original placed in Box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt, Mrs.'
135. 1784 July 28, July 29 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham.
6pp. 4to. Press copy.
136. 1784 July 31 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
137. 1784 July 31 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
138. 1784 August 2 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Press copy. Annexing M Boulton, Cosgarne - Mrs Watt. (Copy placed in Box
labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt, Mrs.'
139. 1784 August 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. folio.
140. 1784 August 5 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
141. 1784 August 6 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
142. 1784 August 8 M Boulton - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. Press
copy. First 2pp. illegible.
143. 1786 August 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p.4to.
144. 1786 August 12 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Press copy.
145. 1784 August 14 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p. folio.
146. 1784 August 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
147. 1784 August 19 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
148. 1784 August 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
149. 1784 August 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
150. 1784 August 27, 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 9pp.
folio. Annexed is copy of Article of Specification on the Wheel Carriage.
Enclosed: Drawing endorsed 'Steam Wheel Carriage Watt Aug 27/1784.' In
wrapper endorsed 'Mr Watt on Wheel Carriage Augt 28th, 31st, Sept 22 1784' [missing].
151. 1784 August 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p. folio.
152. 1784 September 2 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp.
153. 1784 September 7 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp.
154. 1784 September 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 4pp.
folio. Endorsed 'recvd 10th explanation of drawings for new Engines double.'
155. 1784 September 13 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 2pp.
folio. Press copy.
156. 1784 September 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p.
157. 1784 September 19 Endorsed 'Cosgarne 19 Sep 1784 To Mr Watt.'
3pp. folio. Press copy. Beginning 'the principle of these inventions';
handwriting of and signed by M Boulton.
158. 1784 September 20 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp.
folio. Press copy.
159. 1784 September M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp.
folio. Press copy.
160. 1784 September 23 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 2pp.
folio. Press copy.
161. 1784 September 29 London - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
162. 1784 October 4 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt. 3pp. 4to. Press copy.
A L.
163. 1784 October 5 London - M B, Cosgarne, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
164. 1784 October 8 London - M Boulton, Cosgarne. 1p. 4to.
165. 1784 October 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 1p. 4to.
166. 1784 October 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
167. 1784 October 21 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp.
4to. Press copy.
168. 1784 October 28 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to. Press copy.
169. 1784 October 30 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to. Press copy.
170. 1784 November 4 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp.
4to. Press copy.
171. 1784 October 30 M Boulton, Cosgarne - J Watt, Birmingham. 4pp.
4to. Press copy.
172. Press cutting September 3rd 1962, Birmingham Post regarding Watt's
James Watt, 1785-1791, Box 4: Items 1-198
1. 1785 March 12 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
2. 1785 March 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
3. 1785 March 16 - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
4. 1785 March 19 - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street.
3pp. 4to.
5. 1785 March 21 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
6. 1785 March 25 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
7. 1785 March 31 Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
8. 1785 April 1 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
9. 1785 April 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
10. 1785 April 3 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
11. 1785 April 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Wm Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
12. 1785 April 17 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
13. 1785 April 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
14. 1785 June 5 Birmingham - M Boulton. 3pp. 4to.
15. 1785 June 6 Birmingham - M Boulton at Mr Wm Matthews's Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
16. 1785 June 8 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
17. 1785 June 10 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
18. 1785 July 21 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to. [incomplete]
19. 1785 July 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
20. 1785 July 30 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
21. 1785 August 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
22. 1785 August 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
23. 1785 August 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
24. 1785 August 18 [J Watt(?)] Birmingham - Professor Robinson. 2pp.
4to. (incomplete) Press copy. A L
25. 1785 August 18 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
26. 1785 August 23 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
27. 1785 August 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
28. 1785 September 6 Birmingham - M Boulton [Chasewater, Truro]. 3pp.
29. 1785 September 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
30. 1785 September 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
31. 1785 September 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
4to. [On the blank sheet are notes in the handwriting of M Boulton.]
32. 1785 September 20 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
33. 1785 September 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
34. 1785 October 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp. 4to.
35. 1785 October 6 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
36. 1785 October 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
37. 1785 October 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Chasewater, Truro]. 2pp.
4to. Endorsed 'recvd on Monday ye 31st Octr.'
38. 1785 November 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
39. 1785 November 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
40. 1785 November 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
Cannon Street, London. 1p. 4to. On the blank sheet is written: (in M Boulton's
'Albion Mill October 17 - 1785
The proprietors of that undertaking take this method of informing ye publick in
General & their frds in particlr, that very serious inconveniences having
arisen from admitting Strangers into their works & ye number of applications
for that purpose increasing daily to avoid the disagreeable task of refusing
their particular frds they find it absolutely necessary to order their porter to
refuse admittance to all persons indiscriminately, and hope the necessity of the
case will plead their excuse with those who wish well to them and the
41. 1785 November 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
42. 1785 November 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
43. 1785 November 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 2pp.
44. 1785 November 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
45. 1786 January 1 [Birmingham] - Mr Walker, Newhall. 1 slip.
46. 1786 February 24 Birmingham - M Boulton .. 1p. 4to.
47. 1786 March 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane
48. 1786 March 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
49. 1786 March 3 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 3pp. 4to. Press copy.
50. 1786 March 7 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
51. 1786 March 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Green Lettuce Lane, London].
4pp. 4to.
52. 1786 March 10 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Green Lettuce Lane, London].
3pp. 4to.
53. 1786 March 14 Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 1p. 4to.
54. 1786 March 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. folio.
55. 1786 March 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. folio.
56. 1786 March 20 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to. [H W Dickinson - Some unpublished letters of James Watt
57. 1786 March 22 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to. [H W Dickinson - Some unpublished letters of James Watt p517]
58. 1786 March 28 Birmingham - M Boulton . 2pp. 4to.
59. 1786 March 28 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
60. 1786 March 31 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
61. 1786 April 4 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
62. 1786 April 6 Birmingham - M Boulton, . 3pp. 4to.
63. 1786 April 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
64. 1786 April 17 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to. [H W Dickinson - Some unpublished letters of James Watt
65. 1786 April 22 (.) - M Boulton (.). 3pp. 4to.
66. 1786 April 27 (.) - M Boulton (.). 3pp. 4to.
67. 1786 April 30 Birmingham - M Boulton (.). 2pp. 4to.
68. 1786 May 2 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
69. 1786 June 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
70. 1786 June 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
71. 1786 June 3 Birmingham - M Boulton (.). 2pp. 4to.
72. 1786 June 7 Birmingham - M Boulton (.). 2pp. 4to.
73. 1786 June 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
74. 1786 June 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
75. 1786 September 2 London - M Boulton, c/o Mr Thos Wilson,
Chasewater, Truro. 1p. folio.
76. 1786 September 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Truro, Cornwall. 2pp.
77. 1786 September 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p.
78. 1786 September 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p.
79. 1786 September 23 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 2pp.
80. 1786 September 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro.
81. 1786 September 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 3pp.
82. 1786 October 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
83. 1786 October 7 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 3pp. 4to.
84. 1787 March 9 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. [This
letter is dated March 9 1785 and endorsed 'March 9th -87'. From the
contents the date of endorsement is probably correct.]
85. 1787 June 10 Birmingham - [M Boulton]. 1p. 4to.
86. 1787 June 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
87. 1787 June 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
88. 1787 June 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
89. 1787 June 18 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
90. 1787 June 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
91. 1787 June 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
92. 1787 June 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
93. 1787 September 1 London - M Boulton, Bush Tavern, Bristol. 2pp.
94. 1787 September 10 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
95. 1787 September 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chasewater, Truro. 1p.
96. 1787 September 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Chasewater, Truro]. 1p.
97. 1787 September 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, [Chasewater, Truro]. 1p.
98. 1787 October 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
99. 1787 October 8 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 1p. 4to.
100. 1787 October 9 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 3pp.
101. 1787 October 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 1p.
102. 1787 October 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 2pp.
103. 1787 October 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 3pp.
4to. Endorsed 'Enclosed one of Wilkinson' [Missing]
104. 1787 October 12 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 2pp.
105. 1787 October 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 2pp.
106. 1787 October 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro. 2pp.
107. 1787 December 11 Glasgow - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
108. 1787 December 30 Govan near Glasgow - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
109. 1788 January 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
110. 1788 January 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
111. 1788 January 30 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
112. 1788 February 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
113. 1788 February 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
114. 1788 February 7 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
115. 1788 February 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
116. 1788 February 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
117. 1788 February 21 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
118. 1788 February 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
119. 1788 February 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
120. 1788 March 1 (Mrs A Watt) Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp.
121. 1788 May 28 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
122. Document endorsed 'Remarks on Ketley Engine.' 5pp. 4to.
123. Document endorsed 'Drawing for ye perpendicular Steam Pipe at
Chelsea.' 2pp. 4to.
124. Document headed 'Com Castings charged by Mr Wilkinson
at the price of bored ones.' 1p. 4to.
125. 1788 April 13 - - - Messrs Boulton & Watt, Birmingham. 1p.4to.
Endorsed 'Calculation for Middleton Fire Engines.'
126. 1788 May 22 Harpers Hill, Birmingham . 1p.4to. Endorsed 'Dimensions
of Boiler Albion Mill, Chlsey & Shadwell.'
127. 1788 May 30 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
128. 1788 June 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
129. 1788 June 1 .- M Boulton, No 6 Green lettuce Lane, London. 2pp.
130. 1788 June 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
131. 1788 June 3 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
132. 1788 June 4 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
133. 1788 June 4 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
134. 1788 June 9 - - - to M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
135. 1788 August 9 Buxton - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
136. 1788 August 16 Buxton - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
137. 1788 August 17 Buxton - M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
138. 1789 January 20 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
139. 1789 January 22 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
140. 1789 January 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
141. 1789 January 26 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
142. 1789 January 26 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. 4to. [Written on the
blank sheet is a draft reply in M Boulton's autograph]. 1p. 4to.
143. 1789 January 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
144. 1789 March 24 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
145. 1789 March 27 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
146. 1789 March 30 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
147. 1789 April 2 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
148. 1789 April 6 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
149. 1789 May 1 James Watt & Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - Mr
Wyatt. 1p. 4to. Copy. [In the autograph of James Watt.]
150. 1789 June 13 Birmingham - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Mr Watt on Poli's Engine & Macolm/Acct. June 13 - 89.'
151. 1789 June 19 Birmingham - M Boulton. 1p. folio. [Written on the
blank sheet of an Indenture dated...1788, endorsed 'Rough draught of an
Agreement with the Duke of Devonshire for Ecton Engine.'] 2pp. folio. Printed.
152. 1789 June 24 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
153. 1789 June 29 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
154. 1789 June 30 - - - to [M Boulton, London]. 1p. 4to.
155. 1789 July 2 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
156. 1789 July 5 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
157. 1789 July 8 - - -to M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Mr Watt on the prices of Steam Engines.
158. 1789 August 10 Cheltenham - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
159. 1789 August 16 Cheltenham - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
160. 1789 August 18 Cheltenham - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
161. 1789 September 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, C/o Messrs. Thos. &
Wm. Barrow & Co., Manchester. 3pp. 4to.
162. 1789 September 14 Birmingam, - M Boulton. 3pp. 4to.
163. 1789 August 27 Birmingham - M Boulton. 3pp. 4to. Endorsed 'J
Watt acct. of Mensa & says A M is doing well and sold £4000 of Flower last
164. 1789 October 3 London - [m Boulton]. 1p. 4to.
165. 1789 October 5 [London] - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio. 'Endorsed 'J Watt 5 October '89 London.'
166. 1789 November 30 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
167. 1789 November 29 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
168. 1789 December 3 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to.
169. 1790 January 11 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, Green Lettuce Lane. 2pp.
170. 1790 January 26 - - - to M Boulton. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Coal
Drawing Engine January 12 1790 for Townsend.'
171. 1780 March 27 Mrs A Watt, Harpers Hill, Birmingham - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham.
172. 1780 March 29 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
173. 1790 March 31 London - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
174. 1790 April 2 London - M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to.
175. 1790 May 26 London - M Boulton, (In absence to Mr Walker)
Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
176. 1790 June 27 Birmingham - M Boulton, York Hotel, Bridge Street,
Blackfriars, London. 2pp. 4to.
177. 1790 July 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, York Hotel, Bridge Street,
Blackfriars, London. 2pp. 4to.
178. 1790 July 7 [Birmingham] M Boulton, York Hotel, Bridge Street,
Blackfriars, London. 3pp. 4to.
179. 1790 July 9 [Birmingham] - M Boulton. [London.] 3pp. 4to.
180. 1790 July 11 Birmingham - M Boulton, York Hotel, Bridge Street,
Blackfriars, London. 2pp. 4to.
181. 1790 July 18 Birmingham - M Boulton, York Hotel, Bridge Street,
Blackfriars, London. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Mr Watt on Engines for West Indies.'
182. 1790 July 23 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
183. 1790 July 25 Birmingham - M Boulton, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p.4to
184. 1790 September 21 Harpers Hill - Z Walker. 1 Slip.
185. 1790 December 29 Heathfield - No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
7pp. 4to.
186. 1791 March 23 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
187. 1791 March 24 London - M Boulton, Soho. 3pp. 4to.
188. 1791 March 26 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to
188a. [1791] March 26 M Boulton, Soho - James Watt. 6pp. 4to. Press
copy A L.
189. 1791 March 29 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
190. 1791 March 23 M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham] - James Watt. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy. A L. (incomplete)
191. 1791 March 31 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
192. 1791 April 1 London - M Boulton, [Soho, Birmingham]. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'The King's pardon has been advertised in the Gazette. Albn. Ml.'
193. 1791 April 5 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'J Watt frm. London on Albn. Ml.'
194. 1791 June 8 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 1p. 4to.
195. 1791 June 10 Birmingham - M Boulton. 3pp. 4to.
196. 1791 December - - - to M B Boulton. 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'December
1791 Monnerons supposed failure.'
197. 1791 November 5 Birmingham - Mr Wilson [Letter copy book
198. 1791 November 12 Document endorsed 'to use the Engine Pomatum.' 1p. 4to.
James Watt, 1792-1821, Box 5: Items 1-115
1. 1792 October 8 Birmingham - [M Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
2. 1792 October 9 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
3. 1792 October 11 Heathfield - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
4. 1792 October 15 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 3pp. 4to.
5. 1791 October 15 Heathfield - M Boulton [London]. 1p. 4to.
6. 1792 October 16, Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
7. 1792 October 17 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
8. 1792 October 19 [Birmingham] - - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to.
9. 1792 - - 'Tuesday evening' - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
10. [1792- -] 'Friday even' - M Boulton. 1p. 4to. 'Thos. Wilson's
pamphlet on Hornblower's engine.']
11. 1793 April 11 [Birmingham] - M Boulton, No 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London, re-addressed - Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
12. 1793 April 17 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, Green Lettuce Lane,
London, re-addressed - Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
13. 1793 June 5 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
14. 1793 July 3 Soho, Birmingham - m Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
15. 1794 January 27 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - James Watt, [London].
2pp. 4to. Press copy [& transcript].
16. 1794 January 27 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham 1p. 4to.
17. 1794 January 29 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham 1p. folio.
18. 1794 January 31 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
19. 1794 February 1 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
20. 1793 April 12 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
[among 1794 letters].
21. 1794 April 17 London - [M Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
22. [1794] March 23 'Sunday morning' - M Boulton. 1p. 4to.
23. 1794 May 6 [Soho, Birmingham] - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 3pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Advice & Valuation of Land.'
24. 1794 May 8 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 7 Green Lettuce Lane,
London. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'On Madley Wood Furnace etc.'
25. 1794 May 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
3pp. 4to.
26. 1794 May 14 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
1p. 4to.
27. 1794 May 15 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
2pp. 4to.
28. 1794 May 16 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
1p. 4to.
29. 1794 May 19 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
2pp. 4to.
30. 1794 May 23 Birmingham - M Boulton, 6 Green Lettuce Lane, London.
2pp. 4to.
31. [1794 June 30 Birmingham - Doctor E[rasmus] Darwin. 3pp. 4to.]
[H Sotheran's Book Catalogue. 1929].
32. [1795 January 22 Birmingham - Doctor E[rasmus] Darwin.
3pp. 4to.] [H Sotheran's Book Catalogue. 1929].
33. 1795 January 22 Birmingham - Thos. Wilson. 2pp. 4to. Press copy
[& transcript].
34. 1796 March 20 Heathfield - M Boulton, Mrs Matthews, London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 4pp. 5to.
35. 1796 March 24 Soho - M Boulton, London 'for Mr Walker's box.' 2pp. 4to.
36. 1797 March 8 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 1p. 4to.
37. 1797 March 9 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 1p. 4to.
38. 1797 March 13 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, No 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 1p. 4to.
39. 1797 May 16 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, care of Mrs Matthews, No
13 London Street, Fenchurch Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
40. [1797 August 25...John Rennie (B Halliday's Book Catalogue 1931).
41. 1798 April 23 Heathfield - M Boulton, 13 London Street, London.
3pp. 4to.
42. 1798 November 10 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mrs
C Matthews's, 13 London Street, London. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Mr Watt
& My Son.' Written on blank pages is M R Boulton to M Boulton.
43. 1798 November 13 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton [London]. 2pp. 4to.
44. 1798 November 15 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 3pp. 4to.
45. 1798 January 7 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
46. 1799 January 17 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
47. 1799 January 24 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
48. 1799 January 25 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
49. 1799 February 2 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
50. 1799 February 5 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
51. 1799 February 6 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt [London]. 3pp.
4to. Press copy.
52. 1799 February 7 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
53. 1799 February 10 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt [London].
3pp. folio.
54. 1799 March 18 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 3pp. 4to.
55. 1799 March 28 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 1p. 4to.
56. 1799 September 9 Somerton - M R Boulton, (Mr Thomas Wilson's)
Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
57. 1799 September 26 Exmouth - M R Boulton, at Mrs Matthews's,
London Street, Fenchurch Street, London. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Account of his
excursion thro' Devonshire and adjoining counties.'
58. February 3 1800...M Boulton, Soho House. 1p. 8vo. Endorsed 'Mr Watt
abt. Vienna Mint.'
59. 1800 February 7 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 3pp. 4to.
60. 1800 February 25 Soho - M Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch
Street, London. 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'Mr Watt with one to Albion Mill.'
61. 1800 July 27 Heathfield - M Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch
Street, London. 3pp. 4to,
62. 1800 July 30 Heathfield - M Boulton, London. 3pp. 4to.
63. 1800 October 8 Glasgow - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
64. - - - 'Friday Morning' - M Boulton. 1p. 8vo. Endorsed 'Mr
Watt apt. with, Galton.'
65. 1800 December 9 Heathfield - John Hodgetts, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
66. 1801 May 18 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Comments on the Declaration against Godolphin Adventrs.'
67. 1801 September - 'Friday evening' - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham . 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'Major Lockhart.'
68. 1801 October 11 Exeter - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Report of the Estate nr. Asburton in Devonshire. Intends going to
69. 1803 October 22 Bath - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Intended route of his return home. Favourable account of Mr Lee's
contrivance for raising ye beams of his Mill. Letter from Gregory describing.
His journey among the Bernese Alps.'
70. 1801 December 30 Heathfield - M Boulton, at London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
71. 1801 January 11 Heathfield - M Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch
Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
72. 1802 January 14 Heathfield - M Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch
Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
73. 1802 January 24 Heathfield - M Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch
Street, London. 1p. 4to.
74. 1802 February 4 Heathfield - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
75. 1802 March 2 'Wednesday' - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
76. 1802 March 24 Heathfield - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
77. 1802 September 25 Frankfurt - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham,
Angleterre. 3pp. 4to.
78. 1802 October 10 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt [Frankfurt].
3pp. 4to. Press copy. A L (? Incomplete).
79. 1802 October 24 Paris - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. (Added to
letter, Mrs A Watt). Paris - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham, Angleterre. 3pp.
4to. (Copy) Original placed in box labelled 'Watt, Gregory: Watt, Mrs.' 'I
find so much prejudice in favour of Droz that I believe nothing can be done for
80. 1802 October 27 Paris - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham, Angleterre.
1p.4to. Endorsed 'French Mint.'
'A friend has been so kind as to inform me that Mr Gingembre, who is Droz's
rival, has told him that some at least of the applications you have had are for
D's benefit, he having by his usual arts secured the job and wants to secure
the means of execution which he wants. Yesterday I saw a small bélier of
Montgolfier's that raises water about 50 ft. high and performs à merveille.'
81. 1802 November 23 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Written on blank pages is [Mrs A Watt - M Boulton 2pp. 4to).
82. 1803 April.M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
83. 1803 June 5 Heathfield - M R Boulton, Webbs Hotel, Covent Garden,
London. 1p. 4to.
Endorsed 'Wishes me to settle for the horses purchased for him by Mr
Lawrence and to give directions to his Servant.'
84. 1803 August 31 Glenarboth near Glasgow - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. [H W Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt
85. 1804 April 30 Heathfield - [M Boulton]. 2pp. 4to. Endorsed 'James
Watt Esqr. Sketch for Jno. Edwards respecting his acceptance of a Silver Cup.'
86. 1804 May 13 Clifton - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
87. 1804 May 15 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt 'at Bath'.
3pp. 4to. Press copy.
88. 1804 May 25 42, Milson Street, Bath - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
89. 1804 June.M Boulton. 1p.4to. [? In the handwriting of Mrs A Watt,
initialled by 'J W'].
90. 1804 June 14 Bath - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
91. 1804 September 4 Bath - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. [H W
Dickinson - some unpublished letters of James Watt p532.]
92. 1804 October 7 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt [.] 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
93. 1804 October 14 Sidmouth - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
94. 1804 October 18 Exeter - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
95. 1804 October 19 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - James Watt senior.
2pp. 4to. Press copy.
96. 1804 October 22 Exeter - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
97. 1805 June 27 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Written on blank pages is J F Tuffen - [M R Boulton]. Endorsed 'Mr Watts
arrangement with Sr. Jos. Banks in regard to the Specimens Mottos for Medal on
the Kings visit to Soho.'
98. 1805 September 16 Craighead near Hamilton - M R Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Account of his Journey to Scotland.'
99. 1805 November 12 Glasgow - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
100. 1806 September 3 Cheltenham - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
101. 1806 November 25 - Document: Order from J Watt , Heathfield to M
Boulton & Plate Company. 2pp. 4to.
102. 1806 December 18 - R Chi'.indall, Soho. 1p. 8vo.
103. 1806 December 19 - R Chi'.indall, Soho. 1p. 8vo.
104. 1806 December 22 - R Chi'.indall, Soho. 1p. 4to.
105. 1813 April 29 - Mem taken by Z W[alker] - M R Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 8vo.
Endorsed 'Price & size of Faggot Kids'.
106. 1818 February 8 - Heathfield - M R Boulton, 1 Soho House. 2pp.
Endorsed 'Extract of the information contained in a letter from his son
relative to the Memorial & c. of Captn. Wagner.'
107. 1824 June 19 - Morning Chronicle, Meeting re monument to the late
James Watt (2 copies).
108. 1932 November/December - John O'London's Weekly, 'The Truth
About James Watt' article in three parts
109. 1933 January 20 - Birmingham Post letter re James Watt Memorial
110. 1933 March 15 - The Chronicle article entitled 'The Robots Adam' re James Watt.
111. 1936 January 7 - Birmingham Mail, James Watt Bicentenary
112. 1936 January 17 - The Times, 'James Watt', a volume for
the Bicentenary.' (H W Dickinson) and other cuttings regarding the
113. 1936 January 1825 - Birmingham Post. Articles re James Watt
114. 1915 October - Booklet entitled 'Some unpublished letters of James
Watt' collated by H W Dickinson.
115. Copy of portrait and wax medallions of James Watt.
James Watt, junior, 1789-1795, Box 1: Items 1-48
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for Box 1 is reproduced on
film. All A L S unless otherwise described.
1. 1789 March 26 Manchester - M Boulton, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'The friendly part you were pleased to take in a late disagreeable affair and
the essential services you did me in it have made such an impression upon my
memory as not time can efface. The reason for my writing you at present is to
enquire whether you have still any desire of parting with Mr Lawson. Your
intention, if I recollection aright, on his first coming from Cornwall was only
to take him into your house until he should meet with some settlement to his
liking. Mr [Thomas] Cooper, a gentleman of this town of great chemical
knowledge, applied to me to know whether I could recommend a person to him to
keep his library in order, and to make experiments for him. It occurred to me
that this would be an eligible situation for Mr Lawson. I heard a few days ago
from Mr Rheinhardt, who said he was well pleased with the rapid progress your
son made in learning the language, Mr Streiber whom I have this moment seen
requests his best respects to you and family.'
2. 1789 August 17 Manchester - M Boulton, Birmingham, 1p. 4to.
'Messrs Joseph Baker & Co, the new bleaching Company of this town have
resolved to erect a Steam Engine of your construction. If Mr Southern is not
much engaged I shall be obliged to you if you will let him come here for a day
or two to inspect the place an to take the necessary drawings, as these
gentlemen wish the Engine erected with all despatch.'
7. 1789 December 4 Manchester - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3p. 4to.
'My father, probably with a view of preventing me from becoming extravagant,
has only allowed me £70 for all expenses this year. This has proved totally
inadequate to my necessary wants. Consequently I have not been able to keep
myself clear of debts. If I were to inform my father I do not know what would be
the consequence; never having been a young man himself he is unacquainted with
the inevitable expenses which attend my time of life. I assure it required great
exertion before I could come to the resolution of soliciting even your
assistance. The sum I would wish to borrow from your is £50.'
11. 1792 April 4 Paris - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'The news of Messrs Monnerons bankruptcy is confirmed. The late sudden rise
and fall of the Exchange has affected the fortunes of several individuals and is
one of the causes of the failure of Messrs Le Normand, Lalanne and Monneron.
Monnerons suffered particularly from their connection with Le Normand, from a
bad speculation in one of the theatres here and from the very expensive
establishment of a large manufactory of Snuff. They have lost considerably upon
their Coinage. One of the brothers, Pierre, has drowned himself. He went on
Saturday to the Elysian Fields, taking with him a young Indian who was in his
service. When he got to the middle of the wood, he gave him a packet of letters
to deliver, addressed to several of his friends and relations. He then probably
threw himself immediately into the Seine as he was taken up the next morning at
Neuilly. The other brother frantic at losing his brother and his property has
resigned his place at the National Assembly. The news of the death of the King
of Sweden, by removing the apprehension of war, will probably operate a rise in
the Exchange.'
12. 1794 January 22 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt junior
[London]. 3pp. 4to. Press copy.
'Finding that G Hden's progress in finishing the orders for [Copying]
machines was much impeded by his employment at the Table for Muntz & Purden,
I have sent it to J Pendrill. I have endeavoured to get some brass Presses cast,
but I find that both Jerrom and the engine-caster are very ignorant of the
business. The last Rolls received from Izon's are all turned and appear to be
better than the former: I have desired Dearman to send 20 pairs for I think his
additional price is compensated by better work. Several brass standards have
been cast and I Ready has fitted up a few. At present we wait for the Boxes and
Bottles. A glass maker near has undertaken to make them, and we are to provide
him with a mould which will be cast tomorrow. The Fearnought is another article
we are much in want of: there is not the smallest piece remaining: Gott has been
requested to urge his correspondent to forward some immediately. I hope you have
ordered some trunks for I think they will be likely to sell and in our present
scarcity of boxes, will prove a good substitute. The prices you state for the
different parts of the Copying Machine, appear, some of them, too high, and
exceed those usually charged by J Watt & Co. Mr Forman wishes you could
engage R & H to agree not to supply any other House with the sponge paper
for the wetting and drying of books.'
13. 1794 February 1 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Watt junior
[London] 2pp. 4to. Press Copy.
'All hands at Soho are busily employed. Sir J Sinclair requests B & W to
remit £200 on account to his sergeant. The cabinet-maker from Liverpool is not
yet arrived and meanwhile we have procured one from Birmingham. P Ewart's
friend at Liverpool writes that he can supply another. T Pearson has not
the copy of directions for the use of the portable Machines. Some should
certainly be printed from the draft you made out.'
22. 1794 May 28 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, care of
Mrs Matthews, Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
'Cheston is making the Latchets and giving out sets of patterns, but all he
has hitherto made have been returned for bad workmanship. I shall get somebody
immediately to buy a pair or two from him. Dr Beddoes is at Mr Keir's and
visits Jessy [Watt], but from what he says, the case appears to be a confirmed
consumption and he fears much the event, his only hopes being placed upon the
new mode of treatment.'
26. 1794 September 3 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mrs Anderson's,
No 50 Cheltenham. 2pp. 4to.
'My father desired me to write to you on the subject of a letter received
from the Chevalier de Betancourt, informing us that he has persuaded some of his
friends in the island of Cuba to erect Steam Engines of your construction for
working their Sugar Mills.' [Particulars given.]
28. 1795 January 15 London - James Watt, Heathfield, Birmingham. 3pp.
4to. [transmitted to M B].
'Mr Weston wrote you yesterday about laying the Case of Consolidated Mines
before Erskine and taking his opinion upon the general question. He has
requested a Conference, and your and Mr Boulton's presence would be very
useful, when you could have another meeting with Sergt Adair and such others as
you think proper. I have been with Mr Cox, who as well as Mr Curtis have signed
the Deed, but it is not yet signed by Mr King. I have agreed to accept the
Premium from the 2nd April when the Presses set to work. I have arranged all my
business with Messrs Richardson & Harrison, satisfactorily. I am writing
this from Mr Rennie's.' [A footnote added by James Watt senior - 'In
regard to Sparrow's Engine, I think there has been great mismanagement in
working the Engine.']
42.1795 March - London M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'Your father has purchased a Pipe of Port Wine from Truffen, and my father has
done ditto.'
44. 1795 June 7 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, at Mrs Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. 4to. Endorsed - Accident and fracture of
large pumping Engine at Soho. State of the additional machinery and extension of
the Copying Machine Manufactory.
46. 1795 June 8 Soho, Birmingham - M Boulton, London. 2pp. 4to,
'Enclosed you have Mr Peter Ewart's plan for perpendicular Boring. I have
desired Busch to make a punch of the Head merely of Lord Howe, so that the
letters may be altered and added afterwards.'
48. 1795 September 18 Court - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'We arrived at Wrexham last night. We dine here today with W[illiam]
W[illiams] and tomorrow go to Brymbo where most of the Cylinders &c, have
been removed. We spent this morning at Bersham where there is also a good share
of our Cylinders and Air Pumps. We reject the idea of purchasing any of the
boxes, riggs for casting, boxing rods, wheels &c, as they are scarcely worth
the carriage &c.
J Wilkinson is at Castlehead. On Sunday we go to Llynpandu, that we may make an
Affidavit to the engines there ended, to be used in case of need. They are now
getting up 2 new Engines for that place at Bersham and 2 for Brymbo.'
James Watt, junior, 1796-1810, Box 1: Items 49-133
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for Box 1 is reproduced on
59. 1797 November 5 Clifton - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 5pp. 4to.
Endorsed - Opinion for the little apprehension to be entertained for Murray's
and Cartwright's encroachments. Opinion of Mr Grant's abilities and
influence. Iron tax. Regrets at not seeing Z Walker [junior]. Questions relative
to the state of France.
61. 1798 September 11 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, Post Office,
Scarborough. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed - New prices of Engines and observations thereon.
62. 1798 September 16 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, Post Office,
Scarborough. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed - Progress of the work at the Foundry. General state of the business.
My father gone to Cheltenham. His [father] to the Highlands. Gregory [Watt] sets
out for Shropshire today.
63. 1798 September 17 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, Post Office
Scarborough. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed - Statement of Accounts gainst our Yorkshire Debtors. I think you may
do a great deal of good by looking among the Hulls and Leeds Engines,
particularly at the latter place. I can point out to you several pirate Engines
in Lancashire.
66. 1799 July 6 Soho Foundry - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'Your 24 horse Engine is ready, except the rotative shaft, fly wheel and
socket and plain steam pipes, for which we have had no orders.'
73. 1803 March 6 London Street - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
Endorsed - Information of the state of the new Copying Machine trade in
London. New Machines approved. Engine concerns. C Rudge's impudence. The king's
recovery. 'I have had a conference with Weston upon Cornish matters. I have
settled finally every measure necessary for bringing on the causes in the
Sittings after Easter term.'
97. 1805 May 29 Soho - M R Boulton, London Street, London .
3pp. 4to.
'I shall write to Rennie with Estimates &c for the 6 Horse Engine [for the
West Indies]. S Brinsley has no cognizance of these small Engines as he went to
Berbice in 1801, before any had been sent out. Lawson is going to Ireland when
Mr Cracken's Engine is set to work. Hutton writes from Edinburgh that he will
be at liberty to attend entirely to our business. It might be as well to station
him in Scotland, keep H Creighton at Manchester, and send Lawson for a time
to London. Varley will not be released from Rotherham for some time, and there
are two Engines at Macclesfield to be erected by him and his assistant Gibson. H
Creighton has been here since he finished at Messrs Wedgwood's and may return
to Manchester when wanted.'
115. 1809 March 11 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, Bond Street, Bath.
4pp. 4to.
'on the other side you have a list of the Engines round Bath. Mr James Weston
has sent a copy of the National Light and Heat Company's petition to
118. 1809 April 20 Soho, Birmingham - M R Boulton, London Street,
London. 2pp. 4to.
'I have heard nothing more relative to the Gas & Light Company. I shall be
glad to learn what further has passed in your interview with your parliamentary
friends, Mr James Hall is a likely person to assist you as well as Mr Horner, if
not pre-engaged for I suspect either he or Brougham to be the authors of the ex
parte statement in the last number of the Edinburgh Review. Sir Samuel Romilly
would also be a proper person to see.'
James Watt, junior, 1811-1821, Box 2: Items 1-114
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for Box 2 is reproduced on
8. 1814 June - Limehouse - [M R Boulton]. 1p. 4to.
Endorsed 'Note from Mr Turner on the visit of the Emperor of Russia.'
9. 1814 July 3 - M R Boulton, 13 London Street, Fenchurch Street,
London. 4pp. 4to.
July 4 - P S on Wrapper: 'The letters from Mr de Boyneburgh being too
bulky for the Post, I shall send them by Box this evening.' Endorsed 'Visit
of the Duke of Saxe Weimar at Soho. Letters from August von Boyneburgh and
friends - observations thereon.'
20.1817 October 17 Rotterdam - M R Boulton, No 5 Rooks Garden,
Brighton. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Arrival in Holland & performance of the Vessel in the passage
across the Channel' - Outline of his further proceedings & intentions.
23. 1818 January 6 Rotterdam - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Contemplated reform of the Dutch Coins - opportunity of
disposing of my Mint.'
24. 1818 January 14 Soho - J Watt Jr. [Rotterdam]. 7pp. 4to. Press
Endorsed 'On his offer of my Mint to the Dutch Government. Estimate & particulars for his government in the negotiations with the Ministers.'
25. 1818 January 19 Rotterdam - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp.
Endorsed 'Account of Mr Cator - He has undertaken to make preliminary
enquiries relative to the Mint. Specimens of Coins desirable. Will only deliver
the Estimate of the Machinery complete - Fears Mint too large.'
26. 1818 January 23 Rotterdam - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham
3pp. 4to.
(Enclosing J Watt, jnr, The Hague to Baron de Beckman. 4pp. 4to. Copy.) Endorsed
'Illness of Mr Falk has prevented any progress being made in the
negotiations for the Mint. Has embodies in a letter to Baron de Beckman the
substance of the information stated by me as to the cost &c of the Mint.'
Has referred also to the visit of Stadholder to Soho.
69. 1821 January 10 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Date & reasoning thereon in respect to the power required for
the Rolling and other operations of the Calcutta Mint.'
70. 1821 January 11 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Communication with G Rennie and his report of the work and load
of the different Engines at the Royal Mint.'
71. 1821 January 12 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
Endorsed 'Some particulars of the rolling Mill at Mint received from G
72. 1821 January 13 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
(Written on the blank pages of John Rennie, London - M R Boulton January 13,
1821). Endorsed 'Requesting me to come to town and try an experiment at the
Mint Rolling Mill.'
105. 1821 November 27 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Opinion of Mr Morris and on engaging him for the drawing office.'
114. 1821 October 7 London - M R Boulton, Great Tew. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Arrangements proposed for Mr Rennie's funeral.'
James Watt, junior, 1822-1827, Box 3: Items 1-181
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for Box 3 is reproduced on
1. 1822 February 25 Soho - M R Boulton, 13 London Street. 1p. 4to.
Endorsed 'Wishes me to get instructions in regard to the East India Mint
Boilers being made in one piece.'
4. 1822 July 8 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Messrs Rennie have undertaken to prepare an Estimate of the
Rolling Mill for the Bombay Mint. Fears Ideas as to the sufficiency of the power
proposed for the Coining and Cutting out Engine.'
7. 1822 July 22 M R Boulton, Soho - J Watt [London]. 3pp. 4to. Press
Endorsed 'On the progress of the Bombay Mint negotiation. Mr Ross's
appointment & other matters connected therewith. Transmit him extract of G
Rennie's Letter upon the alleged partiality shown to Maudslay by the Duke of
15. 1822 September 19 Soho - M R Boulton, Great Tew, Nr Enstone,
Oxfordshire. 1p. 4to.
Annexed is - John Burnett, Soho to James Watt 19 September 1822. 1p. 4to.
Endorsed: 'On the bad quality of the Coals supplied by the Tibbington
Colliery & intended answer to them on the subject.'
16. 1822 November 4 Soho - M R Boujlton, Great Tew, Enstone. 7pp.
Endorsed: 'Prevented by engagements from coming to Tew. Investigation of
prices and necessity for the reduction of them. Sundry Estimates deferred till
the examination is completed. Alteration in the orders of the intended Engines
for the 3rd Edinburgh Steamer. Other Engines for Steamers in contemplation.'
24. 1823 March 22 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 6pp. 4to.
Endorsed: 'Captain Boulderson not returned. Friendly interview with the
Chairman on delivering the Dredging Machine Estimate. On replacing Haden in the
Engine Yard. Further interview and conversations with the Comptroller. Order
confirmed by him. New River Engine ordered on Murdock's plan. Collecting
documents of the Arundel Canal Case and Teasdale's opinion of it favourable.
Murdock unwell.
69. 1825 April 27 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Readiness to propose Captain Hawkins as a candidate to the Royal
Society. Preliminaries to be efected.'
126. 1826 November 20 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'To account of sizes for St Katherine Dock Estimates. Mr Hall will
take the responsibility of the plan of pumping into the Lock. Merits of the
plan. Vixen's pump arrived.'
129. 1826 November 25 M R Boulton, Soho - J Watt [London]. 7pp. 4to.
Press copy.
Endorsed 'On the examination of the Foundry Accounts and delinquencies.
Dawn's introduction of strangers into the Works. Observations relative to our
demands against the Dublin Steam Co. Opinion on candidates to supply the place
of J Bennet.'
130. 1826 November 27 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Sentiments on Mr Dawn's having introduced strangers into the
Foundry Premises. Teasdale not yet in possession of the required information
from the Dublin Co in regard to the law of liabilities in Ireland. Barclay &
Co's affair to stand over for a few days. Teasdale and Symes Accounts.'
148. 1827 February London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp.
Wrapper endorsed 'On the St Katherine Dock Schemes - project for filling
half the Lock and borrowing from Basin.'
149. 1827 February 18 Rooksnest (Godstone) - M R Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'St Katherine Dock Scheme - Lessened depth of Dock to be filled.'
150. 1827 February 21 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'St Katherine Dock Scheme - On supposed errors and
155. 1827 February 26 London - M R Boulton, Soho, 3pp. 4to.
Annexing copy of Thos Telford, Abingdon Street - James Watt dated 25 February
1827. 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'Proposing wrought iron Cranks and Shafts to be
employed - Estimates of them desired - also new Estimates of diminished
power - Copy of Mr Telford's letter about diminished state of lock.'
170. 1827 July 5 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'My letter received in time to prevent his return for Quarter Day
- Conclusion and satisfactory conference with Mr Mopotti. Mr Telford met by
him at St Katherine's dock and building of Engins. He to be
proceeded with. His movements. Mr H Freeling at Guerney &c. Reference to
letters respecting J Bennet in Griffiths name.'
James Watt, junior, 1828-1848, Box 4: Items 1-145
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for Box 4 is reproduced on
7. 1828 23 Soho - M R Boulton, 13 London Street, London. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Has signed the authority for sale of Exchequer Bills in the
affair of Mr Stratton's security and mortgage. Difficulties in getting the
Accounts of fitting completed. No error in the St Katherine Account discovered.
40 Horse Engine ordered by G & J Rennie for Portsmout Victualling Yard.
Particulars of Stm. Presses &c wanted for the 20th at Plymouth. Glasgow
Water Works. Loss of Wilkin's order. Townsend's Engine in progress.
Discharge of hands at Foundry. Affray with Parrock and the conviction of the
36. 1832 May 14 Soho - M R Boulton, Soho. 1p. 4to.
Endorsed 'Extracts of Prices paid for the several sorts of Coal supplied to
Soho and Foundry.' Enclosure: Statement of the quantity and price of
Coals and Cokes received at Soho Foundry during the Quarter ending Lady Day
1832.' 1p.4to.
40. 1832 June 7 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Interview and reception at the Admiralty - Official
intelligence. Rennie and the Turkish Engine Schemes. Mr Kirkman Finlay in town
knows nothing of the Glasgow Water Works proceedings. Intends to retire from the
Direction. G Rennie's mention of his recommendation to Barclay & Co.'
66. 1834 March 24 London Street - M R Boulton, Soho. 3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'East India Co's balance received. Report on his canvas in the
case of the Liverpool Rail Road Co's intentions of passing through Aston Park.
Grafts of apple Trees requested.'
129. 1839 May 29 Paris - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham, Angleterre.
3pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'Observations on Mr Davis's notification - and suggestions in
regard to it. Mortifying detention by Arago. Monsieur Dumas appointed by the
French Government to visit England on coinage Matters - Intention of coming to
135. 1839 August 15 Aston Hall - M r Boulton, 13 London Street,
Fenchurch Street, London. 4pp. 4to.
Endorsed 'APProves of the agreement to take Mr Whitley's House in London
Street. Particulars of Mr Ewart's son's death have been received from Mr
Forbes. Sends a present of Grouse from his Welsh Manor. State of his health.
Translations of Arago's Eulogy by P Muirhead to be inserted in Jamieson's
Journal. Mr Alston's report of the state of matters in Birmingham and
dissatisfaction of the Town Council at Lord John Russell's proceedings.'
Erasmus Darwin and family, c.1762-1803, Items 1-57
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for a few items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for this material is
reproduced on film. Items 2-46 are letters by Erasmus Darwin. Other items relate
to other members of the family:
Item 2: Charles Darwin (eldest son of Erasmus Darwin)
Items 47-48: Erasmus Darwin, junior (his son)
Item 49: Mary Darwin (his wife)
Items 50, 52-54: Robert R Darwin
Item 51: S Darwin
Items 55-57: are press cuttings
CHARLES DARWIN (1758-1778) eldest son of Erasmus Darwin
ALL A L S unless otherwise described.
1. 1777 January 13 Edinburgh - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to
and Transcript 9pp. 4to. Sends him transcripts of his Notes on Dr [Joseph] Black's
ERASMUS DARWIN (1731-1802), physician
2. Document in lead pencil, endorsed 'D Darwin's [?Remarks on Nursing
3. [176-] Endorsed 'Sketch [of a machine] by Dr Darwin.' 1p.
4. 176- Sketches of the parts of a 'Shaving Box' 1/2 sheet (torn
from a letter).
5. [176-] 'Plate 1st the Ichnography of a Garden Banqueting House.'
a Plan and Sketch, with an explanation. 1p. folio.
6. 176- [Lichfield] - M Boulton, Snowhill, Birmingham. 4pp. folio. His
scheme of a fiery Chariott: begs he will not mention it or show this paper to
Wyatt or anybody.
7. 1762 [Lichfield] - M Boulton [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to. Dr Petit desires
to have a Thermometer or two of M Boulton's make: he is going to try
Thermometrical Experiments upon the cold water at Scarborough where he is gone
to practise medicine. 'I am told Dr Franklin has wrote a very nonsensical
Paper on Fire, knowing nothing of Chemistry.'
8. 1763 July 1 Lichfield - M Boulton, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 4pp.
4to. 'As you are now become a sober plodding Man of Business, I scarcely
dare trouble you to do me a Favour in ye nicknackatory, alias philosophical Way.' His Hygrometer. Mr [John] Harrison's Timepiece.
9. 1764 November 3 Lichfield - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. M
Boulton's disagreement with Mr Barker. M Boulton to send E Darwin a piece or
two of his Female-Chape-Pieces to make him a Fender with.
10. 1765 December 12 Lichfield - M Boulton, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 4pp.
folio. 'I am undone to know what observations Dr Franklin supply'd you
with about your Steam Engine, besides giving you his approbation.' the
Birmingham Canal. Mr Mitchell and [John] Harrison's watch.
11. 1766 March 11 Lichfield - M Boulton, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. The
Birmingham Canal. 'Your Model of a Steam Engine I am told gain'd so much
approbation in London yet I cannot but congratulate you on the mechanical Fame
you have acquired by it.' print of Le Brun's Battles of Alexander. Is
informed another physician has arrived in Birmingham. The Abbé Nollet of Paris
assails Dr Franklin's electrical Theory. A floating Electrometer.
12. [?1766] [Lichfield] - M Boulton, Snowhill, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. 'I
have got with me a mechanical Friend, Mr [Richard Lovell] Edgworth from
Oxfordshire, the greatest Conjuror I ever saw.' invites M Boulton and Dr
Small to see their miracles. [With a note written thereon by M Boulton
apparently to Dr Small.] [Memoirs of R L Edgworth. 1. 168. 'Mr Boulton, of
Birmingham happened at this time to call upon Dr Darwin. I shoed him and a few
of his friends some of those deceptions of Comus, which I had discovered. They
were particularly à propos, as at that time Mr Boulton was making a large
number of magnets for exportation. He asked me to house him in Snowhill, in
Birmingham. He was at this period just going to remove to the wild heath, which
has since been converted into a garden, interspersed with cheerful villas, by
his talents and energy. . There, and as Soho, I became in a few hours
intimately acquainted with many parts of mechanicks, which I could not otherwise
have learned in many months.']
13. 1767 July 29 Lichfield - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Has
seen 'into the Bowels of Old Mother Earth, and seen Wonders and learnt much
curious knowledge in the Regions of Darkness.'
14. 1769 June 9 Wolsley Bridge - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
folio. On the deformation of the Spine [?Miss Boulton].
16. 1771 January 4 Lichfield - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. 'Mr Stuart writes that he and Mr Anson are obliged to go to London
immediately; on their return he will acquaint E Darwin. Hopes this letter will
be in time to prevent M Boulton's journey. 'I shall be glad to see you in
Birmingham - Philosophers - Navigators, tho' Mr Anson is gone.'
18. 1772 July 17 Soho - Memorandum of an order for a Tea Urn to be
sent to Mrs Howard of Lichfield by order of Mr Darwin. 1 slip.
19. 1772 October 28 Soho - Memorandum 'A Fountain Pen as order'd
of Mr Boulton' for Dr Darwin. 1 slip.
20. 1775 February 25 Lichfield - Dr Withering (Hill and Dent. Memorials
of the Old Square p 111).
[Announcing the death of Dr William Small, Dr Smith has no chance of succeeding
him in his practice. Suggests that Dr Withering should call on Mr Boulton. Was
successful in recommending Dr Bates to Aylesbury and Dr Wright to Newark but
thinks that Birmingham is the most eligible for a doctor of any country
21. [1777] [Lichfield] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Cannot wait on
him or Mr James] Keir next Sunday. Mr Henderson's promise to get him some
square and round cylinders of brass or steel. 'I hope Behemoth has strength
in his loins. Belial, and Ashtorarth are two other Devils of consequence, and
good names for Engines of fire.' (Behemoth - the Engine erected at
Hawksbury Colliery, Bedworth).
25. 1778 January 11 Lichfield - M B [Birmingham]. 4pp. 4to. 'I
have polish'd, japan'd, and handed up, the verses of Miss Rogers, which you
sent me' . 'Miss [Anne] Seward says they are the most beautiful lines she
ever saw, and longs to be acquainted with the lady-author.'
27. 1778 April 5 [Lichfield] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. Regrets
he was prevented from the opportunity to 'see all you Great Men at Soho
today' [?Lunar Society Meeting]. His framed prints by Mrs Kaufman.
30. 1782 December 26 Derby - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Has
purchased a house at Derby and furnished it. 'I am here cut off from the
milk of science, which flows in such redundant streams from your learned
31. 1783 March 4 Derby - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio. 'We
have establish'd an infant philosophical Society at Derby, but do not presume
to compare it to your well-known gigantic philosophers at Birmingham.' has
repeatedly spoken of B & W's Engine to Arkwright's friends. Begs to be
remembered 'to all the Insane at your next [Lunar] meeting.'
33. 1785 January 26 Derby - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio. The
specification of Mr Arkwright's Patent: the trial unjustly given against him:
has made many improvements in it since. B & W's Patent. Suggests M B
giving support to Arkwright in his case.
36. 1789 October 33 Derby - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
Introducing Mr Archdale, an Irish MP. His book on the Loves of the Plants, 'sells
so well, as to pay me.' Thinks of publishing a second part in the Spring,
and will have occasion to speak of fire-engines: requests information as to the
superiority of M B's fire-engine; also as to the coinage [contract], and the
coining fire-engine, including the number of halfpence struck per minute, and at
how many operations &c.
39. 1791 May 9 [Derby] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. Has seen Mr
Gregory of Spondon, and Mr Haden, an ingenious surgeon of Derby, who has
attended Mr Laws. The conflagration of the Albion Mills.
Joseph Priestley and family, c.1775-1802, from Box P2 (249). Boxes of
Incoming Letters: Items 209-224
209. 1775 October 22 Calne - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio.
Requesting him to send a further quantity of Derbyshire spar, which he finds to
be the same as the Fluor Spaterus from which the new mineral acid is extracted.
209a. Portrait of J Priestley by J Walker after (?Flaxman or Hackwood's)
Wedgwood Medallion (c 1769-70).
210. 1775 November 6 London - M B [Birmingham]. 2pp. folio. Has
received the box of [Derbyshire] spar. Had desired Mr [John] Whitehurst of Derby
to send him a quantity. Has promised to show Count Orloff and other foreigners
his experiments on this acid [hydrofluoric]. Will send him a copy of his book [Experiments
and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, Volume 2] as soon as they are
ready. 'It will be a great pleasure to me to see your improvements in fire
engines, and all your other . improvements in mechanics, and the arts . I
shall not quarrel with you on account of our different sentiments in Politics,
when I tell you what is fact, that the Americans have constructed a canon on a
new principle, by which they can hit a mark at the distance of a mile, you will
say this ingenuity has come in aid of their cowardice. I would tell you the
principle ofit, but that I am afraid you would let your superior ingenuity at
work to improve upon it, for the use of their enemies.'
211. 1776 September 28 Calne - M B, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Recommending Mr Waltire who is going to read lectures on air at Birmingham. Is
preparing a third volume of his book,
212. 1777 - - [Calne] - M B, [Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to. Requesting his
assistance in procuring samples of Birmingham air. Has got the new edition of Mr
[James] Keir's translation of Macquer's Dictionary [3 vols, 8vo. 1777] and
his treatise on different kinds of air.
213. 1777 November 25 Calne - M B, [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to. Some time ago
he requested the favours of some phials of air from Birmingham. Has since
received a box of phials but no letter. If the phials were sent by M B begs him
to write explaining the numbering of the phials.
214. [1780] - - Fair Hill [Birmingham] - M B, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Will
defer his journey to Colebrookdale for the sake of M B;s company.
215. In the Business of Doctor Priestley & Mrs Sarah Finch and her
Children with Matthew Boulton Esq, Samuel Galton Esq and William Vaughan Esq as
Trustees. [January 1802?]
216. Some letters of the Revd Dr Joseph Priestley FRS. [Reprinted from
the Journal of Chemical Education, Vol 10, No 3, March 1933].
217. 1783 April 26 James Watt - Dr Joseph Priestley. 7pp. On the
subject of 'important discoveries on the nature of phlogiston, and
Dephlogisticated air, and on the Conversion of Water into air and vice versa
.' [Reprinted from Annals of Science, Vol 10 No 4, December 1954]
218. 'New light on the Priestley Riots.' By E Robinson. [Reprinted
from Notes and Communications].
219. 1791 July 18 Matthew Boulton, Soho - [Joseph Priestley].
220. 1775 October 22 Calne - M B, Soho, Birmingham.
Typescript Copy: 1775 November 6 London - M B, [Birmingham]. Typescript Copy:
1776 September 28 Calne - M B, Birmingham.
Typescript Copy: 1777 [n.d. probably before 1 November 1777) [Calne] - M B,
Typescript Copy: [1780 or 1786?] Fair Hill [Birmingham] - M B, Birmingham.
Typescript Copy: 1800 February Northumberland - Mr Samuel Galton.
Typescript Copy: 'The interviews we have had at the Lunar Society, and on
other occasions, I now look back upon with peculiar satisfaction .'
1782 April 1 Birmingham - Sir Joseph Banks Bart. Typescript Copy. 'I
have the pleasure to lay before you an analysis of two mineral substances by Dr
Withering of Birmingham, whose accuracy in processes of this kind will, I doubt
not, give you, and the members of the Royal Society, great satisfaction .'
Also 4 other typescript letters: Boulton, Watt and Wedgwood.
'The Scientific Library of Dr Priestley'. List of 148 iteMs.. 27pp.
Newscutting from the Birmingham Post. May 3, 1938.
221. 1790 November 10 Bradley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
222. 1794 May 24 Philadelphia. Purchase of American Lands.
223. 1800 May 7 M B, Soho, [Birmingham] - [Joseph Priestley?] incomplete.
224. 1821 March 30(?) - Matthew R Boulton, Soho. Incomplete. Priestley
Material from the Church of the Messiah archive. (please see Reel 16)
Josiah Wedgwood and family, c 1766-1826: Items 1-106
WEDGWOOD, JOHN. Eldest son of Josiah Wedgwood (1766-1844)
All A L S unless otherwise described
1. 1794 January 23 Etruria John Wedgwood, eldest son of Josiah Wedgwood - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Notes, written below the address:
'Mr Boulton begs that Mr Pearson would figure down the sum which Polgooth
Shares sold for.'
'Messrs Boulton & Watt's sold for £800.'
'Qr. How many Shares were Sold for 800. One Sixteenth Share.'
'I take the liberty of asking you for what you sold your Shares in the
Polgooth Tin mine. I am desirous of parting with mine.'
2. 1806 May 23 M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham] - John Wedgwood. 2pp. 4to.
Press copy. L S.
'Permit me to introduce you to the bearer, Monsieur De Longastre, a French
emigrant gentleman who has been, any years in this country, and for 18 months
past a resident at Birmingham, occupying himself in the profession of a Portrait
Painter in Crayons. With the same view he now purposes to pay a visit to the
Potteries, and if you or any of your friends feel an inclination to have your
Likeness transmitted to posterity, let me recommend the Crayon of Mr Longastre
as I think it will do justice to your wishes, judging from some successful
specimens of his talents exhibited in the Portraits of your friends at
Heathfield and here.'
Wedgwood, Josiah. (1730-1795)
All A L S unless otherwise described
3. 1766 October 11 Burslem - M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. L S.
'I received last post your letter covering a draft for £24 for which I have
enclosed you a receipt on the Navigation account. I will make the gentlemen of
the Committee acquainted with the contents of your letter, but I do not imagine
they will insist upon payment of the forfeiture.'
See 1767 July 10 M Boulton, [Soho, Birmingham] - J Wedgwood. Also Burslem.
(Letter Copy Book 1766-68).
'Being obliged to pass 3 days in Worcestershire the last week I now find
myself a little run aground in business and thereby have delayd answering your
two favrs of ye 15th and 24th Ultmo wch I beg youppl excuse. I sincerely condole
with you for yr loss and the unfortunate accident befallen yr family but hope
youppl look forward and be happy. Your very respectable present came safe to
hand for whc. My Wife returns you a thousand thanks she admires your Vases very
much and indeed so do I, even so much that I almost wish to be a potter however
I believe I shall not begin before all our Navigations are compleat as then we
may be able to draw your Clay &c here upon easy terms but as that will
require some few Yrs I shall be content in ye interim if you will permitt me to
contribute now and then a little mite towards ye large fund of improvements you
seem to be possessed of. I ordered for your press the day after your departure,
the Frame of it is cast but the Workman seems to have his hands too full for
much dispatch, however I will not fail calling upon him twice a week untill 'tis
finished the Spoon Moulds we have pollishd on one side and snet 'em this day
by Twiss and likewise half a doz designs for plate borders and covers wch I hope
may prove usefull and if you find 'em so pray be free and ask for more at ye
same time point out our errors - I have done nothing with yr punches as I know
not what pattern or form you ed have 'em but if yo go on with that work it
will be absolutely necessary that you should have a good Lancishire workman as
it will employ one man to make many of those Tools and keep all in repair. My
engraver and Self are much obliged to you for ye inspection of the prints you
were so kind as to send wch shall be carefull returned to you Pr. Next sending.
Our Birmgm. Navigation seems to proceed with spirit and unanimity I have
subscribed one Thousand pounds and I Query if I shall not make it two or more,
(if room). I had no other Motive for subscribing to ye great Trunk than that of
Testyfying my approbation of so great and good a Scheme and as it seems now not
to want Subscribers and as it is a thing that I am in nowise particularly
interested in, but now wish rather to contribute my powers to some infant plans
of a similar nature in my own neighbourhood I therefore have no objection to
selling out when ever a purchaser offers, if you should know any one that is
inclinable to buy I hereby give you a commission to sell my share at par. When
any thing occurs to you in wch you think I can be usefull pray freely command
me.' [not on film, but included here for cross-reference].
4. 1767 August 9 Burslem - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
'When I had the pleasure of seeing you last you mention'd a scheme of
dispersing abroad the patterns of our Manufacture, in a way which struck me
then, and has since engaged a good deal of my attention; which was by means of
engraved prints of all the Articles we make accompanying one piece of the
Manufacture. The thought p[leaded] me much, both as I apprehend it wo'd be the
q[uic]kest and most Eligible mode of extending the knowledge of our Manufacture
abroad where patterns could not with any sort of Convenience be sent in specie,
and likewise as I am fully perswade[d] a considerable, and profitable branch of
Commerce may be as it were erected by this new mode of shewing the World that we
have to dispose of. If you think the scheme worth bestowing any further thought
upon, to mature it a little, I am at your service, if you can make any use of me
in the prosecution of it, and shall be glad to have your thoughts upon the
subjects at your leisure. Have already served some of the German Nobility with
Creamcolour, besides some services which have been sent from St James's to the
Court of Mecklenberg, where it is much admired. This introduction will I
apprehend make it eagerly enwuir'd after, and if the Merchants can now be
properly supplyed with it, the Consumption will certainly be great. I have
already felt the consequence of a good introduction, and therefore argue like
the Great Beckford 'From Facts Apriori'. Our Post is come in, permit me
therefore it being Sunday, to conclude in the words of our Good Parson after
sermon - Consider what has been said, and the L- -d give you understanding in
all things.'
5, 1767 August 24 Burslem - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'In a week or so you may expect about a dozen Crates of my ware for your
household use and China Closet, and as these are demolished, or new fashions
arise, I hope I shall be favoured with your further commands.'
6. 1768 March 19 Chas St. [London] - Messrs Boulton & Fothergill,
Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
'I have waited upon Lord Cathcart, the Ambassador appointed for Russia, to
bring about the Plan we settled of introducing my Manufacture at the Court of
Russia. I laid before him the great advantages which would arise from such an
introduction to a manufacture which might be much more important than it had
hitherto been though capable of attaining to. The Ambassador, but particularly
his Lady, came into measures with the utmost readiness, and I am to get a Plate
done by way of specimen, with the Russian Arms, and an edging round the Plate,
both in gold burnt in, and this I must get done in town. His lordship had
ordered a large Service, plain, to take, out with him and, I must now desire you
will by return of post let me know at what other Courts in Germany, or Europe,
you should be most solicitous to have this Manufacture introduced, and I will
endeavour to get it done, and at the same time it should be made known to the
Introducer where the Grandees of the several States may be supplied with the
same goods. Lord Gower will send a large Table and Dessert Service to Paris, I
believe the next week.'
7. 1768 March 24 Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, London - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I hope to attend the General Assembly at Sandon on Tuesday next, and to see
you on Sunday evening or Monday morning next, and I should be glad to see Mr
Eginton's brother with what he has attempted for me, at the same time.'
8. Etruria - M Boulton, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'The Dolphins are now on their way to Soho and [he] hopes their form and size
may be suitable [as casting models] for Mr Boulton's [Admiralty] vessel. Sends
also a Tea Vase for mounting. Will make immediately his cream colour vessel 'for
gilding in'. Regrets he was unable to meet him at Mr Anson's. Mr Antipuffado's
paragraph in the Public Ledger.'
9. 1781 March 10 Etruria - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'After leaving Soho, he called on Dr Priestley who gave him a list of
subscriptions (annexed) already entered into. Dr Priestley says 'he never did
intend, or think of making any pecuniary advantage from any of his experiments,
but gave them to the public, with their results, just as they happen'd and so
he should continue to do, without ever attempting to make any private emolument
from them to himself.' Dr Darwin thinks it would be a pity that Dr
Priestley should have nay cares or cramps to interrupt him in the fine vein of
experiments he is in the midst of, and will subscribe and has thought of some
friends who will do the same. Proposes to subscribe 10 guineas annually for
three years. Has mentioned Mr Boulton's generous intentions to Dr Priestley,
who says he can go on very well with £100 per annum. Dr Darwin is married
and is leaving Lichfield to reside at his lady's seat near Derby.'
10. 1781 May 29 Etruria. 1p. folio.
A Bill for Chemical APParatus. Mortars and Pestles, Acid Frames, and Filtering
Funnels, supplied by Wedgwood and Bentley to Mr Boulton.
11. 1783 May 26 Peter Swift for Mr Wedgwood, Etruria - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I have received your commands of 10 of each size of the small square pans for
your Fossilry.'
12. 1872 May 27 W Cox for J Wedgwood - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to. Annexing an
Account for Fossil Pans.
13. 1782 October 19 Etruria - M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I trouble you to ask how I am to make my payment for my Share in the Polgooth
Mine, and in what way or form that Share, of £1000 I think, is to be
transferred from you to me.'
14. 1782 December 7 Etruria - M Boulton, Cosgarne, Truro, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
'The information you have given me, respecting the mine (Polgooth) in which I
am become an adventurer, is very full and satisfactory. I congratulate you, your
worthy partner and the public on having so many of your valuable engines at
15. 1783 March 15 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Introducing the bearer, Monsieur Genest, a Correspondent of the Academy of
Sciences at Paris.
16. 1783 March 15 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. A L. A
recommendatory note for presentation by Monsieur Genest.
17. [1784 January 30 Etruria - James Watt (Birmingham Reference Library
- Copy. 1p. folio.
'With a little assistance from gentlemen in the alteration of one of our laws,
and a society formed out of the powerful manufacturers in different parts of the
island more of the evil of emigration might be prevented. I am in train to
correct the rule of my Thermometer, with Mercurial ones. Another use for my
thermometer, is in ascertaining the respective strengths of different kinds of
coal and other Fuel.'
18. 1785 February 21 Maidenhead - M Boulton, at Mr Matthews's No. 6
Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street. 3pp. 4to.
'I go by Birmingham as you desired, and will endeavour to see Mr Garbett and
one or two more at the Hotel. I mean to recommend to them the measure of a
Committee of Delegates from all the manufacturing places in England and
Scotland, to meet and sit in London all the time the Irish commercial affairs
are pending. Consult Lord Sheffield who will give you able advice and
19. 1785 March 7 - Treaty with Ireland. Propositions made at Meeting of
Manufacturers from various Parts of the Kingdom, held at the London Tavern,
March 7, 1785 (chairman John Wilkinson), with Queries on the proposed
interchange of Trade with Ireland. 4pp. folio. Printed.
20. 1895 March 10, 12 - Resolutions agreed to at a Meeting of
Manufacturers from various parts of this Kingdom, held at the London Tavern
March 10, 1785 and Notice of a further Meeting on March 14 1785. Signed Josiah
Wedgwood. 3pp. folio. Printed.
21. 1785 March 22 - General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain.
Report and Resolutions passed at a General Meeting held at the London Tavern, 22
March 1785. Matthew Boulton, Esq in the Chair. 3pp. folio. Printed.
22. 1785 April 4 Etruria - [M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham].
3pp. 4to.
'I shall be glad to hear that you are recovered from your late accident. I
have been reading an account of your last meeting in the English Chronicle of 29
March. The writer has not given a very accurate account of Mr Colhoun's motion
for a petition to the House of Commons for delay to enable the Chamber of
Manufacturers to submit information of the means of settling the intercourse
with Ireland &c &c.'
23. 1785 April 21 - Report of the Select Committee of the General
Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain. Signed Jos Wedgwood, Chairman. 4pp.
folio. Printed.
24. 1785 April 27 St George Street, London - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'It gives us much pleasure here to be informed you had so soon called a
meeting of your Committee, and I shall now every day expect the arrival either
of new petitions of the Iron Masters or riders to the old ones. Mr Russell the
great soap-boiler, with his brethren, and the tallow chandlers, are to petition
tomorrow. The curriers and tanners did not receive the least satisfaction from
their visit to Mr Pitt. Mr Gutteridge is printing a paper for distribution to
the trade. I hope the button-makers with you will see their danger and petition.'
25. 1785 April 28 Great George Street, [London] - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I have your favour giving a good account of your meeting at Birmingham with
the pleasing expectation of seeing Mr Garbett amongst us soon. I have received
the papers in answer to the Treasury paper on Iron. Mr Ball informed our
Committee that the leather trade had not received any satisfactory answer from
Mr Pitt. The soap and candle people are to meet tomorrow.'
26. 1785 April 29 Great George Street [London] - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. L S.
'I have orders to attend the House of Commons on Monday to be examined on the
potteries Petition. Mr Russell the soap boiler and two of his friends were to
have attended our Committee to prepare and sign a petition but made excuses. The
Iron people are to meet at the General Chamber tomorrow and I suppose will
petition. The Worcester petition we believe has been strangled. The Glovers here
will I believe petition.'
27. 1785 May 1 Great George Street, [London] - M Boulton. 7pp. 4to.
'I am extremely sorry Mr Garbett is not coming. I have promised those who sent
me hither to do my best to prevent the Irish resolutions passing into law. The
loss our cause sustained when you left us will not be easily retrieved. The
petition from the clothiers of Hampshire is to be presented tomorrow. I enclose
you Mr Gutteridge's paper. Mr Russell keeps his word with Mr Rose and breaks
it with us. The principal Glover in this town has a contract under Government,
so he cannot come. The button maker makes buttons for is Majesty and therefore
he is tied to his Majesty's ministers button holes. I wish that our good and
worthy friends Messrs Garbett and Reynolds would see the present call of their
country in the light which it surely deserves. At our meeting yesterday Sir
Herbert Mackworth took the chair and has been president for the year.'
28. 1785 May 5 Great George Street [London] - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I waited on Sir Robert Lawley, when he told me what he had written, by which
you know Mr Pitt's sentiments remain still unaltered with respect to the Irish
business, or at least with what relates to Iron. Mr Crawshw the great Iron
Merchant read at our meeting a paper to be presented to Mr Pitt stating the
great importance of the Iron trade to this nation. He expressed surprise that
neither Mr Wilkinson nor Mr Reynolds nor any of the Iron Masters were in town to
give evidence upon the subject. Is it impossible to send a petition from the
button manufacturers? We area trifled here by the soap makers &c &c.'
29. 1785 May 7 Great George Street [London] - John Wilkinson
[?Birmingham]. 3pp. 4to.
'I take it for granted that Mr Boulton or the chairman of the Committee of
Commerce of Birmingham, has from time to time informed you of our proceedings
here, and how much we have felt the want of evidence upon the Iron trade. A
nobleman yesterday said he had enquired of Mr Rose and Mr Steele how it happened
that no person had attended of the iron manufactures and he was told by those
gentlemen that it was because they were satisfied. The fate of the Bill may
depend upon the resolution you take.'
30. 1785 May 7 Great George Street [London] - M Boulton. 3pp. 4to.
[PS in another hand]
'The tanners and curriers are still sensible they shall be ruined. If the iron
masters in your neighbourhood had been true to their cause and to their country,
this business might be put off till after the holidays. Mr Crawshaw is rather a
friend to the Irish resolution. Mr Gibbins of Wolverhampton writes that he has
written to desire Mr Garbett to call a meeting &c.'
31. 1785 May 14 Great George Street - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
'Mr Garbett will no doubt acquaint you with our present situation. We now
perceive the necessity of having petitions instantly presented.'
32. 1785 May 16 General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain. At a
Select Committee, London, 16 May 1785. Remarks on the Irish Resolutions as
Amended. Signed, Josiah Wedgwood, Chairman. 3pp. folio. Printed.
33. 1785 May 21 Great George Street, London - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. folio. [With S Garbett, London. May 21, 1785 - M Boulton
'We have seen Mr Garbett here, just seen him, and he is gone. I need not tell
you how much we stand in need of abilities like his, at this most critical and
most perilous moment. I will not repeat what I have said in a short letter to Mr
Watt, and need not tell you that we consider your town as the animating spirit
of the towns and places in your neighbourhood. Several petitions are coming up
besides two from Manchester and the neighbouring towns.'
[S Garbett - 'I have been at two General Meetings of the Chamber and
shall be at another this evening. Though Mr Wedgwood intimates I have been
slight in my attention to the Chamber, the business one way or other has
employed more than four fifths of the hours I have had in London. You will soon
see Mr Gilbert Meason at Birmingham, Mr Hollis is going through Cornwall.']
34. 1785 May 27 Great George Street [London] - M Boulton [Soho,
Birmingham] 2pp. folio.
'The alterations are so great from the original eleven propositions, that
there is every reason to believe the Irish will not accept the present
amendments. I mean throwing in may petitions and having good evidences at the
bar. Much is expected from your town and neighbourhood. Mr Garbett was so kind
as to promise some petitions to the House of Commons praying for time. Perhaps
they are come today and will be examined in t he House of Lords. Mr Gibbons of
Bristol is written for. I am writing to Manchester requesting they will send
evidence on silk, cotton and fustians.'
35. 1785 May 31 Great George Street - [M Boulton, Birmingham]. 2pp.
4to. L S.
'Many good and able Lords have promised to support the Manufacturing interest
in the House, if the manufacturers will supply them with the means of doing so.'
36. 1785 June 20 Committee of the General Chamber of Manufacturers of
Great Britain, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill. Signed Wedgwood, Chairman.
3pp. folio. Printed. Endorsed 'Abstract of the Emperor of Germany's Edict
in prohibiting the Importation of Foreign Goods into his Dominions. Dated at
Venice, the 25th September 1784.'
37. 1785 August 20 Moreton - M Boulton, Chacewater, Truro,
Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'I thank you for the offer of 10 to 40 Shares in the Cornish Metal Co. I am
much concerned to hear of the death of Mr Phillips of Redruth. I am just
returned from a tour into Wales and am now on a visit to Mr Archdeacon Clive.'
38. 1785 September 17 Matlock - M Boulton, Chacewater, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to. L S.
'I readily acquiesce in the request of transferring back to you at the end of
four years £500 or £1000 of my property in the Cornish Co's capital. I shall
be glad of some account of our affairs at Polgooth.'
39. [1785] September 17 Matlock - James Watt. (copy 2pp. folio.)
'I have written to my nephew T Byerley, Greek Street, London to make all
remittances payable in the time mentioned, for my shares in the Cornish Metal
Co. I have met Mr Arkwright several times. He is much affected by the ill usage
he received at the last trial.'
40. [1785] Plan of the General Chamber of Manufacturers of Great Britain.
4pp. folio. Printed.
41. [1785] 'A view of the effects of the Fourth Resolution of the
Parliament of Ireland, on certain Manufacturers of Great Britain in the
Commercial Regulations now about to be established.' 4pp. folio. Printed.
42. 1785 December 30 [Etruria] - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
(Part only of letters. Footnote, initialled Z W[alker] 'This was annexed to Mr
Wedgwood's L're (upon Pottery Business, dated Etruria 31 Decem: 1785).
Endorsed, in pencil, 'Probably later than 1785'. Wishes to know if Mr
Boulton will be at home for a little conversation with him.
43. [?1785] Frith Street [London] - Boulton & Watt, at Mr Matthews's,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to. A L. Endorsed 'Mr Wedgwood suppose
1785'; also endorsed, in pencil, 'It relates to suppression of Slave
Trade and is later than 1785.' Has called on Lord Sheffield and begged the
enclosed Case from him. Lord Sheffield will see Messrs Boulton & Watt or
either of them on Tuesday morning. His lordship said evidences may undoubtedly
be heard at the bar upon the Case. Has heard nothing from Mr Wilberforce, Mr
Smith. Returns the paper which may be returned by the bearer with the
alterations confirmed or otherwise as you think proper.
44. ?1785 Document endorsed 'Copy of an Act of Parliament to prevent
seduction of Workmen.' [25 Geo III, 1785] 1p. 4to.
45. 1785 January 5 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'The abuse which Ministerial hirelings have poured on the Chamber as being
indigent and unsupported will now I hope be done away with as effectually as
their calumnies respecting the truth of the interesting information from
Brussels. I hope to wait on you at Soho and it is possible Mr Walker of
Manchester may come with ,e. With regard to your going to London on purpose to
take your seat in the Royal Society, I can assure you that gentlemen living at a
distance are always permitted to defer that ceremony to their own convenience. I
have with me the President De Virley (Parliament of Dijon) who was recommended
to me by Sir Joseph Banks, Dr Bancroft &c. With respect to the Lavinier or
Lavoir, this would be a very cumbrous vessel made in our ware, and would not
save the splashing of the water on the walls.'
46. 1786 January 14 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I cannot have the pleasure of seeing you so soon as I had hoped. Mr Eden
informs me that he does not leave England till the middle of next month, and I
hope it will be convenient for you to meet me there before then. I hope to hear
that your subscription goes on agreeable to your wishes. Do you know whether
they are doing anything in Sheffield?'
47. 1786 June 14 White Swan, Birmingham - M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham].
2pp. 4to.
'I have left a few sets of my Cameo Buttons to be Mounted and shall be glad
to increase our connection in this way, as well in selling you Cameos for your
own trade, or in having them mounted by you for mine, both in gilt metal, and
steel, or in any other way, which your inventive genius may strike out. I
refused an offer the other day of making my fortune by being concerned in a
partnership for making Steam Engines of a new improved construction and by
48. Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I have received a note from Mr Yeatherd of Truro, informing me that a call is
to be made on the subscribers to the Cornish Metal Co. I shall be obliged by
your telling me what proportion of the sum will fall to my share.'
49. [1786] Document endorsed 'Abstract of Mr Wedgwood's
conjectures on the bas-reliefs of the Portland Vase.' 3pp. folio. Printed.
50. 1787 February 23 Greek Street [London] - [M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham]. 2pp. folio.
'You have seen no doubt by the public papers the dissentations which rend our
Chamber of Manufacturers almost asunder. You will see they have endeavoured to
lay open our dependence upon Portugal and Spain for raw materialls, and what is
much more material the extent of our clandestine commerce with France.'
51. [1787] March 20 London - James Watt. Birmingham Reference Library
MSS Copy. 1p. folio.
'I fear that all the mischief which the present Meeting of the Chamber can do
by absurd resolutions &c, will be over before the advertisement from
Birmingham makes it appearance.'
52. 1787 September 27 Etruria - M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham]. 3pp. 4to.
Enclosing Mr Wedgwood's Power of Attorney, (September 6, 1787). 1p. folio.
Made jointly and severally to M Boulton, John Wilkinson and John Hurd.
'I have received a letter from Mr Provis in which he says he is directed by
the Committee of the Cornish Metal Co to send a copy of the Minutes entered in
their proceedings, viz a very considerably number of large subscribers having
expressed their readiness to reduce their interest from 8 to 5 per cent, until
the Copper Trade is in a more prosperous state, Resolved - That all
Subscribers be consulted on the subject. I have said in answer that being wholly
in the dark with regard to the state of the company's affairs, and the
committee having afforded me no information, all I can do is to appoint a proxy
to act for me. Accordingly I enclose you my Power of Attorney.'
53. 1787 October 18 Etruria - M Boulton, at Mr Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp. folio. L S.
'I have considered the particulars of your letter and I own I cannot see the
shadow of a reason for any proprietors in the Cornish Metal Co merely as such,
wishing its continuance. The loss is certain and the longer it is continued the
greater it must inevitably be.'
54. 1789 August 24 Etruria - M Boulton [c/o Messrs Thos & Wm Barrow
& C Marriott, Merchants, Manchester.] 2pp. folio. Copy. 'Annexed is Z
Walker, Birmingham - M Boulton 26 August 1789. 1p. folio.
'Mr Byerly acquaints me that he sent you a line respecting the five Boxes of
Tools, Raw Materials, Drawings, Descriptions &c, which are stopt at the
Custom House and which appear to have belonged to Mr Ljunberg, a Dane. The whole
collection appears to have been made with no other view than to carry
information to similar Manufactories abroad. There is a large manuscript nook
full of Drawings of Machines and Engines, some from the neighbourhood of London,
others from Cornwall, Birmingham, Coalbrookdale, Manchester, Leeds, Matlock,
Nottingham &c, and many are dated as far back as the year 1775.'
55. 1789 August 28 Etruria - M Boulton, c/o Messrs Thos & Wm Barrow
& C Marriott, Manchester. Annexing Minutes of 'Proceedings of the
Committee of Earthen Ware at Etruria September 1789.' held at Etrurian Inn on
Monday August 24, 1789. 3pp. folio. A L.
'It is happy to find that Mr Garbett has written to Mr Rose and Mr Stiles
on the subject of Mr Ljunberg's specimens. Mr Ljnberg petitioned the
Commissioners to have his things given up. Encloses a copy of a circular letter
which the Committee of Earthen Ware at Etruria has sent to Nottingham, Leeds,
Derby &c; begs Mr Boulton will hand it to some public body at Manchester.'
56. 1789 February 14 Etruria - M Boulton, Buxton]. 2pp. 4to.
'The business [of Mr Ljunberg] is now in such good hands that I can have no
doubt of every necessary step being taken not only to prevent the mischief
intended, but to produce good out of the apprehended evil.'
57. 1791 February 14 Etruria - M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham]. 1p. 4to.
'Introducing the bearer, Mr Fueter the Director of the Mint at Berne, who has
been visiting most of the Mints in Europe.'
58. 1792 June 15 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. 'Introducing
his good friends Mr Collins and Mr White of London, with their Ladies, who wish
to see Mr Boulton's celebrated Manufactory.'
58A. 1792 June 15 Etruria Josiah Wedgwood, junior - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham - see under WEDGWOOD JOSIAH, junior.
59. 1792 August 25 Etruria - M Bouton, at Mrs Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
'As near as I can guess, the Engine should be from 12 to 15 horses supposing
the force of 30 horses to be wanted, how much greater expenses, or what other
disadvantages, would attend the dividing of it into two Steam Engines. I would
have one of the engines to go direct by the force of steam, and in the other I
would throw the water upon a wheel.'
60. 1792 November 11 M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham] - J Wedgwood
[Etruria]. 3pp. 4to. Autograph draft, endorsed 'my answer and letter to J
Wedgwood November 11 1792 about Engine and repayment of his money.'
'I am not possessed of any calculations respecting an Engine of 15 horses but
I can speak accurately as to the cost of 16 horse and 32 horse power Engines. A
16 horse £696, a 32 horse £1260. For two Engines you must have two men to work
them and the trifling repairs will cost twice as much. I cannot recommend
the application of Engines to the raising of water to be applied to a Water
Wheel because there will be a loss of nearly 50% of the power, moreover there is
the expense of the Pumps. The Cornish gentlemen have got a little twilight on
the merits of Hornblower's Engine and have discovered that a bushel of coal
produces only half the effect it does on one of our Engines, therefore the fury
of some gentlemen is a little abated.'
1792 November 11 [M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham] - [J Wedgwood, Etruria]
Autograph draft. 1p. 4to. [Written on blank page of the preceding letter]
'By the Will of my late friend Matthews, his executors are under the necessity
of liquidating his accounts and paying off the legacies he has devised. This the
executors cannot do so long as any collateral security is outstanding. Therefore
I have to request that you either allow me to pay you the money I owe you upon
mortgage or that you will relinquish Mr Matthews's security.'
61. 1792 November 12 Josiah Wedgwood, junior, Etruria - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham - see under WEDGWOOD, JOSIAH, junior.
62. 1792 December 16 Josiah Wedgwood, junior, Etruria - [M Boulton] at
Mrs Matthews's, No. 6 Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London - see under
63. 1792 December 21 [M Boulton], Soho - J Wedgwood [Etruria] 1p.4to.
Press copy. [not signed. ? Incomplete].
'When I was at Etruria, I understood you wanted a Mill to grind 1000 pecks per
week; if so the 7 horse Engine will only do about half that quantity, as Mr
Spodes Engine of 5 horses, grinds 500 pecks and works night and day.'
64. 1792 December 29 M Boulton, Soho - J Wedgwood [Etruria] 1p. 4to.
Press copy.
'I send enclosed 3 Bills value £5133.6.6 which I believe will settle our
money account. The 10 horse Engine shall be instantly put in hand. I will also
give directions for drawings to be made of my Ideas of your Mill Work for
65. 1793 January 1 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. L S.
[P S in the autograph of Josiah Wedgwood]
'I duly received your favour containing Bills amounting to £5133.6.6. I will
send your writings the first opportunity and shall be glad to receive your Plan
of the Mill and House.'
66. 1793 January 14 Devonshire Place - Mr Rob Boulton, Soho, Birmingham
- see under WEDGWOOD JOSIAH, junior.
67. 17193 June 17 Etruria - M Boulton, at Mrs Matthews's, Green
Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'Recomdtn of Revd Mr Blunt.'
'I take the liberty of recommending to you good offices with any of your
friends who may be Governors of the Free School in Birmingham, the Rev Mr Blunt
who is a candidate for the place of Second Master. Mr Blunt has lived at
Newcastle some time as curate and master of the Free Schools.'
68. 1794 April 3 Josiah Wedgwood, junior for Josiah Wedgwood, senior,
Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - see under JOSIAH WEDGWOOD, junior.
69. 1794 November 5 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Wedgwood
[Etruria] 1p. 4to. Press copy. Introducing Mr Thon from Germany, a friend of Mr
70. 1795 January 6 Alex Chisholm, Etruria - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Endorsed 'Death of Wedgwood' [3 January 1795]. Mr
Wedgwood died on the 3rd instant about noon.
70A. J Wedgwood - a proposed xviiith century research
organisation [paper by R E Schofield].
70B. 1938 - Press Cuttings, Birmingham Post 'Wedgwood and the
Founders of Sydney' Birmingham Post 'Wedgwood Works Extension'.
58A. 1792 June 15 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to
'If you do not find it convenient to realize our expectations of seeing you, I
will write again giving you an account of the work done by a particular Mill in
grinding the different raw materials used in our manufactory, with the quantity
and fall of water, the diameter and breadth of the wheel. You will then be able
to tell us what power the Engine we wish you to erect must possess.'
61. 1792 November 12 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'My father will be perfectly satisfied to have Mr Matthews name taken out of
the Security and for yours to stand alone.'
62. 1792 December 16 Etruria - [M Boulton] c/o Mrs Matthews, No 6 Green
Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 1p. 4to.
'My father will willingly receive the £5000 you propose paying immediately.
As it appears from your calculations that an Engine of 6 horses will answer our
purpose, we shall be obliged to you to enter an order for one of that power for
66. 1793 January 14 Devonshire Place - Mr Rob Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I am obliged by your attention to my little commission (?for razors) for M
Gill. I thank you for your friendly wishes on my marriage, which took place
nearly three weeks ago.'
68. 1794 April 3 Josiah Wedgwood, junior for Josiah Wedgwood, senior,
Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I should be obliged to you for enquiring of the widow of Mr Joseph Salt of
Birmingham respecting the character of Mr Kneckt who was in her country house 15
months. I am in treaty with him for the management of my warehouse in town. I
would be glad of information respecting the merits of cheapness of Eldorado or
other metallic sashes compared with oak ones.'
71. 1795 September 8 M Boulton [Soho, Birmingham] - Josiah Wedgwood,
junior. 1p. 4to. Press copy. With a commission for '2 Compleat Table
Services' &c. 1p. 4to. Press copy.
72. 1795 September 12 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'Your order shall be attended to. I will send you a book of pattern plates
with a list of prices. We have not a set of engravings for a botanical dessert,
those you have seen are from other manufactory.'
73. 1795 September 16 Wm Cox for Wedgwood & Byerley, Etruria - M
Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. With a 'List of Pieces of a Table & dessert Services.' 1p. 4to.
74. 1795 October 3 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
With a note in Z Walker's autograph 'Messrs Russell & Moller are the
late House of Messrs Geo & Willm Russell & Co, in Paradise Street,
Birmingham. Z W.'
'I returned yesterday from an excursion in search of clay, in which necessary
article we are in some danger of a monopoly being formed. I received your order
in J Watt's letter. Do you mean to have the set with a double brown edge
marked No 2, with a Crest? I think it will be more convenient to have the
dessert exactly the same as the table set No 3. I would recommend brown rather
than blue because the latter colour does not wear well.'
75. 1795 December 24 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Thanking him for the specimen of Steatite discovered by Mr Murdock: will make
a trial of it. Has not yet seen Messrs Tschoppen and Heidinger.'
76. 1796 September 7 Etruria - James Watt, junior (MSS copy. 2pp.
'I have some trial to create heat without smoke. I shall consult your father
on this subject.'
77. 1798 April 1 Josiah Wedgwood & Byerley, Etruria - M Boulton,
Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Note in the autograph of Z Walker - 'Mr
Collins only recollects that many years ago a person of the name of F B Folck
then resided in Birmingham, but farther he is a total stranger.' 'We are
called upon to sign the certificate of F B Folck late in partnership with Mr
78. 1799 April 2 Stoke - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Introducing the bearer, the Rev Mr Wrangham of Hunmanby in Yorkshire.
79. 1800 September 3 Josiah Wedgwood & Byerley, Etruria -
M Boulton, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Enclosing a Bill for Ice Pails, dated 30
August 1800. A letter - Wm Cheshire, Soho - Z Walker September 9, 1800,
written thereon.
80. 1803 June 3 J Wedgwood & Byerley (B Prescott) - M B, Schoolhouse.
8pp. 4to. Enclosing a Bill for Ice Pails.
81. 1809 April 27 Mint Officer, Soho - Josiah Wedgwood & Byerley.
1p. 4to. Is unable to execute this order for copper coins, as the coinage has
been suspended.
82. 1811 June 1 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Desires to have some barrels of copper coin.
83. 1811 October 7 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Thanking him for his entertainment at Soho.
84. 1812 May 7 London - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Wishing that he and Mr Watt would join the Deputation from the Potteries, now in
town, to attend the Committee on the Orders in Council. Gives a list of the
deputations from various centres.
85. 1812 May 21 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Wedgwood. 2pp. 4to.
Press copy. Reasons for declining to join the Deputation to Parliament for
obtaining a revocation of the Orders in Council. Doubts as to the qualifications
of the Birmingham Deputies.
86. 1812 May 26 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Observations on the attempt to obtain a repeal of the Orders in Council.
87. 1812 June 26 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Printed. Circular letter, recommending economy in the use of Corn, and
requesting subscribers to a public advertisement.
88. 1814 June 25 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. His
mother has had a stroke of the Palsy: requests the loan of the contrivance used
by Matthew Boulton in his illness.
89. 1814 July 7 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. His
mother has recovered surprisingly and he does not deem necessary any contrivance
for raising her.
90. 1815 January 30 Etruria - [M R Boulton]. 1p.4to. Recommending Mr
Taylor of St Helens, Auckland, as a Bookkeeper.
91. 1815 February 16 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Wedgwood,
[Etruria]. 1p. 4to. Press copy. The recent situation at Soho is not suitable for
Mr Taylor.
92. 1818 August 8 London - M Robinson Boulton. 1p. 8vo. Introducing the
Count Joseph Sierakowski.
93. 1820 Soho 28 Etruria - Messrs Boulton, Watt & Co, Soho,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. On earthen Drain Pipes. Will send a specimen.
94. 1826 February 7 Etruria - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Requisition for an Anti-slavery Meeting. 3pp. 4to.
95. 1826 February 8 Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - J Wedgwood [Etruria].
2pp. 4to. Press copy. His objections to concur in Mr Wedgwood's requisition
for the Meeting on the Abolition of Slavery.
WEDGWOOD, RALPH (1776-1837) Inventor
96. 1803, March 15 Bransford, Worcester - Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
1p. 4to. Requesting particulars of M Boulton's plans for forming connections
with the inventors of Machinery and whether it will suit him to enter into terms
for bringing a discovery into general use, the machinery of which forms an
article of his manufacture.
97. 1803 March 19 Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - R Wedgwood. 1p. 4to.
'He never formed any such Plans, nor has he been at all connected with any
Investors of Machinery except Mr James Watt.'
98. 1803 March 24 Bransford - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham
3pp. 4to. A L..
'The invention consists of a new principle for producing duplicates of
writings or drawings. Possibly Mr Boulton may conceive that this invention may
be some infringement upon Mr Brunel's patent double writer of which Mr
Farthing is the vendor, but the principles are different although the effects
produced are the same.'
99. 1803 March 26 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - R Wedgwood. 1p. 4to.
Press copy. L S.
'I perceive your Invention is of such a nature as is not compatible with our
present plan of business to be concerned in. Mr Brunel offered me his invention
but for similar reasons it was declined.'
100. 1803 April 1 Bransford - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'Probably it is in your power to give me the address of some manufacturers
whom it might suit to engage with me.'
101.1803 May 23 ?
102. 1807 November 4 [North Cheshire], Soho - R Wedgwood. 1p. 4to.
Press copy.
'You will perceive from the enclosed Card that it is not possibly to comply
with the desire [to visit the Soho Manufactory] expressed in your note.'
103. 1792 December 24 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
[Signature wanting, incomplete] (Photostat copy of the remainder). 'My
father says that the mode you propose paying the money is perfectly agreeable to
him. He thought Mr Spodes Engine had been calculated equal to 3 horses only, and
therefore when he said 6 horses he meant an Engine of double the power of
Spodes, which it seems must be 10 horses, he therefore wishes it to be so.'
104. 1792 December 29 Etruria - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I enclose £41.6.0, the amount of the Bill for Buttons for the Staff of
Bowmen. I have sent you some 5 gn notes in hopes they will circlate in your
neighbourhood. Mr M B Boulton said he would give me a pair of razors from Gill.'
105. 1798 July 30 Stoke, Cobham, Surrey - James Watt, junior or M R
Boulton. 2pp. 4to. Invitation to accompany him on a shooting party into Wales.
106. 1798 August 3 M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - T Wedgwood.
2pp. 4to. Press copy. Declining his invitation. Letters from Wedgwood to Darwin.
(MS 1633)
William Withering and family, c1770-1814, from Box W3 (262).
Boxes of Incoming Letters: Items 114-117. Additional Collection of Letters from
and to members of the family of Dr William Withering of Edgbaston Hall. 2
Volume 1: items 1-111
Volume 2: items 1-113
Both volumes have alphabetical indexes of correspondents.
(Please note that Reel 10 is in two sections: Reel 10A and Reel 10B.
This split became necessary because of the extent of additional Withering
material added towards the end of the filming process. Reel 10A ends
with item 64 Volume 2 of the Additional Material. The rest of Volume 2 is on
Reel 10B followed by the Thomas Day, Richard Lovell Edgeworth,
William Small and John Whitehurst material.
Thomas Day, 1772-1790, Items 1-42
1. 1772 Matthew Boulton - Thomas Day. Bond for £2200, and an indemnity
for all demands made upon TD, as holder of eleven shares in the Birmingham Canal
Navigation. [Not completed.] 2pp. folio.
2. 1775 March 17 Barehill, near Maidenhead - M B, Soho, Birmingham.
3pp. folio.
'Imagining you have by this time, paid the last attentions to our friend
[Dr Small] and that his brother may be arrived at Birmingham, I trouble you with
the following letter, to state more clearly, my connection with the Doctor.'
'Mr Barker, to whom I lent at Dr Small's request, £400 on the security of
two Shares in the Birmingham Canal Navigation be transferred to Dr Small, never
took any Note for the return of the Shares.'
3. 1775 November 24 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'Two of the four (Canal) Shares you hold for me belong to Mr Jos Barker,
[Surgeon] of Birmingham. He is desirous of redeeming them directly. The Balance
due to me from him is £425.'
4. 1776 June 28 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Requesting him
to sell one of his Birmingham Canal Shares.
5. 1776 July 12 London - M B Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Acknowledges
the receipt of six hundred pounds, requests he will sell one or both of his
Birmingham Canal Shares, at the first opportunity.
6. 1776 July November 23 Holograph receipt for £113.6.0 for interest,
with an acknowledged of the receipt of the balance of the Navigation account 'including
the interest on 7 shares belonging to the administrators of Dr Small.' 1
7. [1777] January 29 London - M B [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to. Repeats his
request for the sale of Canal Shares.
8. 1777 February 7 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
Notwithstanding Mr Boulton's disinterested and generous proposal, persists in
the design of parting with the two Canal Shares.
9. [1777] February 22 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Has not
received a reply to his letter, in which he thanked Mr Boulton for his
generosity in offering to sell out of the navigation on his account: persists in
his resolution of parting with his own Shares.
10.[1777] March 14 Temple - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. In case the
Transfers executed by Mr Phillips, and sent him long since, have miscarried,
requests others for Mr Phillips to execute.
11. [1777?] March 24 Barehill - M B, at Mr Macullocks, Dukes Court, St
Martins, London. 2pp. 4to.
'I will purchase three Staffordshire Canal Shares at the price Mr Gilbert
mentions. I hope you and Mr Watt are successful in the business which detains
you in London.'
12.[1777] April 8 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham, 1p. 4to. Apologises
for the trouble given him about the shares; but it is three weeks since Mr
Boulton wrote that Mr Meredith objected to the transfers not being properly
filled up, and in consequence Mr Falkland would bring him up the transfers; he
received them from Mr Falkland and returned them to him: has since heard nothing
from Birmingham.
13. 1777 July 27 - December 18. Holograph Memorandum dated 23 November
1776, concerning Ten Shares in Birmingham Navigation belonging to Mr Boulton but
held by Mr Day as security for £3,000. Mr Boulton has mortgaged two Shares to
Dr Ash.
14. [1777] August 18 Barehill - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. 'The
enclos'd containing a full and true account of Mr Keir's sentiments about
button making, I transmit directly to you. It is unnecessary to add any thing
from myself, except that America is unconquer'd, the King is.England will be.and
then what will become of button making.'
15. [1777] December 13 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Acknowledges the receipt of a Draught for six hundred pounds. The Transfers,
Power of Attorney, he received, executed and sent away yesterday.
16. 1777 December 20 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Enclosing
a receipt for the sum of two hundred and twenty pounds on account.
17. 1777 December 21 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to. It was
agreed that Mr Boulton should receive the interest on Mr Phillip's 8 shares
which he holds for Mr Boulton, and should account only T. Day for the interest
on £2400. Begs leave to state the account.
18. 1778 January 22 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Acknowledges the receipt of two Draughts for the dividends on the navigation
Shares belonging to Thomas Day and the Smalls.
19. [1778] February 26 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Apologises for his mistake in mis-stating the account between them
20. 1778 March 20 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Wishes to
dispose of two or three more Birmingham Shares, and to receive the odd £400 of
the account between them
21. [177] May 25 The Temple - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Enquiries
whether he has had an opportunity of selling his two Navigation Shares.
22. 1778 June 13 Bath - M B, at Mrs Matthews's, Green Lettuce Lane,
Cannon Street, London. 1p. 4to.
'If still in town, please direct the Transfers to me at Miss D'Oyley's
Kingston Buildings, Bath, and if you have brought up as much £50, please add
that or a lesser (not greater) sum in a Post Bill. I sincerely lament with you
the death of poor C Darwin, a young man of the most promising abilities and
23. 1778 July 27 Autograph document endorsed by Mr Boulton, 'Copy
of my Acct with Mr Day July 27, 1778'. 2pp. folio.
24. 1778 September 24 Bath - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. His
marriage. Has taken a house at Hampstead for the ensuing winter.
25. 1779 July - Holograph receipt for interest on £1000 paid by Mr
Boulton. 1 Slip.
26. [1780 October] M B [Soho] - Thomas Day, Anningsley, Chertsey, Surrey.
1p. 4to. Letter Book M B, 1780-1786.
27. [1780] October 29 Anningsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Acknowledges a Bill for £50; will not trouble him for the capital sum [£1,000]
if he wishes to have it for another year.
'At most, should any particular occasion arise (and you will allow that in the
state to which your noble friends have reduced this kingdom, it is impossible to
predict what may, or may not happen), I will only call on you for part of it,
and that not without ample previous notice. I am extremely obliged to you, for
your offer of contributing to furnish me as a museum, out of the productions of
Cornwall. The truth is, that although I think every species of science more
adapted to repay the labour of the student, than that in which I am engaged, the
study of man, yet I am at present too much engaged with that to be at leisure
for others.'
Declines the present of a copying Machine.
'I am very happy upon Erasmus's [Darwin junior] Account, that he has
accompanied you in your tour [to Cornwall]: no Species of knowledge is entirely
useless to young minds; and besides the Science of Mineralogy, there are two
others for which he could not possible find an abler master than yourself, the
knowledge of the world, and the art of doing and saying handsome things; I hope
by some expressions in your letter you have by this time become an adept in a
third, le moyen d'y parvenir, vulgarly called the art of getting a fortune.'
28. 1781 May 20 Stapleford Abbot- M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Suggests the repayment of instalments of the loan of £1000.
29. 1781 July 21 Stapleford Abbot - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Begs an answer respecting the loan.
30. 1781 August 15 Anningsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Not
having heard from Mr Boulton repeats his suggestion as to the repayment of the
31. 1781 September 8 Anningsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Wishes to invest what little money he could raise, in land, 'which is most
likely to remain secure, amidst the wreck of all other property, which your
friends in power have occasioned'.
32. 1782 April 16 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Is to
complete the purchase of an estate in about two months time: would be obliged by
Mr Boulton paying within that time the remainder or part of the money owing to
33. 1782 April 22 Z Walker [Soho Warehouse, Birmingham] - M B, Soho. 1p.
folio. Sends a statement of Mr Boulton's Account with Thomas Day.
34. 1782 April 24 M B, Birmingham - Thomas Day. 3pp. 4to. Press copy.
Requests his further indulgence in respect of £500 of the sum he owes.
'I flattered myself a year ago that I had a fair prospect before me, as I had
in my possession so many executed Articles of Agreement for Steam Engines (which
are all now erected though not at work yet) as amounted to 8000 pounds per year,
but now instead of our income being augmented to that sum, I have the misfortune
to find it diminished by ye stopping of the mines in Cornwall in consequence of
the prohibition upon ye exportation of Copper, and some squabble amongst ye
Gents. In that trade hath exceedingly reduced ye price of ores.'
Encloses the present state of the account between them.
35. 1782 May 3 Stapleford Abbot - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Did
not intend to put Mr Boulton to any inconvenience, and does not doubt but he
shall be able to make up the purchase money, between 3 and 4000 pounds, for the
estate in Herefordshire.
'I sincerely hope and have some reason to believe, that we are now upon the
eve of peace, which I hope will give new life and vigour to every thing.'
36. 1784 January 27 M B, Soho - T Day. Letter Book M B, 1780-1786.
Autograph draft. 2pp. 4to. He had paid many heavy sums since Mr Fothergill's
death and has yet one more (£5000) to pay on Boulton & Fothergill's
account in February when will be easy. Can at the same time pay the £500
balance due to T Day. Encloses 'statement of their Account, and a Bill for
the interest due.'
37. 1784 February 7 Anningsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Thanking him for the punctuality of his reply and the offer he makes of settling
all accounts, but does not wish to cause that precipitation which may be any
real detriment. Will confirm as far as possible in every way to his desire.
38. 1784 April - Holograph document endorsed by Mr Boulton, 'Mr
Days Acct.' 1p. folio.
39. 1785 April 14 Anningsley - M B, at Mr Matthews's, Green Lettuce
Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
'Since I have waited for the letter you promised me, with the same patient
expectation the Jews do for their promised Messiah. . I venture to address
this letter to Mr Matthews's as I see your name figuring away in the chamber
of commerce, and shining for the first time in the front of opposition.'
40.1785 June 8 Anningsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Refers to
Mr Boulton's letter of January 27, 1784. 'Begs he will be precise and
name some time or other which will be convenient to settle with him.'
41. Z Walker [Soho Warehouse, Birmingham] - M B, Hens & Chickens
Hotel, Birmingham. 1p.folio. With reference to Mr Day's Account.
1790 March 6 M B, Soho - 'Mrs Day's Attorney' [London]. 2pp. 4to. Press
copy [Letter Book, M B 1789-1794]. 'It is true I owed Mr Day £500 upon a
Second Mortgage of Land but I paid it off in June 1785.'
42. 1934 October 6. Press cutting 'Sabrina Sidney' Birmingham
1939 September 28. Press cutting 'Sandford and Merton' Birmingham
Richard Lovell Edgeworth, 1774-1792, from Box E1 (230).
Boxes of Incoming Letters: Items 97-103
97. 1774 November 24. Edgeworth to Boulton.
98. 176 August 1. Edgeworth to [M B?], Soho, Birmingham. List of
99. 1776 October 17. Edgeworth to Mr Fothergill.
100. 1777 February 16. Edgeworth to Matthew Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
'Though I have not yet received the plate, I believe it is in a Box which I am
informed lyes for me at Lichfield; and if you will be so good as to let me know
where I can pay the amount of the Value in London it shall be done when you
please. If you would let the Silver Toast Rack lye in your ... Room till I have
the pleasure of seeing you, perhaps somebody might take a fancy to it. I have no
fault with it except that it has an appearance of superfluity which is above the
style of my general manner of livery. I wish when you come to London that you
would look in and see what that is!'
101. 1780 October 2. Edgeworth to Matthew Boulton, care of Mr Wilson,
Chasewater, Truro, Cornwall.
[Edgeworth R L. Letter Book MB, 1780-1781] 1780 November 20. Matthew Boulton to
Edgeworth. 3pp. Apologies for the delay in answering his letter of October 3,
but he was taken ill after the visit of Erasmus Darwin and has since been very
much indisposed. 'Since my arrival in this County I have signed and sealed
sundry contracts which will be an increase of 5000 pounds a year to our Engine
annuities.' Gives advice on small book on marriages in answer to questions
raised by Edgeworth.
102. 1781 January 26 Edgeworth to Matthew Boulton. 3pp.
103. 1792 July 11 Edgeworth to Matthew Boulton. 1p.
William Small and family, c.1768-1809.
Items 1-72
1.1768 January 7 Birmingham - Mr Watt, engineer at Glasgow, Scotland.
2pp. 4to.
M B will write to J W and to Dr Roebuck as to his determination on the proposal
made by Dr Roebuck [Steam Engine Partnership]: is not certain whether it would
be possible to manage the Wheel and the reciprocating Engines by separate
partnerships, but if so M B and he [W S] would engage with J W in either
provided he will come and live in Birmingham. Some experiments made since J W
was in Birmingham will lead to the operators discovering J W's alcali process.
[Printed in part by Muirhead, vol 1 p16]
2. 1768 August 12 [Birmingham] - [James Watt, London] 2pp. 4to.
Is glad to find J W is in London and taking steps to secure his invention. M B
is prevented from going to town. 'Mr [R L] Edgeworth is a gentleman of
fortune, young and mechanical and indefatigable. He is not acquainted with
Heatly [Joseph Hately] but had taken a resolution of moving land and water
carriages by steam, and has made considerable progress for the short space of
time he has employed himself in that study. He knows nothing of your peculiar
improvements, but seems to be on a fair way of knowing whatever can be known on
such subjects.' Respects to Mr [Alexander] Cumming. 'Get your patent
and come to Birmingham with as much time to spare there as you can.' [Printed
by Muirhead]
3.1768 September Birmingham - J Watt [?London]. 1p. 4to.
'Luna cornea will not do by cementation, but I have silvered most admirably as
people tin iron plates. Your clever friend Mr Robinson and his pupil passed
Friday evening with me to my great satisfaction I told them I hoped to travel in
a fiery chariot of your invention.' [Printed in part by Muirhead]
4. 1769 February 12 [?19] Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to. A L.
Doubts whether Cobalt is a distinct semi-metal. Has the same suspicions about
Nickel. Experiments with the Steam Wheel Engine. Can prevent the calcination of
Newton's metal and similar metals, in this Machine. Has not leisure to write
more about refractions. Huygen's level hung in water is secure from all errors
from expansion and its opposite. In Birmingham Copal is readily dissolved in
linseed oil so as to make a beautiful transparent varnish.
5. 1769 April 18 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
Has not heard from [Alexander] Cumming and was obliged to send J W's
specification, much as he received it, to the attorney to be engrossed and
advising him to consult with Cumming. Moor, a linen draper at London, has taken
out a patent for moving wheel carriages by steam. 'This comes of thy
delays.' 'Pray take better care of the alcali and come to England with all
speed.' 'I admire your last condenser much.'
6. 1769 June [?May] Birmingham - J W, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
Moor is no profound philosopher, is rich and sanguine. Has been applied to by Mr
Parrot for one of J W's reciprocating engines, intended for his brother a coal
owner. [Bedworth] Has had several conversations with Mr Boulton about J W's
proposals, but they think both the reciprocating and the wheel engine ought to
be prosecuted in conjunction as a manufacture: they would willingly assist J W
in making models of the circulator. Recommends him to talk with Dr Roebuck on
the subject of this letter.
7. 1769 July 26 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
Dr Roebuck called both on his way to London and on his return; he had a good
deal of conversation with Mr Boulton on the Steam Engine, and a little about
alcali. A friend of W S decomposes Sea Salt with Lime, but supposes a third
substance is necessary. Does not doubt of the success of the engine J W is now
building. The manufacture of Porcelain and Soap Stone from Cornwall. The
manufactures at Sevres much improved. Scotch Cobalt and Nickel Ore, and colour
for enamel. Lapis Calaminaris. Watt's Specification of his alcali. The Art de
teindre and a Swiss philosopher. Blakey's Machine. A solvent for the earth of
Alum. Steam issuing into a vacuum. The study of Metallurgy. A method for
enabling Crucibles and Melting Pots to bear any degree of heat.
8. 1769 October 10 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 4pp. 4to.
Has had several conversations with Dr Roebuck about the [Engine] Scheme: he goes
to London tomorrow: Boulton & he [W & S] will determine whether to
accept the offer Dr Roebuck has made to them. Dr Roebuck has informed him that
the Patent for the Alkali is secured. Mr [James] Keir believes fossil Alkali may
be obtained from Seal Salt by J W's ingredient. J W's steam cylinder is not
accurately made.
9. 1769 November 5 Birmingham - Watt, Glasgow. 4pp. 4to.
Will accept Dr Roebuck's offer immediately and so will Boulton. The fluid
pressure on an elliptical cylinder of flexible metal. Alloyed metals for
cylinders. Method for rendering cylinders truly circular. Bellosle's Piston.
The wheel Engine. The Reciprocating Engine for Wheel Carriage. Dr Cohausen's
book and his method described in Pott's works. The decomposition [of Sea Salt]
by Quicklime.
10. 1769 November 30 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 1p. 4to.
11. 1769 December 26 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
Watt's engine for Dr Roebuck, without a new cylinder. A circulating Engine
equal to 4 horses can be made for 15 guineas. Watt's alteration of Spirit
Levels. Huygen's Level. Chaillet is a wonderful man. White copper. Heatly.
Method of saving water consumed in Canal Locks.
12. 1770 January 23 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
Has material of cotton for steam tight packing. A carpenter is making a pattern
for the £15 Wheel Engine, Huygen's Level. Dollond. Watt's Furnace. Scotch
Cobalt. The space occupied by a cubic inch of water converted into steam of
different temperatures, and Wheel Engine calculations.
13. 1770 February 26 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
The [wheel] Engine pattern is to go to Colebrook Dale. A law suit between the
Canal Companies and a gentleman [Colmore], Mr Watt is desired to give evidence.
14. 1770 September 17 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
The castings [for the Wheel Engine] made at Colebrook Dale are unsound and
useless, I was obliged to have recourse to an eminent castor at Bilston. Mr
Boulton and he [W S] desire to move Canal Boats by their Engine. Boulton has a
son. Mrs Darwin's death.
15. 1770 October 5 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 4pp. 4to.
Has tried Spiral Oars and found them inferior to Oars of the other forMs.. The
Wheel Engine. Prevention of the entrance of the Mercury into the Steam Pipe.
Smeaton's observations on the Common Engine. The velocity of Air entering a
Vacuum. The French offer large premia for Time keepers.
16. 1771 February 3 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 4pp. 4to.
Some Copper Mines in Cornwall are to be abandoned because of the high price of
Coals. The York Buildings Company delay re-building their Engine, and a Mining
Company in Derbyshire desire to know when Watt will be in England about
Fire-Engines. A Birmingham Canal Scheme. The Wheel Engine is not yet finished.
Has perfected the Clock with one wheel of 9 in. diameter, showing hours, minutes
and seconds, and to strike and repeat, and be made for 30 shillings. Mr Boulton
has a French workman who makes Achromatic Object Glasses better than Dollond.
The Zinc Scheme will not pay. Keir's experiments with Fossil Alkali; he has
invented a method of preserving Iron from rusting and of improving Artillery.
17. 1771 October 19 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
The Circular Engine; the Kinneil Engine. The making of Telescopes. 'Mr Keir
has turned Glass maker at Stourbridge and has married a beauty.' Watt's
Fossil Alcali. The death of Dr Roebuck's brother.
18. 1771 December 16 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
Mr Keir and the Alcali. The export of Flint Glass to America. The Engine is
nearly ready for trial in the forcing way, but not the condensing way. Mr
Boulton thinks he should delay the sending of the Reciprocating Machine to
Birmingham.. The preparation of Fossil Alkali by a London Company. The Wheel
Engine. 'We [Boulton and Small] have made numberless White metals but never
but once the precise Chinese, tho' we can greatly improve the chinese. I agree
with you about lead being a principal ingredient in Manganese.' Has
employed lead and tin 'to extract some metals from ores very advantageously
in a strong digestor of iron.' His Clock of one Wheel is nearly finished;
the striking and repetition are good, the rest is gimcrack.
19. 1772 February 16 'Recvd, of Doctor Small Feby 16th 1772 the Sum
of Forty two Pounds on Acct P Jno Boulton.' 1 Slip.
20. 1772 April [Birmingham] - M B, No 10 Walbrook, London. 4pp. 4to.
Has not had leisure to write to Dr Fordyce. Perceives he has had Canal news from
the hostile party only: at the General Canal Meeting, the Committee selected was
Lord Dartmouth, Dr Ash, Mr Lloyd junior, William Taylor, Mr Palmer, Mr
Wilkinson, Mr Rabone, Mr Francis, Mr Farquharson, Mr Letch, Mr Henn, Mr Galton,
Samuel Steward and Dr William Small: Mr Garbett moved that advice be taken as to
the legality of the Deed: Mr Gibbons moves for a Medal and Thanks to Mr Bentley,
on whom Mr Henn, the Chairman pronounced an elogium. Mr Garbett's proceedings
against the Company, and Mr Holles' mediation. Our Summit is not navigable
from dry weather. Not being a medical, the history [M B] has given to Fordyce is
not exact.
21. 1772 June 12 Birmingham - M B [London]. 2pp. 4to.
The Caveat entered in his [W S] name was to prevent anyone making Clocks or
Watches without the use of Pineons or endless screws, to strike and repeat
although having no other wheel than the one or more in the going part. It
grieves him much to suppose a Fordyce [Alexander, banker] has turned scoundrel.
The value of the Canal shares. 'Will you ask Dr [Benjamin] Franklin to repose
himself chez moi for some time.'
22. 1772 July 11 [Birmingham] - [J Watt, Glasgow]. 1p. 4to.
'In the present times money cannot be preserved too carefully. Everybody is
too much engaged for the prosecution of Schemes, so that even my clock is not
prosecuted, and I have only one, which I cannot send to you.' the News he
sends is terrible and he dreads the ruin of some of the infant manufacturers in
his [J W] part of the World.
23. 1772 October 29 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
Watt's proposals not possible to be complied with as Dr Roebuck was then in
London or Scotland. Delay with the Wheel Engine due to want of capital and
anxiety respecting the Christmas demands. Mr Boulton has suffered by Fordyce's
[failure]. Dr Roebuck has written about a Cylinder for a very small Engine. Watt's
employment on the Birmingham Canal, which has cost about £4000 per mile.
24. 1772 November 16 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow 3pp. 4to.
Delicacy as to pecuniary arrangements respecting the Steam Engine in Dr Roebuck's
present circumstances. Delay of the trial of the Wheel Engine: Wilkinson
promises the boiler shall be ready next week. 'Mr Keir has just finished an
Agreement which gives him the management of a great Glass Company, and I hope
will render his situation very commodious.' finds it unaccountable that he
[J W] and his friends do not preserve the manufacture of the Fossil alkali,
which is made bunglingly in London: is satisfied with the practicability of the
method. 'A Saxon has brought the Art of making Chinese Copper into England,
I have a specimen tolerably food.' inquires whether he has seen the Acid
that turns water into Flint. Has just ordered a Pendulum Clock to be made
without any wheel.
25. 1772 December 3 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
Is surprised at the small cost of the Monkland Canal: the one he is interested
in cost about £4500 per mile. Intends to apply the Wheel Engine to a canal
boat. Dr Black's opinion of the Acid. Finds the Clock with one wheel to
complicated and has made one with no wheel.
26. 1773 January 27 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
The boiler is now ready but the trial will be retarded by Mr Boulton's absence
in London. Dollond's alteration of Hadley's Quadrant. Small's Micrometer.
The accuracy of the clock. An improved Telescope and a Microscope. Achromatic
lenses and Dollond's patent. Thanks him for his trouble about the Acid: has
sent into Derbyshire for some Spar: the vapours destroy the retorts and
receivers. Watt's Steam circulating machine.
27. 1773 January 28 Birmingham - [- -]. 1p. 4to.
With Specification (2pp. 4to) annexed. Also document headed: 'Specifications
of Improved in Clock and Watch work &c'. 2pp. folio.
28. 1773 January 29 Birmingham - [- - -]. 1p. 4to. (incomplete)
With another copy of the Specification (2pp. 4to) annexed. Enclosing Declaration
of William Small of Birmingham, 1p.4to.
29. 1773 march 15 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
'I have just received the Letter with the seal of the Goddess. By this new
Excerpt of your friend it should seem still more probable that either may be
made by any acid, which has long appeared feasible to me. I had before heard of
the acid of Phosphorus having been obtained from bones, and had satisfied myself
that it might be separated from them by more than one Acid. I know not what you
call the new acid of Tartar . A chymist at London has found powdered Tin added
to nitre of copper, explodes. . Dr Priestley has found the Vapor discharged
from all Metals excepting Zinc dissolving in Nitrous Acid to be the most
powerful antiseptic known and an excellent test of the purity of air. If mixed
with air it produces opacity more or less. He has also found, as you must have
heard, that the vapors wch exhale from growing vegetables mixed with mephitic
air render it respirable.' Watt's astronomical instrument. 'Harrison's
Watch begins to make a great noise again.' Boulton has gone to London to
procure an Act of Parliament (Birmingham & Sheffield Assay Act). Death of Dr
John Gregory. The Fossil Alkali. A new scapement for Watches.
30. 1773 April 3 Birmingham - J Watt Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'Dr Roebuck wrote to me March 14th on the same subject as your letter of March
28th. Next to the quiet enjoyment of a good estate, I should prefer a
Professorship of Mathematics in a noted University. Next to that a Professorship
of Natural Philosophy or 3rdly in the Theory of Medicine, but in my present
steps to suceede my late admirable friend. I thank you and Dr Roebuck for your
friendship in this matter and I am happy to be favoured with the good opinion of
Dr Black, whose talents and character I much respect.'
'Dr Darwin and I for Mr Boulton is still in London are endeavouring to
persuade the Coventry Canal Company to send for you to help them out of great
difficulties, Pray who is likely to succeed Dr Gregory as King's Physician?'
31. 1773 May 1 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'I do believe I may survive the disappointment at Edinburgh. Had Dr Gregory
lived and another died, and I could have been colleague to J. I should have
liked that much. The practice of Medicine is worse than a jail. The negotiation
at Coventry we fear will fail. The poor subscribers have offered their whole
£50,000 upon 14 miles of Canal, and none than 16 remain to be done and all the
docks. I am exceedingly shocked at the melancholy state of Dr Roebuck's
affairs. I hope you may be useful in persuading the creditors to their own good.
Mr Boulton was here for a few days during recess of Parliament for Easter. Your
friend Mr Hamilton was here and did not see Mr Keir. He told me that you were to
make a Canal at Cantire. Of late a project has been talked of in England of
making a passage for ships from Inverness to the Western Sea, it is said the
grounds between the two lakes, Ness and Oich is level. Could you possibly survey
this to judge of it. At last I have found how to make white copper but unluckily
a Dr Higgins has also found it and published that he had'.
32. 1773 June 2 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow.
'Mr Boulton hopes nothing will happen to defeat your intention of evening here
soon, as the further arrangements cannot be made by correspondence. The
machinery should be sent to Gainsborough not to London. You can scarcely imagine
the pain we feel on the account of Dr Roebuck. The reasons for pressing you to
consider the projects of joining the Lakes (Ness and Oich) are these - it has
been published by Pennand that an almost level course might be found for a
Canal; your survey would be the first and (as things now stand) both you and it
could be warmly commended to Lord Dartmouth who is head of the Council for
Trade, to Lord Sandwich the first Lord of Admiralty and Lord North. Changes may
in one ear, given the very sensible ruin this possibilities Mrs Edgworth has
returned to England and is engaged very earnestly in endeavouring to move wheel
Carriage of Steam.'
33. 1773 August 8 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'Mr Boulton and I are in exactly the same difficulties about the engine that
you are, Nothing can be done safely and without embarrassment whilst the affairs
of our unfortunate friend remain in their present state, unless it is possible
and agreeable to him to alienate his share. As to his making it over to Mr
Boulton we can see no method of doing so as to avoid the great inconveniences as
we have before mentioned to you. Your proposal about the amicable said in a
Court of Justice seems the most eligible. Meanwhile please come to us and
compleat the Engines for they are both now at Soho, and we will endeavour to
find some plan beneficial to yourself and the Dr and just to his creditors. The
Wheel Engine must be tried in a few days after your arrival.'
34. 1773 September 29 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
'I have pressed our friend Boulton until I am quite ashamed to reply to your
last letter which enclosed Dr R's proposal to his creditors. But hitherto he
has not been able to force himself to write. I cannot tell what he will possibly
write or when. I had great satisfaction in hearing that the doctor was
restored to his income and allowing the success of your experiments, and in your
reputable appointment to make the Survey in which I suppose you will now be
employed. You have probably learned much more than I know about the Cabal I am
desirous of seeing executed. When the Herring Fishery was attempted by the
people on the earlier course, they found their own sea promised neither plenty
of fish nor fat one. Therefore they tried to send vessels to the western sea. At
the bad season the ships could seldom get round by the Orkneys on account of
periodical westerly winds and currents, and the voyage through the two channels
is long and dangerous. In the worst of this fishery a vast number of the fishing
people that used to swarm upon its eastern coat have left the kingdom, the
people have changed their diet, now using less fish. Besides it was necessary to
use too large and expensive barrels. Next, could a canal be made to admit armed
vessels, no enemy could every venture into the Firth channel or even the western
The returning voyages, even to London, from America would be shortened one third
upon an average of returning round the north of Iceland on account of the windy
in more Latitudes. The banks of the Canal would prove a seminary of Herring
Fishers, Whale Fishers and Newfoundland Fishers, for Canals tend more to breed
watermen than even sea towns, more artisans living on the eastern coast of
Scotland than on the Western, and the daily growing more expert they could have
easily more access to the American market, the only one that is likely to be
long supplied with manufacturers from Britain etc etc besides all the inland
advantage of exceedingly approve of your scheme in writing. It might be a paper
in the Philosophical transactions afterwards published for your own benefit.'
35. 1773 October 8 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'I had no suspicion that Lock Oich was so far above the sea, and therefore had
hopes that ships might be built in it, and their cannon and ballast be cast on
its banks and their bolts etc be made there.. You say that the road from the
Fort is badly planned. Pray mention this to the Commissioner of Police who I
understand are your present employers.'
'Boulton has not yet written to the Dr [Roebuck]. The more I consider the
propriety of your publishing about Steam the more I wish you to publish. Smeaton
has only trifled hitherto, but he may perhaps discover something. He told
Boulton some time ago that the circular engine would not do. As B [oulton]
does not much respect his genius, this had no effect. I have had pretty correct
intelligence about the observations and experiments he has been making. He has
found that the Load upon the common engine ought to be less, and that Professor
Russel of Edinburgh is either dying or dead. Pray if so, can you tell me who is
likely to succeed him?
36. 1773 October 16 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp 4to.
'Your micrometer is excellent, but should be called by a name that would imply
its use in measuring distance. As to the Quadrant, if it is intended only to
perform tolerably and to be portable it is good. I shall very happy to see Dr
Roebuck. I did not enquire about Mr Russel because I hadn't any design to call
on him, but merely a literary news and because of my concern for his
37. 1773 October 27 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 4pp. 4to.
'Dr Roebuck has informed me that you propose to pass the winter in France.
He has not yet arrived here, but wrote to me about the professorship. A Glasgow
professorship would not be agreeable to me, neither would I oppose Mr Train,
whose parents I loved and many of his relations I know and love respectively the
Bishop of Down and Conn. I shall certainly not come to Edinburgh to solicit,
Students have complained that neither Mathematics nor Natural Philosophy could
be learned in Edinburgh. Before I settled at Birmingham I was asked at London on
this account by many students in Medicine who had left Edinburgh, to give
lectures in those parts. Physics that most inconsulting concern Doctors and
Surgeons I am disposed to belive but the forgen space of the globe is annually
increased at the rate of about 300 parts of a degree of latitude, is that often
a certain number of fears, all Europe and finally the whole surface of this
earth will be frozen as the moon is none.
Are you writing your book? I have taken out a Patent for improvements in Clocks
and other timepieces and want your help in drawing up that Specification, which
must be given in soon. I have made a Church Clock with only one Wheel. It
stricks the hours and shows hours and minutes, I have given drawings of a pocket
Watch of one wheel.'
38. 1773 December Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'Dr Roebuck sometime ago wrote that you intended to pass this winter in
France, and now you send a letter that says nothing either of going to France or
of coming hither. Had you been here you would have been consulted about a
difficult canal. I would have you put in the Newspapers about this Drawing
machine. Why do you not write the book about steam? Is the report about the
northern survey to be printed? Dr Roebuck has not yet been here so we are quite
where we were about the Engine etc.'
39. 1774 February 23 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp..
'We have tried no experiment for the Circular Engine. Probably nothing more
will be done before you come. I imagine from your former letter some new method
of separating the Acid of Tartar had been discovered. In fact little from Teec's
Hygrometer. I will show you a better Barometer that has yet been made. Bring the
Drawing Machine with you.'
40. 1774 March 29 Birmingham - J Watt, Glasgow. 2pp. 4to.
'Besides your Engine, a Patent has been taken out for my Clocks and Watches. I
rejoice in all your improvements, but have many optical difficulties that arisen
my confidence in observations made with the most accurately divided instruments.
My Barometer shows the weight of the atmosphere correctly. There is no good
41. 1775 April. Receipt endorsed 'Dr Small's sale, 18 April '75'
Mr Scale, Bot of T Warren at Dr Small's Sale.
42. 1775 May 7 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia - Dr William Small,
Birmingham 'by Captn Aselby of the true patriot [ie a ship]'. 2pp.
'I will send you three dozen bottles of Madeira, the half of a present which I
had laid by for you, the residue will follow. It is genuine from the island and
has been kept in my own cellar eight years. Within this week we have received
the unhappy news of an action of considerable magnitude between the King's
troops and our brethren of Boston. This accident has cut off our last hopes of
43. - - - - - Document 'Queries and the Answers relative to the
Moire in the neighbourhood of Dunkirk'.
44. 1778 February 17 A Frazer, Dunkirk - Mr Blair and answer to
(Zur- -? Qui- -?). Copy.
45. - - - - - - - - to - - - - (?) 3pp. 4to. Endorsed 'Mr Boulton'.
46. - - - - Document Endorsed 'Remarks of Steam by Dr Small.' 1p.
4to. nd.
47. - - - - [Birmingham] - M B [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to. Introducing the
Earl of Findlater, his Lady and Company.
47b. Press Cuttings. 1937 February 18. Birmingham Post 'Dr William
1957 March 8. 'The Engineer. Dr William Small.'
SMALL, Rev ROBERT D D (brother of Dr William Small, Physician, Birmingham)
48. 1775 March Dundee - M Boulton, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
49. 1775 March 15 Dundee - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
50. 1775 March 22 Dundee - [Mr Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
51. 1775 April 1 Birmingham - M Boulton, at Mr William Matthews' Bush
Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
52. 1777 August 7 Dundee - [J Keir] (Headed: 'No 2') 2pp. 4to.
53. 1777 September 2 Dundee - James Keir, Stourbridge (Headed 'No 3').
3pp. 4to.
54. 1777 September 29 Dundee - [M Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
55. 1781 August 28 M Boulton, London - Rev R Small, D D [Letter copy
book 1781-1783 Press copy. 2pp. 4to].
56. 1781 October 27 Receipt endorsed 'Robert Small Rect in full 27
October 1781'. 1 Slip.
57. 1786 November 26 Birmingham - M Boulton. 2pp. 4to.
58. 1803 April 1 Dundee - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
59. 1803 August 4 Document - Agreement between M Boulton, Ann Boulton,
Robert Small and Katherine Small. (Birmingham Canal Navigation Shares). 4pp.
Written on the blank sheet is a receipt of transfer of one Share 14 May 1803.
Endorsed 'Dated 4 August 1803. Matthew Boulton Esqre and Miss Boulton &
The Revd Dr Small & Miss Small. Defeazance.'
60. 1803 October - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - Rev Robert
Small, D D. 1p. 4to. Press copy.
61. 1803 November 5 Dundee - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
62. 1804 April 26 Dundee - Z Walker, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
On the blank page is written - Z Walker, Livery Street, 1 May 1804 to M
Boulton, Soho, Birmingham.
SMALL, Miss Katherine (Daughter of the Rev Robert Small, D D)
63. 1808 October 31 Dundee - Miss A E Walker, Care of Matthew Boulton,
Esq, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
64. 1808 December 4 Dundee - Miss A E Walker, Care of Matthew Boulton,
Esqr, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
65. 1808 December 14 A E Walker, Birmingham - Miss Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Enclosing Miss A E Walker, Birmingham - Miss Small
[Dundee] same date. (Copy).
66. 1809 January 13 Dundee - Miss A E Walker, Care of Matthew Boulton
Esqr, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
SMALL, ALEXANDER, formerly of George Town, Minorca
67. 1775 February 21 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
68. 1775 September 16 and Jer Cabrit, Birmingham - M Boulton,
Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
Enclosing 'Port Mahon 22 July 1775. Alexr Small received 19 August 1775'.
69. 1781 February 15 London - M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I paid the draft of £200, to your agent here: his receipt, with your letter,
I have sent to Mr Alcock. I request you to get me a Gun, to be forwarded to Mr
Alcock at Minorca.'
70. 1781 September 13 M Boulton, Soho, Birmingham - Alexander Small.
Letter copy book 1781-83. 3pp. folio. Press copy.
71. 1781 September 27 London - M Boulton and Co, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
'I knew Mr Alcock would not accept any pecuniary reward for his trouble in
recovering the debt due by Alimunde. I guessed he would be pleased at receiving
the present of a Gun. The money was received in good time or it would probably
have been lost, the enemy now being in possession of the island, except the
Castle of St Philip. I heard in Paris that they were to have an Engine of yours
to raise water for domestic use, War, as it should be, does not, it seems
interrupt useful offices.' [See Letter Book 1780-81p.179].
72. SMALL, Dr WILLIAM (1734-1775) Birmingham
Pencil Drawing (? From an Oil Painting), half length seated, of Dr William
Small, [From a Collection of Drawings and Engravings, formerly in the possession
of James Watt, junior, of Aston Hall. Presented to the Assay Office, Birmingham
by John F Crowder Esq. 5 April 1932].
John Whitehurst, 1758-1787
Items 1-36
1. 1758 January 26 Derby - M B, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. With a
Draft enclosed for £3.3s.0d. 1 Slip.
'I have at last constructed a Pyrometer to please me. It has all the
perfection I could wish for, and will, I think, ascertain the expansion of
Metals with more exactness than [any] Machine extant.'
2. [176-] [Derby] - [M B, Birmingham]. 2pp. folio.
'With a screw-plate and Tops, I've sent some Silk, wh I shouppd be glad
youppd try in yr Hygrometer. When you have prepared some more Rods for the
Pyrometer, I shall be glad to wait of you for a Day to make the Experiments. Mr
Gilbert too, will be glad of the same favour. Since I left Birm: I think I've
been so happy as to hit upon two methods of Stopping the Vibration of Bells in
Chime ringing, one of wh. I hope will be applicable to yr Machine. The
experiment I will try as soon as I can get a Chime piece made (which I've put
in hand) and if I succeed, shall gladly communicate the thing to you, as it
is the only thing wanting to make yr Machine compleat. I am oblig'd to you for
the thought, if it answers; because, if you had not first made an attempt, I
should not have had courage sufficient to excite my curiosity, because several
of our first Mechanism in the musical way have miscarried. The want of such an
help has hitherto rendered Bell Music of very little Estimation with me, and
check'd the progress, of what little genius, in that way; in the pursuit of
perfection but now I see a probability of removing that disagreeable Gorgon, I'm
inclinable to try what an effect will be produc'd. Chime Music is much better
detatch'd from the Clock, than with it, on many accounts. I shall therefore
make a piece of that kind, and should be glad of a Case by the same hand that
made yrs but with less work if the man can produce an agreeable effect. I wish
you wouppd be so obliging to ask the Person, if he can undertake such a matter
for me, and desire he will give me his answer and mention his price. And pray
give me his answer and mention his price. And pray also remember the Music. If
Mr [Richard] Hobbs wont think it too much trouble, I shouppd be glad of all the
pieces on your Machine. I like yr Choice much; but those in particu[lar] of his,
and Mr Rudges. Will you Sir, excuse my imposing a task upon you, wh I can't
Execute my sself by reason I have not the honour of Mr Hobb's acquaintance? I
hope you will be so good. And if it suits Mr Hobb's convenience I shouppd be
glad of one or two of them soon, the other in a Month will do very well. Pray
Sir present my Compts to those Gents. I think yr Barrometer is rather two [too]
small for the rest of yr Machines. If youl give me leave I will exchange it for
one with a Plate more agreeable to the size of the Pyrometer Plate, and will
Engrave it more to yr tast too. I don't mean to charge any thing for it in
exchange. And if you think a Barometer with its frame inverted, will have an
agreeable effect in yr Room, I would Chuse to make it so, because the
Communication would be shorten'd from the Mercury to the Index, and remove yr
objection to the Contradiction and Expansion of that Communication. And if you
please I will make the Resservoyer in the upper end of the Tube; for very
Accurate Observations I think 'em full as perfect, as the other, tho' not in
reallity better as a Weather Gladd. Please Sir, to signify your inclination by a
line and I shall gladly execute yr Commands.'
3. 1767 April 12 Derby - M B, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Mr White has consented to let you ave 20 Boys' . . . 'Pray have you
engaged to inspect Shortases(?) Screw Engine for Wm Wyatt in order to be an
Evidence against him? He tells me you have and has desired the same favor from
me, but I must own I cannot so readily imbark in such a scheme for Wm.'
4. 1769 April 13 Derby - M B, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Enquiries in what state he would like to have the Calamy, dressed, cleansed from
extraneous matter of calcined. Is asked £5.5s.0d. Per Ton and is offered any
quantity. Mr Ferber was a pupil of Linear (sic); has desired him to show Mr
Boulton and the Doctor [?Small] the sections of Derbyshire Strata. Mr Boulton
did not mention anything about the Clock.
5. 1769 April 26 Derby - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Will obtain a sample [?Black Jack]. Mrs Henryson's school [at Derby?]. Mt
Ferber expresses his obligations to Mr Boulton, Doctor Small and Doctor Darwin;
he is about to go to Nance [?Nantes, or possibly Nancy] in France, and then to
6. 1771 April 12 Derby - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 2pp. folio.
Has ordered Mr Boulton's name to be inserted in the printed list of
subscribers to Dr Thomas Martyn's Herculanium Antiquities. 'I hope all your
gimcracks arrived safe and to his Majesty's satisfaction.'
7. 1771 May 24 Derby - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
Sends his respects to his ingenious friend and philosopher Mr Ferguson now at
Soho. On returning from a journey last night found a letter, written at Derby,
from Dr [Benjamin] Franklin, 'and at a time too, whilest my Ears werw stun'd
with songs about Cloven tongues, Fire, Smoke, and such like Stuff. You may
easily feel my disappointment, 'tis enough to make one made to be thus
circumstanced. Indeed I got a good Nap, wch was making the best of the matter.
The Doctor returns to Buxton on Sunday or Monday next where Kirby is also. I
feel so strong a Bias towards Buxton, that I must necessarily go there, and in
order to keep clear of Sulphur and Smoke, I purpose going there on Sunday
morning, and staying there till Tuesday morning. Is it possible for you and Mr
Ferguson to come for a day.'
8. 1771 June 16 Derby - M B [Birmingham]. 2pp. folio.
Dr [James] Bent, of Newcastle, Staffordshire, an eminent Surgeon; his opinion of
Mr Boulton's daughter. 'Pray when do you want the two Vase Clocks, and
what are they to perform? As soon as convenient let me have the Clock Case
9. 172 February 11 Derby - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 1p. 4to.
Anxiously awaits the sending of the brass. Mr Ferguson advises him that one of
the Globes is ready and is delivered to the Carrier. Hopes Mr Boulton has
ordered the Dials. Has written to Mr Weston.
10. - [February 12] [Derby] - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
Has received the Globe: is distressed about the plates not coming: does not
think it proper to make the Star Plate of common cast Brass: has written to Soho
for a plate of Gilt Metal: the head for the Syderial Clock is being sent by
Weston. 'The Globe is not the size order'd, wants 7/8 inches, therefore
am obliged to make a new horizon.'
11. 1772 March 12 Derby - M B Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
The Plates are come. 'Pray must I silver the Star Plate? Please to remember
to send a few of the Stars.'
12. 1772 May 12 Derby - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
Has received Mr Scale's [of Soho] information concerning the Clocks: can make
a minute Motion to the Syderical Clock. 'Pray what do you think of shewing
Minutes and Seconds on the back side of the Clock?' the Globe Clock may
also have a seconds motion on the back. Requests that Mr Matthews [Mr Boulton's
Agent in London] will enquire as to the admission of the unfortunate William
Radcliffe of Derby into St Luke's [Hospital].
13. 1772 November 9 Derby - M B, Soho. 2pp. 4to.
Encloses a Bill for the 'Critch' Material. 'I'm in hopes of the Clock
going to the East Indies. For tho the price I've fixt is much less than I
should make it by subscription I prefer the former to the latter . Pray let me
know when I must come over about the Clock, that we may lay our Heads together
once more.'
14. 1772 November 17 Derby - M B, Soho. 1p. 4to.
The bearer Mr [John Sebastian] Claise is returning again to Birmingham: the
Prince to whom he is subject has applied to him to engage in some of the
Manufactories of this kingdom: he goes to settle in Germany next summer: he has
been in Ireland to make observations upon the Manufactories of that kingdom, and
at every manufacturing town in this.
15. 1775 November 8 Chelsea - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
Has visited Blacklands School for Girls [near London]: His plan for Miss Boulton's
education: Mr [Thomas] Day is not yet returned so nothing more is done in the
plan we named to you. Has considered the principles of the Fire Engine; the
external cylinder adds no power to the Piston; considers the Pumps are useless.
Has recommended Mr Boulton to the Duke of Newcastle, to do a little business for
16. 1776 July 12 [Derby] - M B Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
Sketches design [a Section on blank half] to convey Steam to the upper-side of
the Piston, instead of enclosing the Cylinder with wood. 'Old Hat it is
commonly said produces extraordinary effects in regard to heat and cold, for
which reason I beg leave to recommend a Case made of that material for the Steam
Pipes should it be applied.' Has found the Pallets safe: the black horizon
has a good effect, and corresponds with the Star Plate better than any other
colour. Hynam is not gone and does not know when he goes on board.
17. 1776 August 14 Derby - M B< Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I yesterday dines with Mr Luidlam: we agreed to meet at Dr [Erasmus] Darwin's
on Monday and arrive at Birmingham in the evening. This plan interferes with my
intention of going to Mr [James] Keir's and therefore beg you to add that
gentleman to the assemblage of conjurors at Soho.'
18. 1777 January 11 No 6 Carey Street, London - MB, Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
Recommends Thomas Mawks, his late servant 'in the Office.'
19. 1777 December 23 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Requests
Mr Boulton's and Mr Fothergill's aid in favour of a brother of Mis Moresby:
was brought up in the law and is advised to settle in the East Indies.
20. 1778 March 23 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. The machine
[Engine Counter] is now completed: we made trail of it at the York Buildings
21. 1778 August 12 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. Has engaged
a Smith.
22. 1779 April 26 [Letter Book 1776 to 1779] - Transcript.
23. 1779 June 29 Derby - M B, [London]. 2pp. 4to.
Encloses the paper sent him; though he had a principal hand in the Improvement
does not recollect enough of the matter to make the affidavit Mr Boulton
requires, but could do it in conjunction with Mr Boulton and Mr Rehe.
24. 1780 September 7 London - [Dr] E[rasmus] Darwin, Redruth, Cornwall.
2pp. 4to.
Sends him a set of pennyweights and grains, duplicates of the standard weights
of this kingdom. 'My smoke trade goes on so poorly at present that there is
little hopes of it producing a blaze, owing to deficiency of Phlogistigated
Materials. . I have a strong aversion to being hung on the booksellers stove,
as Mr [James] Keir and many others of my friends have been.'
25. 1780 September 7 London - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 1p. 4to.
Enquiries if it will be of any service to Mr Boulton's Bolt Trade to be
connected with Forbes.
26. 1783 May 19 Tulleydoeg near Armagh, Ireland - M B, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
'Here is one of the latest and most improved APParatus for the dressing
Linen Cloth', or rendering it merchantable it belongs to Leatham, Walker & Co of London: they are desirous of extending their work by the application
of a Steam Engine: sends a copy of Henderson's advertisement. [Bailey's
Directory 1783 Leatham, Walker, and Co. Merchants, No 2 Basinghall Street,
27. 1783 July 13 Derby - M B Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
On his return to Dublin he met Mr Henderson and his lady: Henderson's advice
to B & W; he is erecting an Engine: says he is advised the Patent is not
28. 1783 September 8 London - M B, at David Melvill's Esq, Merchant,
Dublin. 2pp. 4to.
An Engine is wanted at Drumglass: has heard steps have been taken toward
agreeing with Henderson: has sent message to the proprietor of the colliery to
let him know Henderson has no lawful authority to erect your Steam Engine.
29. 1783 December 1 London - Mr Watt, Engineer, Birmingham. 1p. folio.
A Mr Richmond has been frequently to enquire for him and Mr Boulton: he
pretends he has considerable improvements in Steam Engines to communicate: Mr
Kirwan has communicated to him Watt's thoughts on the necessity and mode to
obtain universal weights, a subject he has long considered: has communicated his
plan to Mr Keir and hopes soon to furnish such as will prove satisfactory to all
the philosophical gentlemen, viz ounce weights, and parts thereof.
30. 1785 June 6 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Will send him
his Balance and weights and the French weights made from those of De Luc's.
His nephew James Wright of Derby has assigned to him all his effects for the
benefit of his creditors; he proposes to pay 10/- in the pound: all creditors
agreed except Mr Tankard of Birmingham on the subject.
31. 1785 December 31 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
Congratulates him on his election into the Royal Society. Will take care of the
Scales. The Grates Mr Boulton mentions will not have the desired effect, in
curing smoky chimnies. Mr Boulton's watch is in nice order.
32. 1786 August 15 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. Has sent
the Books. Has written to Dr Hutton: if he refuses, suggests putting his friend
under the care of Mr Gretton, who keeps a small academy at Hitcham near
33. 1787 April 13 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'Considering the Albion Mill a Work of Public Utility, I can see no reasonable
cause why it should be exempt from the Duty of the Coals consumed in that
34. 1787 May 2 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I name the exemption from Duty on the coals consumed in the Albion Mill,
because it appeared reasonable to me, and from the Multiplicity of business wch
you are daily engaged in, I thought it might not have occurred to you.'
has sent to the proprietor of the gun metal for a few pounds, but it was all
sold: it is principally bought up by the Metal Watch Case makers. As Mr Boulton
likes the subject of the little book he sent to him by Dr Priestley, hopes he
will consider it well and suggest improvements: many London philosophers
entertain a contemptible opinion of all attempts of that nature: many of them
have attempted to obtain invariable measures but in vain.
35. 1787 May 31 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
A friend who possess excellent Iron Stone Mines, wishes to convert his Iron into
Steel: would be obliged for any information relative to this matter.
36. 1787 September 3 London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
The bearer, Mr Schlaff, is recommended to him for information relative to the
purchase of Steel suitable for Mint Dies: he comes from the Prince of Baden, and
is resident in his Dominions. Has been at the Albion Mill and found all well: Mr
Wyatt has ordered a Time piece for the Engines, and desires a Counter which he
[J Whitehurst] considers useless: has put the former in hand and has arranged
for it to strike one blow each minute on a small bell, so that the Engineers may
count the strokes of the Engine by it: is still concerned at the loss and waste
arising from the descent of the flour into the trough.
James Keir, 1772-1811
Items 1-90
1. [?1772] Bishopsgate Street, London - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
'You mentioned an advertisement foretelling your Sale. I send you the
following copy, which if you like it, you will return to Mr Matthews to be
inserted. Elmsley says that the Encyclopedie is not in any bookseller's shop,
they being all sold. [The Advertisement reads as follows] - 'Mr Boulton begs
leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that, induced by the encouragement
given by them last winter, he has continued his Manufacture of gilt and chased
Vases.And various other piece of ornamental furniture finished in Ormoulu; and
that he purposes to expose to Sale, about the latter end of March, a collection
of these, which he hopes from the improvements he has been able to make, will be
thought not unworthy of their attention, and farther Encouragement.
The blank space is left for the names of such principal ornaments, as
Clock-cases, Candlesticks, &c, as you think proper.'
2. [?1772] April [Birmingham] - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London.
3pp. folio.
'I sent you by last Post the papers concerning your Sale. The letter I altered
very little. I suppose you intend to send it only to such Lord &c, as have,
or pretend to have, Taste.'
3. 1772 October 2 Wordsley, near Stourbridge - M B, Birmingham. 3pp.
'Your orders [chemical glasses] shall be executed as speedily as possible,
especially those for your own Experiments as I well know the impatience of my
fellow-schemers, and I should also be sorry to check by delay your present
hobby-horsicality for chemistry.I have begun my chemical operations in an old
Glass-house, and hope to undersell you in Aqua fortis, excepting in one part of
your scheme, viz the rectification of your old Stuff, which I think a very
advisable piece of Economy.'
4. 1772 October 10 Wordsley - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. On the
settlement of Accounts between them.
5. [?1772 October Stourbridge] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. folio.
'The only reason why I do not give up the Bond (although I shall very readily
allow you to take from it your hand and seal) is that it is the only testimony I
have of my paying that sum. I am sorry it was not in my power to comply with
your request in favour of Mrs Hoskins. But you will recollect that I have
advanced £600 towards the sum agreed to be paid conditionally to Dr Roebuck,
although so far from having received any profit or income from the Fire Engine,
that I have hitherto been only advancing money towards the establishing it. I
shall be very happy when Dr Roebuck's condition is fulfilled, that I may pay
the remainder. I have left off the making of Clocks and of many other things
that require my own particular attention as it is my misfortune to be overloaded
with business of another nature. I have no idea of what the Willenhall Story can
allude to, as I never had any connection with any person in that neighbourhood,
nor ever was in a house there, nor ever mortgaged our Works to any man in
England. I am obliged to you for your intention in endeavouring to counteract a
Story that appeared injurious to me.'
6. 1772 - 'Mr Boulton with Capt Keir. Settled Accounts'.
4pp. folio & 5 Slips.
7. [?1776] Endorsed on the Wrapper:- 'Mr Keir's Remarks on
Partnership supposed abt 1775.'
ii. The proposal of 1/4 of the general profits of Boulton & Fothergill is
impracticable, because of the large paper debt [Bill Account] included in the
General Accounts, which, contracted in former years ought not to make part of
the present trade.
ii. The Business consists of three branches, - (a) Merchants at Newhall. (b)
Manufacturers at Soho. (c) The Fire Engine. The above objection is inseparable
from (a), but does not affect (c). If (b) was separated from (a) It might be
cleared of this objection.
iii. The manufacture has been carried on for many years past with great loss.
The mercantile business is said to have gained. The buildings stock of tools &c are much too great for the business done, and it is not advisiable to
extend it because the capital is wanted elsewhere. Therefore the profits cannot
be considerable. For this reason it ought to be considered whether J K ought not
to be admitted to some small portion of the profits arising from the Fire
Engine; the profits not to be reckoned until after the expenses originally
incurred by the Engine have been re-imbursed.
8. [?1775] [Stourbridge] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp. folio. With a
draft of a letter to 'His Excellency Sir Joseph Yorke, His Britannic
Majesty's Ambassador at the Hague', to be signed by Mr Boulton as
follows: 'I have undertaken jointly with Mr Watt to carry into execution a
very capital improvement of the Fire Engine, for which Mr Watt obtained an
exclusive privilege by an Act of Parliament in 177-. We have already erected
several of these Engines. I am informed that a cheap method of raising great
quantities of water is an object of considerable importance to the Dutch. As a
description of our Engine has been given to the public in the Specification, I
am apprehensive the invention may be carried to Holland, to the injury of our
property and the discredit of the Engine from the incapacity of anyone employed
to execute the mechanical part or from ignorance of its principles. I desire
therefore to consult your Excellency as to the propriety of our taking out a
Patent for Holland or the United Provinces. The draining of Haarlem Meer has
been often projected. If this is practicable, no Machine hitherto invented is so
likely as our Engine to produce so great an effort.!'
9. 1775 November 23 Stourbridge - [M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 4pp.
Endorsed, 'On Howels Farm, 1775'. An intended purchase by Mr Boulton.
10. [1777 January 16 Stourbridge - M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 4pp. 4to.
With enclosure, 2pp. 4to.
'I have written another letter to you [see enclosure] by this post with
intention of your showing it, if you approve, to Mr F[othergill] in order to get
him to declare his sentiments. . it would be proper to give him the outlines
of our later conversation on the footing which we though I had best be on, or
begin on. To save you the trouble of recollecting, I will repeat them - 'That
as your manufactory requires more attention, than you or any one man can give
and even as part of your present attention may be withdrawn from the Manufactory
to the Fire Engine business, you think it prudent to call in more assistance.
That, besides, as the whole weight of the manufacturing part of the business
rests on you, at present, therefore a possible accident happening to you would
derange the whole system to the detriment of your family and also his property,
you think it necessary to give it some further support or security . that he
should suffer no diminution of his profits. . That if I come, I intend to
carry on my chemical work'.'
11. [1777] January 20 Stourbrifge - M B Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I sent you two days ago some big bottles and some matrasses of different
sizes for experiments. The scraps I brought home with me from Soho, were some
silvered on both sides, some on one side, and some on neither side, so that I
could not make the trials I wanted, as their value was so uncertain. . I find
upon trial that my method is also applicable to the gilt scraps. . I hope when
we meet (which God willing will be the 5th Sunday from our last [Lunar Society]
meeting) you will have prepared a sufficient quantity of pure nitre, and oil of
vitriol &c, for our purpose.'
12. [1777 Stourbridge] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I went with Mr Glover to look at his house, but would not give him any
decisive answer till I knew whether I could get Newhall. I possess many
advantages (in point of business) in living at Newhall. I hear that Mr Parrot is
to leave his house. How would that do?'
13. [?1777 Stourbridge] - M B Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I think the situation of Mr Nathaniel Glover's house very agreeable, and I
can have no other objection to close with him than the putting you to the
present expense of £100 for the purchase money and for the adding another room.
Have you no room in your building which you could spare for a Laboratory?
Otherwise we must shift with the temporary use of the old Laboratory near the
Engine Shop.'
14. 1777 June 26 Stourbridge - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'We forgot when I was at Soho to search for the Bond due from James Small, a
bankrupt. Messrs Smalls desire to be informed why there is no dividend on the
Canal Shares, and whether they rise or fall.'
15. [1777 July Stourbridge] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. 'I
write to remind you of a Bond belonging to Messrs Smalls, from Mr [James] Small,
a Carpenter and Bankrupt. I had a letter yesterday from Dr [Erasmus] Darwin in
which he says he longs for a little philosophical laughing. Therefore when you
are at leisure some full moon Sunday, I hope you will indulge the Doctor.'
16. [?1777] - M B, Soho. 4pp. folio.
'You and Mr Watt desired to know on what expectations of Settlement Mr
[William] Playfair came to Soho. I shall therefore copy the passages of one of
Mr [Robert] Small's letters concerning him, and send you enclosed two others
relating almost entirely to him - 'When I was at Birmingham Mr Boulton had
some conversation with me on the subject of the Steam Engine &c, in
particular said he doubted not but he might have use for some ingenious young
man that might go to distant places and superintend the erection of them. There
is a young man here [Dundee] with whom I am exceedingly pleased and whom I think
might be very serviceable to Mr Boulton in that business, or in various other
ones. His name is Playfair and his age 18 or 19.
His turn was always mechanical and he has served his apprenticeship to a
Millwright in East Lothian. I have a very great opinion of his capacity and
ingenuity, having seen many curious inventions and models of his, and his
drawings are in my opinion remarkably good also. He is the son of a minister in
this neighbourhood, who was a most intimate friend of mine. On his father's
death his education was carried on by his brother [John Playfair], who besides
being one of the best mathematicians and Philosophers in the island is one of
the worthiest of men'.'
17. [1777 Stourbridge] - [M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 4pp. folio
'In answer to the questions contained in your letter, I have the honour to
acquaint you (1) That as soon as our Glass-making Partnership expires, which
will be on Jan, 1st 1778, I mean to quit that trade. (2) No plan of business
appears to me as eligible as that you mention of joining interests with you, and
of assisting you in the chemical or other part of your business. (3) I wish to
attach myself to you, in as undivided a manner as you shall think expedient. (4)
I will accept any charge you shall think fit to entrust me with, in case I
should survive you. (5) As to conditions and emoluments, my confidence in you is
so entire, that I shall distrust my own judgement, if it happens to differ from
18. [c.1774-1777 Stourbridge] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'If you are to be at home on Sunday or Monday next, I threaten you with a
Visitation, and at the same time Mrs Keir intends paying her respects to Mrs
19. [c.1774-1777 Stourbridge] - [M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 1 Slip. 'The
bearer is the Welsh lad I mentioned to you, who would be glad to be employed in
anyway you think him fit for.'
20. 1778 June 2 Birmingham - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. folio.
'Mrs Boulton acquaints me that Mrs Fothergill is uneasy about the manner in
which Mrs Swellengrebel has returned. She thinks that it has not a good
appearance, as the Brother was not acquainted with it, and more especially so,
as he came over by the repeated request of Mrs Swellengrebel. I think it would
be proper to inform Mr Sinklaer where she is, and to tell him, that if he will
come down, she shall make her declaration in presence of him and some
respectable magistrate whether she chooses to go with him to Holland or remain
where she is. . Mr Small desires that the Bond for Small and Phili'.son may
be sent to him.'
21. [?1778 June] London - M B Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. folio. 'I
expect to set out from London next Tuesday or Wednesday. I expect an order will
soon be given for some trial to be made of my metal for Sheathing Ships &c.
I shall be obliged therefore if you will give orders for a quantity of rolled
Platina, about 12 ft square in all and as broad as your Rolls admit of and as
thick as a common playing card, to be got ready.'
22. [1778 June?] Birmingham - M B, At Messrs Matthews & Barton,
Green Lettuce Lane. 1p. folio.
'I am just arrived with my two fair companions safely in Birmingham [from
London]. In my hurry I left a razor, comb, shaving box, and a pamphlet 'Eloge
de Marquis de l'Hopital'.'
23. [1778 Soho] - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton, London. 1p.
'I have just time to acquaint you that Mr Watt & I have met the Hawksbury
Company along with Mr [Samuel] Garbett and that we have finally settled
everything, the Annuity to be £217, and the Money due for the time past £275
with the Bill due for Work £117, to be paid, all but 100 Guineas which you are
to allow as abatement. We are now proceeding to make out the Draught of the
24. 1778 October 6 Soho - [M B, Redruth, Cornwall]. 4pp. 4to.
'I have received Mr Watt's letter ordering a gigantic Engine for Poldice
mine. Playfair has copied the drawing and sent the original to Bersham with
orders to give preference to this Engine over all others. ...I know not, neither
does Playfair, the use of the Gunboreings sent to Mr Meason. Please do say in
your next and I will write to him. I have received a letter from Mr Baumgartner
in which he says Mr Wiss is to write tomorrow and accepts of the proposal and
means to purchase four of your one hundred pounds [annuities].'
25. 1778 October [?8] Soho - M B [Redruth, Cornwall]. 4pp. folio.
Enclosing, copy of - James Wiss, London 178 October 6 - M B, and J
Keir, Soho 1778 October 8 - J Wiss.
'From Mr Baumgartner's letter I thought Mr Wiss intended to purchase only
four hundred pounds worth of annuity but I see from the above he means to
purchase an annuity of £400 per ann, that is $4000 worth.'
26. 1778 October 14 Soho - M B, [Cornwall]. 3pp. folio.
'I suppose you have received a letter from the Navigation Office [Canal]
giving you directions to get an Engine to them and specifying the size of the
Pumps. I have packed up and sent away your Telescope, I have been making a
strict examination into your Plated and Tortoiseshell business, both of which
may be put on much better management, than at present. The Plated business is
well worth cultivating. The Tortoiseshell is in a very bad state, your prices
are 15 to 20 per cent lower than any other manufacturer, and yet your stock is
very great.'
27. 1778 October 17 Soho - M B, [Cornwall]. 3pp. 4to.
'I have this day received yours and Mr Watt's letters with the drawings for
the Nozzle of the Poldice Engine, which I have looked over with Mr Playfair. I
have sent for William Murdock to come and make the Patterns.'
28. 1778 October 20 Soho - M B, [Cornwall]. 4pp. 4to.
'I have made as exact calculations as I can of a few current articles in
the Tortoiseshell trade, and I am satisfied that you lose 15 per cent on that
Trade besides the loss from a large stock of goods. The best method of settling
the Plated business would be to put it on the same plan as the Button business,
ie to give Bingley a salary (equal to his present gainings) for his labour and
attention, and to give him a share of the profits equal to any capital he can
put in.
PS. Sunday night a man & two women, genteely dressed, came to your home at
Soho, & under pretence of being your friends, gained possession of the
house, & have kept it ever since, & strut about the Gardens as if all
Soho belonged to them. The Man calls himself Thomas Day, one of the females
pretends to be his wife, and the other goes by the name of Miss Walker.'
29. 1778 October 29 Soho - M B, [Cornwall]. 3pp. folio.
'I shall give Mr Jary a letter for Mr Macquer. Mr Aubert has received the
Telescope and paid for it.'
30. 1778 October 31 - [M B, Cornwall]. 2pp. folio.
'I hope you will not lose the opportunity of Mr Wiss: it is a necessary
relief. If you could have sold the Navigation Company your Engine at Soho, it
would have been convenient. Mr Jary is confined to the house from a bruise he
received in Cornwall.'
31. 1778 November 3 Birmingham - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 2pp. folio.
Enclosing a copy of - L Baumgartner - M B.
'I sincerely hope you have written to Mr Matthews to close with the proposal
made by Mr Wiss. I received yesterday from Mr Baumgartner a letter to you, a
copy of which I send, you will see that Mr Wiss is disappointed at not hearing
from you, and that he sets out tomorrow for France. Mr [Thomas] Day is gone; he
has taken a house at Hampstead.'
32. 1778 November 5 Soho - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. folio. 'If
matters were distinctly explained to Mr Watt, he would then naturally reflect
that since first by entering into the business with you, and still more by
executing the assignment to L V & W, he has made his prosperity and yours
33. 1778 November 11 Soho - M B [Cornwall]. 3pp. 4to.
'I shall be very happy to hear that you return from Cornwall loaded with
paper, stamped, signed, sealed and delivered. Mr Jary is got well and gone off
three days ago.'
34. 1778 November 14 [Soho] - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. folio.
'All the drawings that have lately been sent from hence to the Founder have
been Mr Watt's original ones, and the copies by Mr Playfair are kept here. I
rejoice to hear that Chacewater Engine has forked the water. I hope it will
fully establish your character.'
35. 1778 November 17 Soho - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to. 'I
have sent Mr Playfair to Bedworth to see that experiments they had made there.'
36. [?1778] - 'Relative to Mr Perrots Engine' Hawksbury
Colliery. 6pp. folio. Draft of an Agreement, by James Keir, between Messrs
Boulton & Watt and Messrs Perrott, Wieldin & Taylor.
37. [?1778] January Soho - M B, [London]. 2pp. 4to.
'If you call on Elmsley, ask him if he has the last book written by
Guischardt, author of the Memoires militaires sur les Grecs et sur les
Romains: and also Memoires de M Turenne, and Analyse des
commentaires de César par Joseph Pécis, either in French or Italian. Please
enquire whether the Ship's Bolts ought not at one end to have a hole for a
cutter to pass through. I spoke to Mr Walker and Mr Fothergill about the
necessity of avoiding offence to L V & Co.'
38. [?1779 January Soho] - M B, [London]. 2pp. 4to.
'As you will probably have an opportunity of delivering your Invoice to the
India Company, I send you the particulars of the last goods sent that you may
get them added to the former invoice, viz 3000 Brass Thimbles £75, 10 complete
Machines £15.'.
39. 1779 February 1 [Soho] - M B, [Soho, Birmingham]. 8pp. folio. 'As you are in general so much hurried with business and as we might be
interrupted in conversation, I have chosen to put my thoughts on paper, that you
may at your leisure read and reflect thereon. The friendship I have for you
obliges me to declare, that it is my opinion from what I have been able to
collect, that the greatest success that your most sanguine expectations can
suggest in the Fire Engine business, cannot secure you, without a continuance of
the most prudent conduct in that and all your other affairs, during a series of
many years.'
40. [1779] February 11 [Soho] - M B at Messrs Matthews & Barton,
Green lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
'You mentioned that you could get an order for a service of Plate. There are
some circumstances that make it advisable to take the order, which are that your
silversmiths have little or nothing to do, and some of them are so much in your
debt that it would not be proper to discharge them, whereas by means of that
order, some of their debt might be wiped off. Whether Plate can be made at Soho
to advantage I cannot tell till it has been tried again under Bingley's
management. But Mr Egginton says that nothing can be made of it at the prices at
which you took orders, which prices he says he knows to be under the London
41. 1779 April 17 Receipt for £63 being a dividend Mr Boulton received
from the Birmingham navigation due to Messrs Smalls. Signed, 'James Keir'. 1
42. 1779 July 19 [Soho] - M B, [London]. 2pp. 4to.
'There will soon be another load of Perrier's goods ready to go by the ship
called the 'Swan'. Mr Wilkinson advises getting another passport for the 'Severn.' The Navigation Company have paid the premium for their Engine.'
43. 1779 August 24 London - M B. 1 Slip.
Receipt for £25, being the interest of £500 lent on loan. Signed, 'James
44. 1779 October 25 - Ship's Bolts of Keir's Metal. Copy of a
Report of a Trial of Bolts by Adam Hayes, John Puckey, Wm Peek, Deptford yard to
Sir John Williams and Edward Hunt Esqr Surveyors of his Majesty's Navy.
Remarks on the above Report. 4pp. folio.
Also press copy of the same. 4pp. folio.
45. [1779 November] London - M B at Mr Noyes's Wine Merchant,
Southampton. 3pp. 4to.
'The trial of the Bolts was very much in our favour. They drove better than
Iron and greatly better than Copper. The Board of Commissioners have determined
to use some of them in some of the men-of-war now building. Baumgartner has
stopped [payment] but I believe you are safe. Wiss is returned.'
46. 1779 November 20 Soho - M B, at Mr Wilson's Chacewater, near
Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'I send you on the other side a copy of a letter from Mr Wiss. Dr Falconer of
Bath writes desiring your opinion of the number of inhabitants of Birmingham
which he says he is informed is 30,000. Please acquaint Mr Watt 'that by a
very easy preparation of the paper, the use of any astringent or other liquor,
but water is unnecessary. That my preparation of the paper does not injure the
colour of the paper in the smallest degree, and makes a blacker impression than
Galls. And also that I have rendered all pasting of the copy into a book
unnecessary, by making the book of cambric paper and taking the impression at
once by sli'.ing the whole book through the Press, which succeeds well. By
these means, the process is rendered much easier to Gentlemen & Ladies, who
have little use of their fingers or understandings.'
47. 1779 November 25 Soho - M B, at Chacewater, near Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. 4to.
'A letter from Mr Small at Minorca says that Mr Allemonde is dead, and has
left his affairs in confusion. Charles Wyatt and his brother stopped payment.
Samuel & James Wyatt of London, are to give security for 10/- in the pound.
Mrs Elizabeth Montagu writes to you that she has received the pictures. I had a
letter from Mr Handley saying the Patents for the Metal and for Copying
[Machine] will be completed in two or three weeks. I have received the order for
Bolts from the Navy Board.'
48. 1779 December 2 Birmingham - M B, at Mr Wilson's Chacewater,
near Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'In a letter to you from Lincoln's Inn, John Thomas Batt writes apologising
for Sir James Harris's conduct to you in being at much more expense in his
embassy than he expected, and in the meantime offers to advance £500 himself on
condition that no steps are taken and no mention is made of the affair in an
unfavourable light, till he can hear from St Petersburg. Mr Barney not having
any work for sale, proposes to begin some paintings for your own account, which
he says you ordered him to do so. I desired him to let me know the prices of the
several pictures you spoke of. [List of pictures and their prices given.] the
above prices are lower than any he has hitherto done. . He consented to work
by the day to retouch the Boys' [painting boys] pictures at 10/6 per day. If
the painting business is to be carried on, and the boys continue to paint,
certainly the value of the pictures will be enhanced more than the expense of is
wages. We are taking some other economical steps in that business by which a
great deal of money may be saved. In saving not gaining is the object in that
49. 1779 December 11 Soho - M B, at Mr Wilson's, Chacewater, near
Truro, Cornwall. 4pp. 4to.
'Mr Wiss thinks your presence in London is necessary to receive the orders for
the Silk Machines. I think we shall execute the next order very expertly. We
have not yet tried your method of stamping the teeth of the Wheels. We intend to
make the whole of the winding Machine of Bolt metal (except the Steel axes), and
all of the Crossing Machine, excepting the two Wheels which Mr Rehe says for
cheapness he would have brass, I have not yet seen Mr Pickering, but the School
will soon break up. Messrs Boulton & Watt, junior come every day during the
holidays to Mr Playfair's counting house, to reckon and draw.'
50. [?1779 - 26? Birmingham] - M B. 1p. 4to.
'Yesterday I had a long letter from Mr Watt, all upon ink, in answer to one I
sent him advising him to publish a receipt for copying ink.'
51. 1779 December 14 London - Messrs Boulton & Watt, at Mr Wilson's
Chacewater, Nr Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'I am just arrived in London, in case I can be of any assistance in settling
the India matter [Silk Reels]. Mr Wiss proposes to engage for 1000 Copying
Machines. The method I meant to prepare the paper, was di'.ing it in a
solution of Sacch.N. by which means the impression is considerably blacker. The
liquor which Mr Watt recommended, viz infusion of oak-bark with lime water, did
not succeed with me a bit better than common water alone. The ink Mr Watt
mentions that is sold as 'Japan', is excellent. Some that I have made by the
receipt in the Dictionary of Chemistry but with a larger proportion of colouring
ingredients, especially galls, and a much larger proportion of gum, is as good
as the Japan. No letter has come from Mr Taylor at Southampton. The Lignum Vitae
Rolls made in Birmingham are charged 1/2 a Guinea.'
52. 1779 December 18 London - [Boulton & Watt, Cornwall]. 3pp. 4to.
'I shall appoint Mr Woodmason to receive subscriptions [for the Copying
Machine] in London. We do not intend to distribute any Machines until we have
received 1000 subscriptions. This will not interfere with Mr Wiss's proposal
of sending a number to India by the first ships.'
53. 1779 December 27 Soho - M B, Chacewater, near Truro, Cornwall. 3pp.
'I returned home three days ago, after waiting about a week in London in hopes
of seeing some Bolts driven into a Ship. Mr Rehe arrived and has altered the
whole plan of making the Reels. He is making the whole of Brass.'
54. [?1770 Soho] - M B, at Mr Matthews, Green Lettuce Lane, London. 3pp.
'Mr Watt desires me to transmit the enclosed to you with some passages in a
letter from Hornblower, dated Donington Woods, July 16, viz 'our Windlass
broke by the weight being too great for the strength of the Wheels, the leaves
of which stri'.ed off when the Pumps were about 4ft from the bottom.' The
blame has been thrown on Hornblower, and Mr Gilbert believes it was owing to his
55. 1780 January 11 Soho - Messrs Boulton & Watt, at Chacewater,
near Truro, Cornwall.
'I hope the India machines will be completed in time. We have received such
assistance from several Casters in Birmingham, especially Mr Ore, who casts the
collets on the arbors and turns them very fast, while Mr Rehe has been labouring
with his two clock-makers.'
56. 1780 January 15 Soho - M B, at Chacewater, near Truro, Cornwall.
3pp. folio.
'I most heartily congratulate you and Mr Watt on the favourable aspect of your
affairs in Cornwall. I have received a letter from Mr Whitehurst, saying that
Lord Sandwich, accompanied by [Sir Joseph] Banks and [Dr] Solander, went to
Deptford to look at the Bolt Metal, and condemned it because 'It filed so
easily.' I know the error proceeds from Banks, who being President of the
Royal Society, thinks he must appear to know something. I supped in company with
him and found him disposed to find fault with it.'
57. 1780 January 22 Soho - Messrs Boulton & Watt, at Chacewater,
near Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. folio.
'I congratulate you on the order you have received for a new Engine for
Poldice and for the prospect you have of others to be erected in the summer. The
Reels may now be pronounced out of danger. It gives me concern that Chacewater
Company behave so ill. The infusion of galls in distilled vinegar is cheaper
than that where Sacc.N. is used, and appears to me to be the best I have tried.
With very good ink water alone seems sufficient. By mixing alum with the ink, I
find it does no injury to the colour of the ink, or goodness of the impression.'
58. 1780 February 3 Soho - M B, Cornwall. 2pp. 4to. Copy. [Written on a
blank page of - Northumberland, Duke of, Northumberland House, London - M B.
1780 January 31. 1p. 4to.]
'I forwarded to you a letter from the Duke of Northumberland concerning a
[Church] Clock, which I suppose you will decline undertaking, unless you choose
to get Ore [clock and watch maker, Newmarket Row, Birmingham] to make it. Mr
Rehe sets off today for Exeter, about his Spinning Machines: he has quarrelled
with March the Hosier who first employed him to make a Spinning Machine, and is
endeavouring to supplant his employer by applying to Messrs Baring & Co,
direct. We expect to be able to send you two Counters tomorrow.'
59. 1780 May 9 Soho - M B [London]
'I send you the Letter which ought to be inserted in the London Newspapers to
prevent you and Mr Woodmason from being hanged. I have said nothing of
non-copying paper because I am not certain whether any can be made the effect of
which can be absolutely depended upon and at the same time shall be fit to write
upon, although I think it pretty certain some paper may be made which will add
to the security of the non-copying ink. When you attend at Westminster, it might
be well to have a copy of this letter to the Printer lying on the Table for
gentlemen to read.'
60. 1780 May 17 [Soho - M B, London). 3pp. 4to.
'I send you a bottle of non-copying ink. I am sorry you are so worried with
this dread forging, but I hope the new advertisement will abate their rage a
little. Mr Forthergill looks very much shattered by his illness. I send you
enclosed the Report of the Bolts, for the Russian Ambassador. Ask Mr Braithwaite
whether Lord Despenser has determined to have the Packet [boat] bolted with the
new Metal.'
61. 1780 May 20 Soho - M B [London]. 2pp. 4to.
'We are not by any means so clear about the best method of preparing paper, as
to direct any other person how to do it. I send you another copy of the Report
abut the Bolts and the Observations, for Mr Poli.'
62. 1780 August 19 'Near Birmingham'. Receipt to Mr Boulton for £25,
the interest of £500, lent on Bond. Signed, 'James Keir'. 1 Slip.
63. 1781 February 28 Winson Green - [M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 4pp. 4to.
'The Ships Bolts are now finished and sent to Deptford, where their fate will
soon be determined, whether they are to be adopted or not. This is therefore the
time to settle every thing concerning them, and as this matter rests with me,
the patent being in my name, it shall be done with the most perfect equity. . the intention of this letter is to acquaint you, that if you think the business
a desirable one, the drawing of lots shall decided whether it shall be wholly
yours or mine.'
64. 1781 March 4 - [M B]. 8pp. 4to.
'As to what you say concerning the Bolt Metal, I always understood that it
was first discovered in our joint experiments upon Chinese Copper. I never knew
that you had made it before, not ever heard of any goods having been made of it.
Nevertheless I am perfectly convinced that it is so since you say it. . I can
easily find employment for Henry Edwards. Mr Fothergill was desirous of
continuing the business' [refining of plated metal scrap].
65. [1781 June?] Tipton - M B, Soho. 1p. 4to.
'You have at Soho and Birmingham all the materials necessary to settle our
66. [?1781 June] 'Accounts [J Keir & M Boulton] settled and
closed with Capt Keir.' 1770-1780.
1772 October 16 Z Walker - M B. 1p. folio.
With Mr Keir's Accounts 1770-1772. 2pp. folio.
1773-1775 [Z Walker] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. An Account 1774-1775.
1780 An Account James Keir, Esq, with Boulton & Fothergill. 1p.4to. And a
67. 1781 June 11 Memorandum June 11 1781. 'That we have this day
settled all accounts between us to this day, and we mutually discharge each
other from all claims or demands'. (Signed) 'Mattw Boulton, James Keir.'
68. 1781 June 13 Bloomsmithy. Signed, Richard Evans, for Messrs James
Keir & Co. - M B Soho. 1p. 4to.
By direction of Mr Keir, is sending 1lb of crystals of Mineral Alkali.
69. 1783 August 23 Winson Green - [M B, London]. 3pp. 4to.
'I send you enclosed a letter which I received in one from Mr Day. We
seem to agree that it is necessary that the sale of the Copying Machines should
not be confined to Mr Woodmason, so we propose to allow 10 per cent to others
who sell again.'
70. [?1781] Memoranda by Mr Boulton: State of Case M B & K. 2pp.
Lost by K. 3pp. folio. Time & Trouble M B * K. 3pp. folio.
71. [1782 June 15 A Copy of a letter James Watt Esquire to James Keir, in
M S Book, labelled 'Copying Ink'. [for original letter see Box labelled 'Watt,
J S No III').
72. 1789 April 9 Smethwick - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to. A L.
'Salus is always feminine, therefore the inscription on the Medal for the king's
recovery should read 'pro salute restauratapp, but restituta
would be better. Salus restituta is a more elegant rendering.'
73. [?1789] Advertisement of Keir's Hydrostatical Lamp. Illustrated.
1p.folio. Printed.
74. 1790 April 26 [London - ?J Keir, Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to. A L.
'Henderson writes to me that his Irish friends advise him to offer himself
as a candidate for the place of Engineer to the Works for supplying Dublin with
Water. It was held by Mr Milne, lately dead, brother to Milne who built
Blackfriars Bridge.' [This appears to be a letter written to J Keir and
not by Mr Boulton. It is not signed.]
75. 1794 March 8 James Keir & Company. Bill for Soap. 1p. folio
76. 1797 December 30 Hill Top [West Bromwich] - M R Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 1p. 3to. A L.
Dr Beddoes is setting off for Italy. Mr Lambton is dead.
77. 1798 January [?Hill Top] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I have received your Case of Window Frames and shall be happy if my Eldorado
mountings can add anything to the elegance of your new room [Soho House]. I hope
to have the pleasure of meeting you next Lunar Meeting.'
78. 1798 January-February. Bill for Soap.
79. 1802 March 25 [?Hill Top] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. 'Charles
Porden is very backward in his payments for Soap. I hope you find yourself
better. Dr Beddoes spoke confidently of giving you relief.'
80. 1804 February 24 Hill Top [West Bromwich] - M B, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I am obliged to give up the society of my friends in winter, when summer
comes I hope to enjoy more of your society.'
81. 1804 September 11 West Bromwich - [M B, Soho, Birmingham]. 1p. 4to.
'I am to go and pass two or three days at Hilton Part with Mr & Mrs Blair.'
82. 1805 [June 21] [West Bromwich] - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 4pp.
I gave you different inscriptions for your consideration.' [Intended Medal
commemorating the King's visit to Soho.]
83. 1805 June 22 [West Bromwich] - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp.
'I have had much amusement in looking over your books on Medals, but found
nothing applicable to the present occasion.'
84. 1805 July 6 [West Bromwich] - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp.
'That you may be more plagued and puzzled with the variety of Legends [for the
intended Medal] offered to your choice, I here subjoin 2 more to the number.'
85. 1807 July 29 M B, Soho - J Keir. 1p.800. Press copy.
An invitation to dinner at Soho House. Mr Siddons and a haunch of venison.
86. 1810 January 22 Wm Cheshire, Soho- J Keir, Tipton. 1p. 4to. Press
Order for mottled and yellow soaps.
87. 1805 Document endorsed 'The most classical way of writing the
day of the month etc.' 1p. 4to.
88. 1811 February 12 Jas Keir & Co - M R B. 1p. 4to & slip.
Account for soap supplied £5.4.9, with covering note signed by John Edwards.
89. 1856 Specification - AD 1779, No 1240.
Jas Keir - Producing Compound Metals. 4to 3pp. Printed. Published at the Great
Seal Patent Office.
90. 1932 July 13. Press Cutting. The Priestley Riots, A Memorable Dinner
in Birmingham. Birmingham Post.
Samuel Galton, junior, c.1769-1814. From Box G1 (234), Boxes of
Incoming Letters. Items 20-85. Galton family Letters. Additional material.
Robert Augustus Johnson, 1787-1795. From Box J (240), Boxes of Incoming Letters.
Items 14-30.
Benjamin Franklin, c.176-1780. From Box F2 (233), Boxes of Incoming
Letters. Items 119-128.
119. 1765 May 22 Benjamin Franklin to Mr Matthew Boulton at Birmingham.
'I beg leave to introduce my friend Doctor Small to your Acquaintance, and
to recommend him to your civilities:- I would not take this freedom if I was not
sure it would be agreeable to you; and that you will thank me for adding to the
Number of those who from their knowledge of you must respect you, one who is
both an ingenious Philosopher and a most worthy honest man.
If anything new in Magnetism or Electricity or any other Branch of natural
knowledge has occurred to your fruitful Genius since I last had the Pleasure of
seeing you, you will by communicating it, greatly oblige.'
120. 1766 February 22. [Letter-book M B, 1766-1768]. Matthew Boulton to
Benjamin Franklin Esq.
'The addition you have made to my happiness in being ye cause of my
acquaintance with the amiable and ingenious Dr Small deserves more than thanks
and therefore I take this opportunity, of making my acknowledgements to you in
ye Same Sort of Coin by introducing to you, my Good friend Mr Samuel Garbett,
. Which of ye Steam Valves do you like best? . is it better to introduce ye
Jet of Cold Water in at the bottom of the receive. (which is about 3 feet from
ye tops) or in at ye top; each has its advantages and disadvantages.' Details
of various scientific experiments are also mentioned.
121. 1766 March 19 Benjamin Franklin to Mr Matthew Boulton.
'You will I trust excuse me so long omitting to answer your kind letter re:
Mr Garbett, when you consider the excessive Hurry and Anxiety I have been
engaged in with our American Affairs. I thank you for introducing me to that
very sensible worth man, tho' I could have buy a short hour the pleasure of
his company..
I know not which of the Valves to give the Preference to, nor whether it is best
to introduce your Jet of Cold Water above or below. Experiments will best decide
in such cases. I would only repeat to you the Hint I gave of fixing your Grate
in such a manner as to burn all your smoke. I think a great deal of fuel will
thus be saved, for two Reasons. One, that Smoke is Fuel, and is wasted where it
escapes uninflam'd . The other, that it forms a Sooty Crust on the Bottom of
the Boiler, which Crust being not a good Conductor of Heat, and preventing Flame
and hot Air coming into immediate Contact with the Vessel, lessens their Effect
in giving Heat to the Water. All that is necessary is to make the Smoke of fresh
Coals pass descending thro' those that are already thoroughly ignited.'
122. 1772 June [?] Dr Benjamin Franklin, London to MB, London. 1p.
4to. Invitation to Dinner.
123. Missing.
124. 1780 July 25. Benjamin Franklin to Mr Matthew Boulton. 1p.
Proposals relating to the new-invented Art of Copying. His attempts to practise
it, sample enclosed. Orders 3 of the Copying Machines.
125. A Parable against Persecution in Imitation of scripture language.
126. 1780 [?]. Benjamin Franklin to Mr Matthew Boulton. 1p. Arrangements
to meet the following week.
127. 2 Press cuttings: [!] The Birmingham Mail, Friday March 17, 1933.
Boulton's Letters. Great Engineer and Benjamin Franklin. Ideas on Smokeless
Fires; Experiment in Storing Heat. [2] the Birmingham Mail, 1965(?) Fascinated
by Electricity.
128. Press cutting: The Birmingham Post, February 10, 1939. Benjamin
Franklin. Letters to Friends in Birmingham. Article by W[illiam] B[ennett].
Thomas Beddoes, 1798-1802. From Box B2 (220), Box of Incoming Letters. Items
14. 1798 [August 13] Dr Beddoes - Matthew R Boulton, Soho. 2pp. French
and German Books.
15. 1798 August 18 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton, Soho. 3pp.
Wants to know if German Book was received. Had instructed Richard Lovell
Edgeworth to deliver with Letter.
16. 1798 August. Reply to Dr Beddoes. Very faint.
17. 179 November 28 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton, Soho. 4pp.
18. 1799 January 16 Dr Beddoes M R Boulton, Soho. 4pp.
'The success of what I have attempted in the way of popular medical
instruction and the helplessness of medicine in many small disorders have
induced me to extend my plan of information. For this purpose I am going to
undertake an elaborate course of lectures on the properties of animal nature,
and particularly that of man.'
Asking Boulton's help again in procurring certain works on anatomy from
Leipzig, Germany, and details of settling his account for the various books and
a small air apparatus.
19. 1799 June 18 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton, Soho. 4pp.
Further enquiry about his books from Leipzig. Success of his attempts to curse
cases by use of nitrous acid: see Postscript on patients suffering from
20. 1799 June 23. Reply to Dr Beddoes. Very faint.
21. 1799 June 27 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton, Soho. 4pp.
Enquiry about obtaining samples of Cornish minerals. Davy continues with
successful experiments for the pneumatic. New plans for treating consumption.
Plans for his Lecture series.
22. 1799 November 27 M R Boulton, Soho - Dr Beddoes.
23. 1799 November 22 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton, Soho. Reference to Watt's
letter, Davy - now in Cornwall; Beddoes too busy to make chemical experiments.
24. 1799 [?] Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton[?]
Returns magazines. News of latest discoveries.
25. 1800 January 21 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton[?]. 2pp. Wishes M R B and
G Watt to escort Miss Porte to Birmingham.
26. 1800 July 15 Dr Beddoes - M R Boulton. 3pp.
More on the subject of books from Leipzig. Larger order of books than usual. He
has started on the composition of a work on popular physiology and preventive
medicine drawing on the aid of European literature. Davy has just sent a copy of
his book to Gregory Watt - to be circulated at Soho. More on the treatment of
palsy and venereal complaints. Use of acids in Asia, successful 'to a
degree that I confess astonishes me.'
27. 1802 March 23 Dr Beddoes, Bristol - Matthew Boulton, Esq, Soho.
Conversations with Dr Carmichael.
28. 1802 March 27 M Boulton, Soho - Dr Beddoes. 1p.
'I received your kind letter of the 23rd Inst. And thank you for your
midnight contemplations as well as for your offers of personal attendance which
I accept with pleasure. Your Bed is ready and I shall expect to see you in a few
days. However, I think it proper to acquaint you that on Tuesday evening last, I
took 13 drops of Nitrous Acid in a small tumbler, .' Details of his
personal health matters and treatments.
29. 1802 March 27 Dr Beddoes - Matthew Boulton Esq, Soho. 3pp.
Reply to previous letter re: Boulton's health and requested treatments.
30. News Cutting: Birmingham Daily Post. July 22, 1929. The Dentist's
Debt to Dr Beddoes. The men who made 'Painless Extractions' possible.
James Watt's interest in the experiments.
'It was towards the close of 1798 that Humphry Davy - twenty years of age
e- joined Dr Beddoes at Bristol as assistant in the Pneumatic Institution, an
association which led within two years to the discovery which was to justify
thousands of dentists, then unborn, in claiming to make 'painless extractions'.
Dr Priestley had previously discovered nitrous oxide, but it was reserved for
Sir Humphry Davy, as afterwards he became, to publish in his 'Researches,
Chemical and Philosophical', chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, and its
respiration, the anaesthetic properties of this easibly obtained gas .'
Sir Joseph Banks and family, 1778-1819, Items 1-163
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for the Sir Joseph Banks
material is reproduced on film, please see the start of Reel 12.
1. [1778] Mitre Tavern - M Boulton, No 2 Bush Lane, Cannon Street. 2pp.
4to. A L.
Endorsed 'Mr Banks now Sir Joseph Banks, suppose prior to 1779.' Desiring
Mr Boulton to call at Soho Square, as he wishes to have some Conversation with
him on the subject of the Steam Engine.
2. Soho Square - [M Boulton, London] 1p. 4to.
Wishes for a conversation with Mr Boulton 'to settle on a firm footing what
we are to do relative to strangers who apply for recommendation.'
3. 1780 July 28 Soho Square, London - James Watt, Birmingham.
'Mr Hodgkinson expressed much dissatisfaction that you have not yet visited
Gregory Mine. I should be glad of information where I can get a Copying
4. 1780 November 9 Soho Square, London - James Watt, Soho, Birmingham.
'I accede to your reasoning concerning the lowering the price of the Engine's
working [Gregory Mine]. I am not the managing partner; Mr Hodgkinson my uncle
has and will expect to manage finally everything. To him I shall send the
5. 1780 November 14 Soho Square, London - [James Watt, Soho,
'The Agreement met with full approbation from Mr Hodgkinson as well as myself.'
6. 1781 February 16 Soho Square, London - Messrs Boulton & Watt,
Soho, Birmingham.
'I have received your parcel containing the Agreement for Gregory's Mine. I
shall now sign and forward it.'
7. 1781 November 18 - Soho Square, London - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Requests to be informed whether, about the latter end of February last,
any paper was read at any Literary Society in Birmingham, giving an Account of
the hurricane in Barbados; said to have been written by Sir G Rodney's
Physician, or any other person.'
8. 1783 December 9 Soho Square, London - M Boulton, Soho,
Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'Has been amused by an inspection of certain Rods of Steel, said to be
intended as the supports of Wings with which a man is to fly; lately certain
Cases have arrived, said to contain the very Wings in question: the Rods and the
Wings are said to have been made at Birmingham: requests him to communicate any
knowledge he may have on the subject. Compliments to Dr Priestley to whom he has
written. A man professes to have discovered a means to construct Fire Engines,
at a reduced expense and in sizes small enough to apply to many mechanical
purposes. [With a note, initialled Z W[alker] written thereon, that William
Whitmore, the jobbing smith was employed in making parts of the Wings.]'
9. 1783 December 11 M Boulton, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks [London]
[Private Letter Book M B 1783-1788].
'I have been absent ever since August last upon a tour through a part of
Ireland and Scotland and only return'd, four days ago so that I can only
inform you of the Flying reports of this place which are: That one Whitmore hath
been employ'd to make the rods and part of the Wings, that Mr Thos Gill hath
made a great number of Springs 8 ft long, each weighing only a few ounces, that
George Donnisthorp hath made a great many Wheels and pineons all under the
direction of one Miller a Scotchman who is said to be ye inventor of this
unknown Machine. Some persons say it is for Swimming and others for Flying but I
am told that Miller hath never declared positively what he intends it for.
'.' If the improver of Steam Engines who you alude to, can reduce the
price of Wood and Iron and increase their Strength he may thereby reduce ye
price of Engines but when I tell that we do make Engines that, for every square
Inch of the Area of ye Cylinder, will raise 20 lb to the height of 100 or 120
feet Per Minute, you will not think it of much importance to concentrate the
power into less compass. '.' We have an Engine working at this place whose
Cylinder is only 18 Ins in diameter, and whose Stroke is 22 Inches long, makes
from 70 to 80 Strokes Per Minutes and has ground 8 Bushel of Wheat into fine
flower in one hour with a very bad pair of Stones but we shall show you greater
effects next year I hope by Engines we are going to erect in London, and in the
mean time let ye aforesaid serve as a standard to compare other Engines by.
10. 1784 November 18 Soho Square, London - Messrs Boulton & Watt,
Soho, Birmingham
'I have received your favour acquainting me that by Mr Faujas de St Fond's
directions you have sent a Copying Machine intended for him to my house, and you
have drawn upon me for the sum of £4-19-6. Now as I have no money concerns with
him whatever I beg you will excuse me for refusing to accept even that small
sum. You will be able to write me word what you would have me to do with the
machine before he can demand it. I have in my possession two silver medals the
one intended for Mr Boulton, the other for Mr Watt, they are struck in
remembrance of the late Dr Solander and are a present from Mr Alstroemer, a
Swedish gentleman who received civilities from you both at Birmingham a bout
seven years ago.'
11. 1786 July 17 Soho Square, London - M Boutlon, Soho, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
'A friend of mine at Paris, writes me word that 20 lb of Platina is for sale
there: since the mode of making it malleable has been discovered, many Toys have
been made of it. I have accepted your Bill on Mr Alstroemer's account.'
12. [1787 February 8] Soho Square - [M B]. 1p. 4to.
With a draft of M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks, 13 February 1787 written
thereon. 2pp. 4to.
'Baron Stein has transmitted to me what he calls a justification of his
conduct in obtaining a Drawing of your Engine, which I enclose with this [see
Stein, Baron, 1787 February 5]. I enclose his letter to me and answer, which
please return to me. I have not observed the Count [Vide - Baron Stein] to
receive any civilities, farther than a bow or an answer to a question, from any
of my friends, since your intimation, so justly does every[one] seem to feel
this conduct towards you.'
13. 1787 February 13 M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 3pp. 4to. Press
'I feel myself very much obliged to you for your letter and for
communicating the Baron's Memorial, as well as the friendly part you have
taken. I have no objection to your showing my 'State of Facts' [see Stein,
Baron, February 1787] enclosed in this letter, to any or all the gentlemen,
mentioned in the Baron's Memoir. Please return the letter (enclosed) to me
from the Duke of Arenberg. [With a document entitled 'Facts', mentioned in
this letter, but omitted to be enclosed in it.' 3pp. folio.]
14. 1787 February 14 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Enclosed in your letter was the Baron's [Stein] Memoir and his letter to
me, and the Duke of Arenberg's letter (which I have returned to you), but not
the paper you call your 'State of Facts.' Herschell has discovered two
Satellites revolving round his Georgian Planet (Georgian Sidus, or Uranus): he
has not yet completed his 40 feet Telescope.'
15. 1787 February [Soho Square] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'One conduct only I shall ever think it my duty to hold in cases similar to
that of the Baron, which is never to countenance a foreigner who I do not think
incapable of attempting to steal inventions from which, as from yours, this
nation derives its commercial importance; and if they are detected as the Baron
has been, to withdraw all assistance of every species and as much as politeness
will allow, every species of communication from them. I have not seen or heard
of the Baron since he received my answer.'
16. 1787 June 10 Soho Square - M B, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'Introducing the bearer, Professor Gadolin, professor of Chemistry at Abo in
17. 1787 June 17 Soho Square - M B, Parliament Street, London. 2pp.
'Requesting permission for Count Melzi, Marquis Trotti and Count Soderini, to
see the Albion Mills.'
26. 1790 July 11 [?Soho Square] - M B, at Mr Matthew's, Green Lettuce
Lane. 2pp. 4to.
'I have read over with care and attention the letters of Droz which you put
into my hands, and find in them two specific agreements with their respective
considerations statd, viz. (1) to assist you in erecting Coining Presses &c.
for £700.(2) to stay two years in England and work for you, for which he was to
have £1000, making together £1700 which I understand to be the whole of his
demand. But I do not see a word of agreement for engraving either Halfpenny or
Farthing, nor of consideration for either of these works. Please explain. I have
not yet got your letter from Droz.'
27. 1790 July 12 M B, Yorks Hotel, Bridge Street, London - Sir
J Banks. 3pp. 4to.
'This will be delivered to you by Mr James Lawson a worthy young Man who
lives with me as a Clark, a draughtsman & Engineer. He is the person who
took the plan Sections of the Cornish Mines which I had once the honor to show
you. I have employed Mr Lawson in the Management of my Mint business ever since
Droz came to England as interpreter between Droz and the Workmen: He is
therefore acquainted with every circumstance relative to it and if you wish to
ask him any Questions he will answer you truly. I hear Droz is, with the
assistance of a Lawyer, getting his case arranged, and I am surprised that he
hath not delivered my letters as he recv'd the remain'r the day I last say
you. I have hastily drawn a simple Narative of my connection with Droz but I am
unwilling to give you the trouble of reading it nor would I request that favour
unless I find Droz hath given you his Memoir which he had been so hard at work
at, however I will beg of you to read the appendix to it page
14-15-16-17-18-19-20 which relates to the yet unsettled part of the business. I
have also inclosed a letter I recv'd 2 days ago from Mr Watt who was present
at Paris when Droz invited us to see his press - these papers I have not yet
shown to Mr Motteux whom I have not seen since we were in Soho Square, and as I
think it proper he should see them I will beg the favour of you to return them
by Mr Lawson who will wait your own time for the perusal. I have also sent you
some Extracts from Droz' letters in English which you may keep and may serve
to bring the points more to a focus.' 'I have desired Mr Lawson to explain
my intention of working Presses by the pressure of the atmosphere.'
29. 1790 September 6 Revesby Abbey, near Boston - M B, Soho,
Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Mr Droz and his friend Mr Dumergue have both been with me complaining of the
Award: that the Arbitrators had appointed three final Judges, all of who were on
Mr Boulton's side. I answered that they were men of character and I was
satisfied with what I had done. Some gentlemen of Marshland in Norfolk have
written to me under an idea I had erected a Fire Engine for drawing a Marsh and
have asked my opinion. I replied I had not undertaken any such thing but if they
did Messrs Boulton & Watt were the only persons to do their business. Sir
Martin Folkes of Hillington House near Lynn is their manager.'
30. [?1790 Nov.-] [- - -] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Has a letter from the Baron de Vay on the subject of erecting Fire Engines on
the Mines in Hungary who writes that Kempelen, who was introduced to Mr Boulton
by Sir Joseph, and who at that time had an Automation that played Chess, has got
the exclusive privilege for Fire Engines in The Emperor's Dominions. The Baron
recommends Mr Boulton to enter into a partnership with Kempelen.'
36. 1791 December 19 Soho Square M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'My sister is a great pusher, she has seen one of your 5 Sous, and has not got
one of them. I ask the favour of you to procure for me a Plan of the Birmingham
to Wolverhampton Canal, and of the Stafford and Worcestershire Canal: also of
the one to Coventry and to Droitwich if they are to be met with. I wish to know
the Prices at which the Shares are sold. We propose to open our county
[Lincolnshire] to the Trent, to which we have now a passage only in times of
flood: by so doing we may have your Hardwares and Wedgwood's pots &c, laid
down at our doors.'
39. 1792 April 10 Soho Square - M Boulton or James Watt, at Mrs
Matthews, Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street. 2pp. 4to.
'Our Engine at the Gregory Mine is again come to a stand; they attribute their
not having a new Cylinder ready to replace, to your refusal to give them the
proper dimensions for it unless it was to be cast by the person [Wilkinson] you
41. 1793 July 6 Soho House - M B, Mr Matthews, Green Lettuce Lane. 3pp.
'I am to be in Derbyshire about the 20th August and Mr Cavendish promises to
come. If you or Mr Watt will meet him we may fairly prove the powers of your
Engine compared with those of the old construction: this may easily be done as
both kinds are working at the Gregory Mine. If Mr Cavendish witnesses the
triumph of the new one, it will be of importance in the next seven years
properly you hold in the invention.'
43. 1793 August 10 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Mr Cavendish is coming to Overton [Derbyshire] on the 26th. I wish to have a
trial made of the quantities of Coal consumed by each of the Engines and
compared with the work done by each of them. Also consider the subject of
offering us a composition in lieu of your Dues in kind. I find from the example
of the Tything men, that all Dues taken in kind bear the appearance of being
more oppressive than in reality they are. The appearance of oppression is to be
avoided almost as much as the reality of it.'
49. 1796 November 30 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'The Royal Society has received a Donation of £1000, 3 per cent B Stock, from
Count Rumford, on condition that the Society give the produce of it, once every
two years, in two Medals, out of the same Die and of equal size, the one of
gold, the other of silver, together of the value of £60, to the person who
publishes the best Dissertation, in any part of Europe, on the subject of Heat
and Light. If agreeable to you the Royal Society shall employ you to cut the
Dies for this Medal.'
52. 1797 July 26 [Soho Square] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'We are all satisfied with your Penny Pieces or rather delighted. The King did
me the honor yesterday to accept from me one for each of the Royal Family and
more than that he took another which in my Presence he gave to the Keeper of his
Medals saying 'Take care of this I like one struck for Common use better than
a Fine one.' If you will supply me with some specimens for my sister's use
both of the accepted and the Rejected Coins I shall be Oblig'd to you. Pray
send me 2 Guineas worth more by Coash without delay, my Friends are ready and
devour these I have got. The Proclamation will receive the Royal assent today
and be Printed on Saturday.'
53. 1797 July 31 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'I thank you for the trouble you have given yourself in sending me the Pence I
wished for. On my way to Overton, I shall only lose one day, if I make
Birmingham on my way. I feel a great desire to see your press in full activity
the Report of its powers from an eye-witness may be found usefull to their
Lordships [Privy Council]. We shall be at Birmingham on the 21st August.'
54. 1797 August 6 M B, Soho - [Sir Joseph Banks] 1p. 4to. Press copy.
'You will find me at home and the Mint coining as fast as you have ever heard
me speak of.'
55. 1797 August 11 Soho Squaree - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I fear it will not be in our power to stay with you longer than Wednesday. If
I am not mistaken you received me into your house and showed me the Lions of
Birmingham more than 30 years ago.'
57. 1798 January 12 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'Government has at present a question before them relative to the erection of
Public Mills on the banks of the Thames in order to put a check upon the
imposition of the Mealmen. What was the amount of the Capital employed in
erecting the Albion Mills, and supplying them with Corn? How many pairs of
Stones did the Albion mills work and did the Dressing Machinery annexed to them,
prepare for market the whole meal afforded by these Stones? How many Sacks of
Flour per week did the Mills usually prepare for the Market? I cannot yet see
any of your Pence in circulation: have you yet finished the first Contract? How
does the Twopenny Mint succeed?'
60. 1798 December 13 [Soho Square] - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'If I remember rightly, the Mineral Congress which met some years ago, when
[Thomas] Williams and Anglesea had nearly driven Cornwall out of the earth,
agreed that £85 per ton for the metal in the ore, was a price sufficient to
keep the Mines open with a reasonable profit: or was this the price for the
metal after it had been subjected to the expence &c, of smelting? [?Edward]
Smith's evidence respecting the Blanks supposed to have been offered to the
[Royal] Mint makes them to have been charged £51-5-4 per ton, and was probably
61. 1798 December 17 M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks [Soho Square]. 2pp.
4to. Press copy.
'By the same post I received your letter, I received one from Lord Liverpool:
the shortest method of answering your letter is to send you a copy of my reply
to him. The price which the Mineral Congress settled with the Miners at Bristol
in 1792, was £84 per ton (not £85) for the metal in the Ore, or what in
Cornwall is termed the Ticketing Standard, which is calculated from an Assay of
400 grains at a public sampling. Smith must have lost his head when he talked of
£51-5-4 for Blanks.'
63. 1798 December 24 M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 4pp. folio. Press
'What you have heard respecting the purchase of Ores is only too true. Only
two parcels of Ores escaped the gigantic clutch of Mr WilliaMs.. The Cheadle Co
was a few years ago conducted by Me Lee, for himself and others: he died
insolvent and the Company then fell into the hands of Mr Dagley, who was for
many years a clerk and agent of Mr Williams: all purchases of Copper and the
Smelting Work is carried on for Mr Williams account. The whole produce of the
Paris Mine added to his Cornish purchases gives Mr Williams an almighty power in
the Copper Trade. It is true I can purchase the whole quantity of Copper wanted
at the Ticketings but at such an advance as will be ruinous to our
manufacturers, our Coinage and our Naval uses: something must be done to check
this growing evil. After the Cornish Metal Co was dissolved, a Meeting of Miners
and Smelters was held at the Bush Tavern in Bristol, November 1791, when the
Miners fixed the price for their ores they would be content with, and it was
agreed: I think this was £84 for what is called the Cornish Standard. In my
opinion the Miners should have not less than £100. Lord Dundas says he has a
rich Mine in Yorkshire: now is the time to work it. There is another subject
that may be more proper for me to mention to you rather than to lay it before
the Council: Mr Sage informed my clerk Mr Cheshire that he had received
information that I had got the contract for the Coinage, and desired him to
inform me, that he intended making an alteration in his examination of the Coin:
that he should come down from London once a month, and should require it to be
thrown into a heap, and not wrapped in papers until he had examined it. I have
avoided all personal conversation with him, since he let loose his passions, in
order that he might not betray me into any imprudent expressions: he has never
complained to me either of the quality of the coin or my conduct. If he accuses
me of any thing, I beg to be heard in my own defence. My letter to the Committee
[Privy Council] will be delivered on Wednesday morning.'
65. 1799 January 21 M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 3pp. 4to. Press copy
'Mr Watt wrote to you two days ago upon the subject of the Albion Mill. I
recommend an application to Mr Samuel Wyatt for further particulars, as the
Books and all the papers of the Company are in his hands, and desire him to give
you a private statement of the effects of that Mill upon the Meal Trade: during
the five years the Mill was in work it appears to have saved the consumers
nearly a Million sterling. Such Mills in different parts of the country would
benefit the Proprietors and the Public. One lately established at Birmingham
(Union Mill) for supplying purer and cheaper Bread and Flour to a numerous set
of subscribers or partners in it (chiefly workmen), I send you a printed plan of
the terms of partnership.'
70. 1799 March 31 M B, Birmingham - Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square. 2pp.
4to. Press copy.
'Allow me to introduce to you the bearers, Mr William Villers and Mr George
Simoox, who are appointed to wait upon you and the other Lords of Privy Council,
to explain and prove the allegations of the Birmingham Petition. I had rather be
compelled to come to town by legal authority than without compulsion.'
94. 1804 January 18 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'It gives me pleasure to learn that you intend to vindicate your inventions
from the insidious claims of impudent Master Droz. I have seen nothing since the
French Revolution that has given me so evil an opinion of the good faith of the
Institut as their attempt to wrest from you the honour of your very meritorious
inventions by the Jesuitical mode of approving them as the inventions of a
95. 1804 January 23 M B, Soho- Sir Joseph Banks. 3pp. 4to. Press copy.
'Being confined to my bed, I have been prevented from making much progress in
my intended answer to the Report of certain members of the Institute, such as
Prony and Perrier: the former wrote a book upon Steam Engines [Nouvelle
architecture hydraulique, contenant ;'art d'elever l'eau au moyen de
differentes machines, Paris 1790-96 2 vols 4to.] in which he gives all the
merit of that invention to the latter, and to Mons Bettincour, who is by
profession a thief as will appear by his publication, after he had been civilly
treated at Soho and shown the Double Engine, which in his publication he
claimed, as well as the two Engines we erected at Paris by Mons Perrier. The
most important part of my improvements in Coining are yet unknown to Mons Droz,
Prony, Perrier, Bettincourt and every other member of the Institute: otherwise
they need not have sent over in the year 1802, four of the most eminent thieves
in France for the express purpose of seeing my Mint, Bonaparte finding that all
their 13 Mints were not equal to the task of recoining their money in his
lifetime. I have shown my Mint to all the French Spies who solicited it, but I
do not think they were much the wiser: except in one case when my old friend
Dumergue brought two gentlement to my house one the son of Breguet, the
watchmaker, but the other who was not distinctly announced, looked at every
thing I did not wish him to see. About an hour after Mr Gregory Watt arrived and
informed me that he knew the second person at Paris and that was a spy by
profession, a native of Corsica, and had travelled with Mr Bettincour, as his
secretary, being a good draughtsman, chemist and a capital thief. I send you two
specimens of Spanish Dollas, recoined in my Press, one for you and one for Miss
Banks; with a copy of my letter to Lord Hawkesbury I enclose, will be
sufficiently explicit and save me the trouble of writing more.'
101. 1804 February M B, [Soho] - sir Joseph Banks. 5pp. folio. Press
copy. (Not autograph).
With an autograph Draft, endorsed, 'My Letter to Sir Joseph Banks on
Coining Silver February [?March] 1804.' 2pp. folio. & 2 Slips.
Acknowledges a copy of Sir Joseph's Paper, entitled 'Thoughts on the
present State of our Silver Money, on the Impracticability of recoining it at
present and on the propriety of Encouraging the Bank to Issue Silver Dollars as
a temporary Relief for the present Scarcity of Silver Coin and as a Provision
for a Coinage of silver whenever the Price of that Metal shall cease to
128. 1804 September 5 - M B, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 3pp. 4to
Press copy, 3pp. 4to.
'In your letter, which I received on Saturday last week, you say 'On
Sunday we mean to put ourselves in motion &c. [On Tuesday] I placed my chair
and myself at the door to look for you, our dinner time being 4 o'clock. At 5
o'clock the Cook, asked if she should accelerate or retard the Dinner. I then
sent out upon the Coventry Road, an avant Courier. At 6-30 the Cook said the
Venison would be over-roasted. My friends
then voted that your letter should be produced, when my daughter on reading
it concluded that you meant Tuesday in next week. My friend Mr Richard Lawrence,
veterinary surgeon, requests me to obtain your permission to make some drawings
of your Spanish Sheep, for his Treatise on the Animal Economy and Diseases of
Horned Cattle.'
129. 1804 September 6 Soho Square - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'After such a blunder which makes I hope more impression on me than it has
done on you, I hope we shall not cause you to look for us at 4 o'clock on the
11th and much less put the Cook to the torment of keeping back the dinner, but
arrive in good time. Enclosed is an order for Mr Lawrence to have access to the
King's Spanish Flock.'
137. 1806 May 24 M Boulton, Soho - Sir J Banks, Soho Square, London.
3pp. 4to. L S.
'I have received your packet containing copies of the correspondence relative
to an experiment made by order of the Navy Board, upon the Medusa Frigate, by
sheathing one side thereof with the usual Copper, and the other side with Copper
highly refined, furnished by me. The facts are correctly stated therein, but the
conclusions drawn are erroneous. In 1800, Sir A S Hammond showed me a mass of
corroded Copper taken from the bottom of a Ship after six months use. I told him
that the best kind of Copper for Sheathing was the purest obtainable. My offer
to supply sufficient for an experiment was then accepted. After one or more
voyages of the Medusa, I received a Report similar to that of Capt. Gore's of
the 19 October 1802, viz that on the starboard side (sheathed with my Copper)
grass was found adhering, while that on the larboard side was perfectly clear.
Soon after this General Bentham called upon me and in confirming this Report,
said they had been mistaken in their conclusions, for on stri'.ing off the
Copper it was found that my Copper was less dissolved than the other, I refer
you to my letter to the Navy Board, dated 24 December 1802.'
138. 1806 May 24 Soho Square - M R Boulton, Soho, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'In obedience to your father's wishes, I requested our mutual friend Col
Greville to undertake the business of presenting to the Royal Family. I shall be
thankful to you for the return of the Papers respecting the Copper furnished by
your father for Sheathing. Mr Davy has made a careful analysis of the English
and the Russian Copper and finds that neither of them contains one per cent of
140. 1806 July 16 Soho Square - [M R Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
'Introducing the bearer, Viscount de Lapa, the nephew of the chevalier de
Souza Couttinho, Minster Plenipotentiary of H M the King of Portugal.'
145. 1807 December 28 M R Boulton, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 2pp. 4to.
Press copy.
'The bearer, Mr J Lawson goes to town to superintend the erection of the Mint
Machinery, which I am in hopes the state of the Buildings will now allow us to
149. 1808 December 26 M R Boulton, Soho - Sir Joseph Banks. 3pp. 4to.
Press copy.
'Annexes the quarterly prices of the Rose Copper Co since the suspension of
the British Coinage, has been employed in coining for the East India Co: will be
ready to commence when the recoinage is determined upon, to effect the plan for
calling in the old Copper Coin. Mr Murdock desires to express his grateful
thanks to Sir J Banks.'
Items 160-163 are 3 letters from and 1 letter to Miss Sarah Sophia Banks
(1744-1818), sister of Sir Joseph Banks.
John Fothergill and family. Items 1-100, Correspondence and Papers, 1762-1772
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film at the
start of Reel 13.
1. [?1762 March 4 London] - M B, Birmingham. 2 Slips.
'I am just returned from dining at Hymen's with Mr Cantrell. Mr Motteux and
Mr Panchaud set out next Friday se'night on purpose of spending an evening
with you. Mr Garbett thinks it will be better to waive beginning the Gilt Button
business as Mr Birch is so near his end.'
2. 1762 May 3 Tottenham - M B, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 2pp 4to.
'We arrived here on Thursday evening. I shall wait on Mr Cantrell when I go to
town. I shall send this evening to enquire after Mr & Mrs Duncumbe who I
find are removed from the George.'
3. 1763 May 7 Tottenham - M B, Snow Hill, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'Cantrell tells me that Taylor, Gimblett, Ward and Rabone, had been with him
like so many wolves for orders. I shall wait on Messrs Casenove this evening. I
shall be very tender in my application abroad of meddling with Mr Capper's
friends: as to Mr Duncumb's, they were my own bringing, and as he told me,
there would be business for both of us. I dined at Mr Vere's the China man.'
9. 1761-62 Document endorsed, 'Case between B & F' [In M Boulton's
hand]. 1p. folio.
'About January 1761, B had formed a plan for manufacturing various articles of
the Birmingham Hardware and Toy Trades, for which a Water Mill was necessary as
near to the town of Birmingham as possible. He applied accordingly to Mr Edward
Ruston, who in the year 1756, had taken a lease for 100 years of John Wyrley
Esqr of lands situated in Handsworth parish 1 1/2 miles from Birmingham, and who
in that and the following year had made a Canal, a full half mile in length to
convey a little Brook to a place for working a Mill, which he erected with a
dwelling house for himself about 130 yds distant therefrom. On these, with other
later improvements, it appeared that he had expended £1000. B agreed to
purchase Ruston's lease with all his improvements for £1000. As the Mill was
for trade only and B was desirous of keeping distinct Accounts, he opened two
Accounts in his Books, viz. Soho Mill, £700, and Soho House £300, B expended a
large sum in finishing the house, making a new kitchen garden, planting 2000 fir
trees and a variety of shrubs, costing £500. But the Mill being the great
object, B laboured assiduously to perfect it. About July 1761 he procured the
necessary workmen, timber, bricks &c. and began to build houses for workmen,
a Warehouse and Shops, pulling down the old Mill which was rebuilt. These
buildings were not finished in 1761, and as a Brick kiln had been erected and a
Clay pit opened, B agreed with his brickmakers to make more bricks in the Spring
for the completion of the buildings and to sell the overplus. It happened that B
had a call to London in January 1762, when some difference arose between
Fothergill and his old Master Mr Duncombe [Duncombe Davies and Ingram] a
merchant in Birmingham, and left him immediately. Two days after F went to
London to propose a partnership with B which B declined, but upon repeated
applications B consented to the proposed union. F said he would be content with
1/3 share of the profits and would advance an equal sum [of capital] in
consideration of B's superior skill and of the greater burthen falling
naturally upon B.'
10. - - - Endorsed 'Some remarks abt my partnership.' 3pp.
'Mr F should advance an equal sum to M B, viz £5000. M B has some
APPrentices, viz Brown, Dyott, Power &c. whose time is of value, which he
should be allowed for, but will give up. The Mill Account ought to be debited
with all the time M B spent in experimenting and contriving, 1 1/2 years.'
11. - - - Endorsed 'Remarks upon our Articles of Partnership.' 3pp. folio.
12. - - - Statement. 2pp. folio.
'When B & F first agreed to enter into partnership, F was much perplexed
for want of a house. B then offered to turn his mother out of his house at Soho,
telling F he might live there so long as it was consistent with or convenient to
their plan of business, F to pay a rent equivalent to 5% of the cost and keeping
up of the place, but F neglected the upkeep, and B undertook half of this
expence: F soon wanted additions and alterations made in the house. B to
accommodate offered to put the house in the trade.'
29. 1765 November 4 Birmingham - M B, at Mr John Motteux's, London.
2pp. folio.
With a letter signed 'Oswald' written thereon, and a letter signed 'Z
Walker' written on the last page.
'I really think with Dr Small, that a trip to Paris would be advantageous.
Enclosed you have another Bank Note, value £100, which please hand to Mrs
OPPenheim. I think the visit to Paris will further satisfy you, as to the
stability of Mr OPPenheim.' [Oswald's letter. 'A year ago, Mr Joseph
Franell did a great trade in our goods for Smyrna: You will find him at the
Anti-gallican Coffee-house. Mr Houser of Marseilles recommended me to him.']
33. 1765 November 9 Birmingham - M B, at Mr Motteux's, Wallbrook,
London. 2pp. folio.
'A note signed 'Z Walker' written thereon. The Building [Soho] has already
consumed almost as much money as the whole was to have cost.'
34. 1765 November 12 Soho Mill - M B, at Mr John Motteux's, London.
3pp. 4to.
'Mr Newbold has a fresh Agreement for 2 more Kilns wherein will be a great
many exceeding good front Bricks at 15/6 per mil, which will complete the whole
of the mansion and outbuildings, reckoning those already on the premises. Mr
Wyatt has been written to send you the requested elevation immediately. Mr
Sawyer's shops in Edmund Street took fire owing to the excessive heat in the
Casting Shop and has done him considerable damage: this gave the town an
opportunity of seeing the very bad plight of their Engines, and how necessary
your order was for two new ones, one of which should be of such a size as to go
into our narrow entries. I think also as you have ordered one for Soho, it would
be useful to buy a few leathern buckets which are sold in St Paul's
41. 1765 December 11 Birmingham - M B, at Mr John Motteux's, London.
4pp. folio.
'Mr Motteux informs me that he expects your arrival in London from Paris next
Friday. Mr :John Gilbert breakfasted with me: his eagerness for our being
concerned in the Black Lead Mine seems to increase. Mrs Boulton and Dr Small set
off tomorrow morning for London.'
42. 1765 December 14 Birmingham - M B, at Mr John Motteux's, London.
3pp. folio.
'The buildings [Soho] now begin to look so very sumptuous as to engage the
attention of all ranks of people: they are now winding up the timber for the
75. 1771 April 22 Birmingham - [M B, London]. 3pp. 4to.
'Our steel Chain trade languishes much for want of new patterns &c, as
likewise our Buckle trade in general, Tortoise and Gilt Boxes, Gilt Chains and
indeed most of our current articles must have some of your attention when you
return. I daily perceive the Frenchmen in general are a heavy charge on the
Manufactory: last Saturday, a week's work was brought in by one of them who
charges 25/- per week, which might have been executed by Turner in this town for
5/-, but I would not like to despatch any of them without your concurrence.
Audley the surgeon and Hayward the button-maker are dead.'
91. 172 May 9 M B, London - John Fothergill, Handsworth, Birmingham.
2pp. 4to.
'I have just received all the things I ought to have received last night and
for want of which more inconveniences have occurred to me than you have any idea
of or I have now to tell you. I must lost my time in trifling for want of a full
Card of Soho Buttons, besides the Esqr [John Taylor] is already at market before
us. I insist on J Bentley giving all the chasing during my absence to be
examined by Mr Eginton, otherwise we shall have more rubbish. Mrs [Elizabeth]
Montagupps Tea Vase I wish to receive before I leave London.'
96. 1772 May 22 Handsworth - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 3pp.
'I observe with pleasure your safe return after a pleasant tour with Mrs
Boulton to Portsmouth. We had at Soho, the company of two Austrian Noblemen and
a Spanish Chevalier recommended to you by Count Welderen: the Spanish gentleman
bought Vases and Buttons to the amount of £117 and he intends a Titus for the
King of Spain.'
100. 1772 October 31 Z Walker, Birmingham - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 1p.
Endorsed 'Acct of B & F Shares.' Noting that as the Books are not yet
finally closed for the year 1771, I cannot add the profit for that year, or the
interest or profit for the present year, the state of your and Mr Fothergill's
Account stands thus -
- 1771 December 31 Mattw. Boulton Cr. for Balance of his Account this day:
16185-16-2 1/4
- 1772 October 31 Mattw. Boulton Cr. for Balance of Money advances & taken
out of business from Xmas last until this day: 6146-12-4 1/2
Total: 22332- 8-6 3/4
- 1771 December 31 Jn. Fothergill Cr. for Balance of his Acct this day: 13431-
4-5 1/2
- 1772 October 31 Jn. Fothergill Dr. to Balance of Cash recvd from and advanced
to the business since Xmas last: 697-13-8 1/4
Total: 12733-10-9 1/4.
Overall total for all accounts: 35065-19-4
John Fothergill and family. Items 101-245, Correspondence and Papers, 173-1780
Brief abstracts or notes of subject contents are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. Please see the full descriptive listing on film.
114. 1773 February 27 Birmingham - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London.
3pp. 4to.
'I copied from your letter what relates to the Marking Hall for Doctor Small,
who will probably write to you tonight. I read the same also to Mr Wilkinson who
is a very strong advocate: he and Dr Small endeavoured to prevail on Mr Lee to
go up to London to afford you some assistance, but he told them he could not
leave home at this season otherwise he is able to convince the Members that the
Hall at London have marked White Copper with the silver mark: he undoubtedly
might be of service by the strong proof against them, and I wish he was
subpoenaed as he signed the Petition, but this I leave to your reflection. Mr
Ingram promises to write to his brother Francis at No 9 in the Temple, to give
you every possible assistance, which he says you will find worth your attention
as he has great interest among many Members and gentlemen of the Law. I have
only seen one paragraph in the St James Evening (as none of the morning papers
come to this town) which will be inserted under the Article of Birmingham news
in next Monday's paper.'
115. Endorsed 'Remarks on F[othergill] Letter.' 1p 4to. [In M Boulton's
123. 1773 March 10 Birmingham - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 3pp.
'Doctor Small is entirely of the opinion that the best way to dispose of the
Siderial Clock is to present it to the Empress of Russia.'
124. 1773 March 13 Birmingham - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 3pp.
'Taylor is striving like the devil in the article of Steel Buttons, as the
Bellman goes about continuously crying for Lappers, Handers &c. The
Clockmaker has left us on account of Dr Small complaining about slowness: the
doctor has indeed been exceedingly anxious to have it finished for your to show
the King.'
133. 1773 April 7 Birmingham - M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 2pp.
'Mr van Osterhout writes mentioning the reception of the sundry Writings from
Mr Wm Matthews but waits for Mrs Swellengrabel's orders to dispose of the
Effects. It is said that Squire Taylor gets a net profit of £40 per week on
Steel Buttons: he now employs 100 people therein.'
135. [1773] April 21 Handsworth - M B, No 2 Bush Lane, Cannon Street,
London. 1p. 4to.
'I was in hopes Mr Watt would have dined with me today as I could then have
informed you relating the Engine: however I hear the new Steam valves answer
extremely well, and that the Engine will be ready for a trial this next week.'
139. 1773 April 26 [M B London] - J Fothergill. (Copy of part of a
letter.) 1p. folio.
'I again beg that Mr W Eginton and Far would get up some very good Sword
Hilts. I want one for Lord Guernsey as fine as can be made and many others. I
must get a few specimens of elegant Plate as we have many friends that will
visit Soho and will be disappointed if they see none: I could obtain great
orders for plate if I durst.'
145. 1773 May 7 [Birmingham] M B, No 14 Cannon Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
Dr [Erasmus] Darwin and his sister, Mr Edgeworth and a young lady are here with
Doctor Small. Mrs Boulton is gone with my wife to spend the evening at Mr [John]
Baskerville's, who is laid up with the Gout.
163. 1774 March 20 Soho - M B, at Mr Maculloch's in Dukes Court, St
Martin's Lane, London. 1p. folio.
Lists various names and addresses of Plate burnishers in London, and then goes
on to ask: 'I suppose you will not forget to enquire after some Mounters.
Please present my best compliments and thanks to Mr Watt for his obliging and
very friendly letter: I now think his visit to Russia will be for mutual
interest as he will have a fine opportunity of introducing the new [?Dr Small's]
Clocks there, also of explaining the different excellencies of the Siderial one
(of which I must request your application to Mr Whitehurst that we may obtain it
without further delay). I think it may not be amiss for Mr Watt to make his
return by some of the manufacturing cities of German, such as Nuremberg,
Augsburg &c, at our expence as the further knowledge he may obtain at those
places in mechanics, may answer many purposes in future.'
[In 1773 Mr Watt had an invitation from his friend Robinson to come to
Russia to fill some station under the Imperial Government. This offer seems to
have been ensured by Mr Boulton having sounded his praises at the Ambassadors.]
164. 1776 March 1 - Document endorsed 'M Boulton's
indemnification to J Fothergill agst. All risk and loss arising from M B's
connections with the Engine Concerns March 1776.' [In M Boulton's hand]
3pp. folio.
'As I have not been instrumental in bringing upon Boulton & Fothergill's
house any risque of Loss by the carrying into execution Mr Watt's invention of
Fire Engines, I have originally agreed with Mr Watt and Dr Roebuck for two
thirds of the patent right the Form of which I have extended by obtaining an act
of Parlt and although I agreed with Watt & Dr Roebuck for 2/3 yet at the
same time I had agreed with Dr Small that he should take 1/2 of my purchase and
that he Dr Small, James Watt and M Boulton (and no other partner whatsoever)
should carry on the said Business of Engine building, all which Mr Fothergill
was informed, and I likewise told Mr Fothergill that every expense incur'd on
acct of the Engine should be charged to me, and that if the Engines which we had
begun to Erect at Soho proved good and useful things to Boulton & Fothergill
they should have them at an easy price without paying Engine Co any sum for
Licence and I also told him that if the Engine business proved an advantageous
one, that I would pay all the debts due from Dr R to B & F: although at that
time the whole Debt from Dr R to B & F was upwards of £600 and not worth a
forthcoming. Hence M B procured without expence to B & F the advantage of a
chance of paying them 2 desperate debts and also the convenience (without any
risque in the project) of supplying their mill in al scarcities of Water - Two
good things. When M B first permitted Dr R to draw upon him it was under the
Idea that if Dr R failed M B: could set off ye money by his agreement wth Dr R
for ye fire Engine in the purchase of his share. Some time after Dr R did fail
and his debt by means of his drawing Bills was £1000 which Fothergill ordered
to be placed to the debit of my Acct in the year 1772 so that I have expended
and not B & F, on the Engine Acct - 1st ....£1000 Dts due from
Roebuck & Garbett.
2d. I have paid to Dr R &
his Assigns £600, part of
£1000 wch I agreed to
pay him & have also given him my personal security
for £400 more wch
together is......... £1000
I am willing to pay the
debts to B&F due from
Roebuck suppose abt.... £670
I am willing to pay all
the expences that have or nay arise on acct of
the Engine..........£700......£3370
both as to ye Acct of
Parlt Travelling expense
Building experiments
Wages Mr Watt &c
And these sums ought to be paid before any profits can properly be said to arise
from the Engine. And as Mr F hath not ye run any risque in ye Engine and as the
success of it is as much unknown to every person in the World, besides the
inventors, as it ever was, I take this opportunity before any tryal hath been
made of either of the Engines now nearly erected to declare that as I have run
all the risque of that project and as Mr F hath contributed no invention
improvmt or anything towards it, I am resolved to take all hazards upon myself
and do hereby declare that although upon tryal of the Bloomfield Engines and
that of Mr Wilkinson it shall be found to be neither a useful nor profitable
invention I will take upon myself All the Expences that have arose in
consequence of it from the beginning and free both Mr Fothergill and Mr Watt
from all losses and expences relative thereto, and this I give under my hands
this 1st Day of March 1776. (Signed) Mattw Boulton.'
'This paper was ready by Mattw Boulton to Mr Fothergill in presence of John
Scale and it was also read to Mr John Banner by M Boulton before the Engine at
Bloomfield (in which Mr Banner is interested) was tried or set to work.'
165. 1776 April 24 Birmingham - J Fothergill. 2pp. 4to.
'Mr Watt is now much better and Dr Withering has prescribed the [?Peruvian]
Bark. Mr [James] Jackson thinks it will be best to advertise his house for the
taking in of Coin on the different days we do not attend at the Assay Office,
and Mr Cooke proposes also to use his house for the same purpose, every day of
the week, on our Account. I told you in my letter per Jack Wyatt that the new
Steam valves answered extremely well. Sir Archibald Hope, Bart, from Scotland
called yesterday at Soho and was in raptures at the performance of the Engine,
and has promised to give an order very soon, which he says he should have done
before had he not placed his opinion about them by Lord Cathcart not having
given an order, who he knew was well acquainted with Mr Watt. I think you should
call on Sir Archibald who is to be found at the Bristol Coffee House, Charing
Cross. Please to enquire the price of cut gold at the Bank.'
167. 1777 April 26 Birmingham M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton,
London. 3pp. 4to.
'I omitted writing to you before, imagining your mind has been entirely
engrossed on the subject of Engines, indeed the idea of it has in some measure
contributed to the support of our credit as many people in Birmingham are
possessed with a copy of the Creditors of Stritzea, and in particular Green the
druggist, who has exhibited the same to several of his acquaintances: the result
in general is that Palmer &c, are pitied but that the Engine business will
soon repay our loss. We had a letter yesterday from Mr H Henshall at Kniperley
who wants an Engine immediately for the Proprietors of the Chesterfield Canal: I
have delivered it to Mr Watt to answer. Our Soho Engine on the new construction
goes extremely well. I am plagued with trouble and expences by Mr Lushington in
the affair of Mr Swellengrebel's Will, which I am rather surprised at, as my
sisters have received their Legacies, and every contest at end, except Mrs
174. 1778 February 2 Newhall - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton,
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 2pp. 4to.
'Charles Stuart has found the Writings relating to the Shadwell Engine. Engine
letters come in apace. Mr Watt has desired that his horse might be ready in the
morning. I will send Mr Keir a sketch of the new houses intended to make a
Square round St Paul's Chapel, which are all to be handsome and uniform and
there are several who are desirous of building in conformity thereto: probably
Mr Keir may be provided with a suitable undertaker.'
183. 1778 February 21 New Hall - [M B, London]. 2pp. 4to.
'Last night Jos Harrison arrived from Bloomfield well satisfied with the
performance of the Engine which he left at work, sinking the water out of the
Pit at the rate of one yard per hour: he supposed there was yet about 48 yds of
water which he did not doubt be exhausted by Monday evening when he will return
to Bloomfield to make an entire finish: the Proprietors are gone to see it
perform this day: he proposes to set off for Mr Salmon's on Wednesday to
relieve Mr Watt: the Richmond boiler is making at Bloomfield. Mr Watt desires
you would hasten the Piston Rod and the Eduction Pipe for Chacewater. Mr
Henderson writes that Mr Colville's Engine progresses very well.'
186. 1778 February 28 New Hall - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton,
London. 2pp. folio.
'I dined today at Mr Parrott's: he told me he had received a letter from
Hawksbury saying they have been obliged to take up all the Trees of the new
Engine Pump in order to raise them 7 ft higher, because the Valves of the Pump,
otherwise the Clack is so much under water as to render them incapable of being
repaired, which will prevent the Engine from working for 8 or 9 days: Mr Parrott
lays the fault of sinking the Pump Trees so deep to Perrins. Bloomfield Engine,
Mr Westley and Mr Wallin now say, goes very well, and they hope to be clear of
water by Saturday night. Harrison is returned. There was a letter for Mr Watt
from Mr Henderson today, which I sent to Harper's Hill. We have already
despatched [to Christie's] 60 Boxes of Ormoulu.'
191. 1778 May 3 Handsworth - M B, C/o Messrs Matthews & Barton,
Green Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
'Joseph Harrison returned last night and has got the performances of the
Engine at the Bag signed by Lawrence: he proposes leaving for London tomorrow
night: Mr Scott assured him he meant to act with the strictest honour. A Mr
Cramlinton wants to see about Engines: he is recommended by the Proprietors of
Byker: he has a share in a Colliery near Newcastle whereon is an Engine now
erecting on the old principles, 60 in. Cylinder, two 12 in. Boxes and the bottom
of the Pit, 32 fathom. You will observe by the enclosed that Darbyshire has some
bad designs for notwithstanding I sent a Cart to avoid any pretext for not
delivering the Model, he now begins to drop the mask, therefore I shall give
orders for prosecuting him, otherwise we shall continue liable to such
192. 1778 May 4 New Hall - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton, Green
Lettuce Lane, Cannon Street, London. 2pp. 4to.
'Mainwaring's conduct towards us is shameful. Mrs Swellengrebel sets off
tomorrow for Bath. We have now had from Wyatt, wood screws to the amount of
£100. As Mr Godfrey Thornton, to whom we sent the Prince of Holstein's Plate,
is now a Bank Director, an acquaintance with him may probably be of service:
suppose you invite him to see the Richmond Engine, when it is erected.'
200. 1778 May 19 New Hall - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton, No 6
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. folio.
'The principal Engine smith (I forget his name) has been with ,me to desire I
would interceed for his continuance at Soho, and offers with Peploe to work
209. 1778 May 30 New Hall - M B, at Messrs Matthews & Barton, No 6
Green Lettuce Lane, London. 1p. 4to.
'All the materials are sent to Shadwell Engine, except the Steam Case screws
for Steam Cases Barometer and Steam Gauge. All the materials are sent to Chelsea
Engine except the Steam Case and screws for it.'
217. 1778 October 20 New Hall - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 1p. folio.
'Mr & Mrs [Thomas] Day with Miss Walker seem very happy in their situation
at Soho, nothing could have pleased them better than to occupy an empty house.
Murdock is at work on Poldice. Harrison is gone to examine the Engines in
Shropshire. Hawkesbury Engine goes to the admiration and astonishment of
everybody: I am assured they will now gladly accept your proposed terms and they
have written to Whieldon on the subject.'
219. 1778 November 7 New Hall - M B, Redruth, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'It is only the success the Engine business may afford us that will avert the
storm. Mr Keir daily becomes more initiated to Soho, and I think him a valuable
assistant. I wish you had paid attention to Mr Wiss's letter immediately on
the reception of it.'
227. 1779 November 14 New Hall - M B at Mr Thomas Wilson's,
Chacewater, Truro, Cornwall. 3pp. 4to.
'Mr Keir departed last night for London to attend the E I Company (if wanted):
he intimates that the greatest part of this order is to be executed with his
Metal [Keir's metal]. Mr John Macky sends word that he with Messrs Hughes and
Williams will be at Soho tomorrow to see the Engine: the latter gentlemen are
proprietors of very considerable Copper Works now erecting upon Mr Macky's
Collieries at Ravenhead. All the materials for Ale and Cakes, and Poldory are
forwarded for Bristol and will be there by full moon with Orders to Pritchard
& Barlow to be shi'.ed for Hayle. If we obtain the new order for Reels,
Croisseurs &c, I think a considerable improvement will be made by stamping
the Wheels belonging to the Reels. Mr Keir's metal will become very
serviceable and Mrs Montague's doors would have looked quite as handsome with
decorations of that metal as Ormoulu. Mr Wiss desires your presence in London.'
240. 1780 May 26 Birmingham - M B, at Mr Wm Matthews, London. 3pp. 4to.
'I am sorry Mr Watt continues so obdurate considering his easy situation has
been in a great measure procured by your means, for if he had continued with Dr
Roebuck, the Engine business had died long ago. I never speak to him on the
subject, but he intimated one day of his own accord that he would do anything to
assist us but did not like to be concerned with Mr Wiss. If you can borrow the
£1000 for 20 years on personal security, I shall very gladly join with you
therein. We received a Draft yesterday of Mr Jary for £60.'
John Fothergill and family. Items 246-328. Correspondence and Papers, 1781-1782 & Family Correspondence and Papers. Brief abstracts or notes of subject
contents are provided below for just a few items, but not for every item. Please
see the full descriptive listing on film.
249. 1781 April 7 New Hall - Mr Wm Matthews, for Mr Boulton, London.
2pp. folio.
'As William Bingley and our people at Soho in the Plated Branch are very
anxious to have the order for the Silver Terrine that the Admiralty propose
sending to Kamschatzka, I would wish you to procure it for them; as we are
possessed of the necessary implements, Models &c. I think it may be
manufactured to advantage. Do write to Mr Watt, he seems unhappy at not hearing
from you and I hear he has written several letters to you without you making any
reply. I fancy I can easily guess the cause. May I request you to wait on Mr
Lushington. I have sent you his letter to me with his Account and my answer. Mrs
Barker I hear will continue the banking business.'
250. 1781 June 23 Bath - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Dr Staker (who likewise attends Mr Garbett) is desirous of trying the effects
on me of these waters. Mr Garbett who is or next door neighbour and a most
agreeable social friend has lately been in a very deplorable situation and
though at present he appears tolerable well, is apprehensive of a relapse.'
251. 1781 November 2 - Document endorsed in M Boulton's autograph 'A
Copy of the Notice I delivered to Mr Fothergill November 2nd. 1781.' 1p.
'Being desirous of determining on the Thirty first Day of December next the
Partnership Trade for several years last past carried on by us as Merchants And
also as Manufacturers of Hardware Goods I do hereby give you Notice thereof And
that such Partnership shall cease on the said Thirty first Day of December next
And that I will not be concerned in carrying on any Trade or Business in
Partnership with you after that Day WITNESS my Hand this second Day of November
One thousand seven hundred and eighty one. To Mr John Fothergill.'
John Roebuck and family, 1760-1796. Items 1-47.
Brief abstracts or notes of subject content are provided below for some items,
but not for every item. The full descriptive listing for the John Roebuck
material is reproduced on film, see Reel 15.
1. 1760 January 21 Edinburgh - M B, Birmingham. 1p. 4to.
'I have engaged in an extensive and as I apprehend, a very profitable Branch
of Business, since I came to Scotland, a Share of which I purpose to communicate
to yourself if you approve of it: therefore I shall be glad to find you at
Birmingham when I return there about the 2nd of February.'
2. 1760 July 22 Bo'ness - M B, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'You will no doubt have expected before this time to have received some
account from me of the state of our Colliery. The fact is I have been so
thoroughly engaged in the business of the iron Works and the Colliery that I
have not had leisure to write. At present we get about 300 tons of Coal weekly
from one Pit and 100 tons from another. I examined the whole Colliery with Mr
Gibbons and have with his advice fixed on a Plan for extending the Colliery so
as to be able to raise 100,000 tons annually, and for this purpose we are now
sinking four Pits. By these Pits we shall command a field of Coal 7 ft thick and
3000 yds extent one way, and 500 yds from the Dip to the Rise. The Pits are near
the sea and the Coals are carried to the Pier-head by a Waggon Way, 1000 yds
long. The Salt Pans are advantageously situated and we sell a very considerable
quantity of land at a high price. I make no doubt your tenth Share will amount
to so much as what I hinted: but if not acceptable to you, I should be glad to
know because my brother Oates at Leeds has solicited me to part with a share to
3. 1760 October 4 Borrowstounness - M B, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'I duly received your favour of August 12th enclosing Bills for £173-10-6.
The water is now so far drained at the Old Engine as to lay dry the Main Coal:
we have now a large field of Coal open sufficient to employ double the number of
Colliers that we have at present, therefore I am sending for more from
Newcastle. The new Engine Pit is now sunk down to within 4 ft of the 7ft. Coal
and will be quite to the Coal this week. The English Pit, which is near to this,
goes on briskly but it will take 6 weeks to sink it to the Coal. I give to the
Colliers after the rate of 20 pence the ton for the large Coal, and 13 1/2d for
Chough Coal or Lumps, and 7d a ton for Pan Wood or Slack: they usually raise the
Coals in this proportion
2 ton of Slack or Pan Wood at 7d 1. 2.
1 ton of Chough or Lump 1. 1 1/2
1 ton Great Coal 1. 8.
13. 11 1/2
which is nearly 12d the ton on the average. At Wednesbury they never bring up
the Slack but only Lumps and Great Coal.'
4. Soho Memorandum of goods ordered - viz Quart, Half Pints, Gill
Dobbin. 1 Slip.
5. 1768 December 12 Bo'ness - [M B, Birmingham]. 3pp. 4to.
'I ought long before this to have wrote to you but I have continually
flatter'd myself that it would be convenient for me to come to Birmg. But
something has always occurred which made my stay here necessary. With this you
will receive a Note which should have been deliver'd to you before I left
Birmingham. But by some accident I never saw your line returning the old Note
till I found it among my papers in Scotland. The Colliery is now working to
advantage and there is a good prospect of its repaying us all our expences. My
Brother Benjamin from Sheffield is here, and tells me of the great increase of
your foreign Business and also (which gives me particular pleasure) that you are
well Estimed by many of his principal Correspondents. Mr Watt wrote to you
sometime ago about his New Plan of an Engine. It is some Years since a tryal of
a very small one was made at Kinneil which convinced me of the justness of the
Principals on which it was constructed and encouraged me to take a Burthen of Mr
Watt's hands which his loss of time and numerous expensive experiments had
incurred - In a week or two we shall make a more compleat tryal with a larger
Engine and if the result is unanswerable to our expectations I shall with
pleasure communicate a share of the of the Property to yourself in the three
Counties in your neighbourhood Warwickshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire and
the terms you and I shall not differ about. But I may request on Favour of you
to be totally silent about this subject to mention it to no person whatever
excepting your Friend Dr Small and you must of course lay him under the same
injunctions, I repeat it again that you will please not to speak of the Fire
Engine to any one whatever nor that I have any concern in it - I decline
compleating the Patent as long as possible and afterwards I wish to keep it as
secret and still as possible for some Months. I hope to see you early in the
Spring But shall be glad to receive a line from you at your first leisure
moments.' [Receipt annexed]:
'£423.10.6 Birmingham November 26 1761.
Received on Mr Matthew Boulton at Sundry times Four Hundred and Twenty Three
Pounds Ten Shillings and Six Pence on account of an adventure with me in the
Bowness Colliery and I do declare he has that said sum employed with me in the
Branch of Business which I promise to account for. - John Roebuck.'
6. 1769 - Soho Memorandum of goods ordered, viz ionic Candlesticks,
ditto with Patent Candles, Saucepan. 1p. 4to.
7. 1770 January 3 - Birmingham. 1 Slip.
Acknowledging the receipt of Bills from Mr Boulton of the total value of £900.
9. 1770 February Kinneil - Dr Small [Birmingham]. 2pp. 4to.
'The Engine is now prepared for a second trial. The Cylinder is mended by the
manner mentioned at Birmingham and appears quite true. But as the metal which it
is composed of may be too soft, it is possible the Piston may throw it out of
form. Though I perceive a way to remedy this imaginary defect (as I hope) by
fixing two firm parallel planes which the Piston must pass through and if the
planes fit the Piston it cannot vibrate. If this should fail the Cylinder must
be made of Cast Iron. But I have great confidence that the present Engine will
work completely, and by this day sen'night you may expect to hear the result
of our experiments. We shall first try the Engine with out former Condenser, but
another of a different and simpler structure may be the result of our first
experiment. I shall be obliged to you to deliver the enclosed to Mr Keir.'
11. 1770 February 25 Bo'ness - M B, at Mr Matthew's, No 10
Wallbrook, London. 2pp. 4to.
'The Engine is now quite ready for the experiment. The Cylinder is
perfectly true by beating. We shall try it with different Condensers this week.
I have the utmost confidence it will perform to our wish.'
12. 1770 March 15 Bo'ness - M B, at Mr Matthew's, No 10
Wallbrook, London. 2pp. 4to.
'We have made another trial of the Engine and remedied the imperfections of
the Cylinder and the Piston. But the Condenser was not so effectual as in our
small Engine. Mr Watt had contracted it too much. The next week we shall have a
more complete Condenser and a further trial. I now consider the affair of the
Engine as absolutely certain, though it may still take some time to complete it
to the perfection it is capable of.'
19. 1773 March 10 Kinneil - M B, Birmingham. 1p. 4to. L S.
'I am desired by many of my considerable Creditors to call a meeting of all my
Creditors to be held at Edinburgh the 2nd April next at 12 o'Clock at Mr John
McGoan's, to take into consideration the state of my affairs. They are anxious
to have an explanation of them and are alarmed that under the management of the
Trustees, a very large additional Debt has been incurred, instead of a Fund
raised from the Profits of the works of Bostness to discharge the Debts. They
have no doubts that every Creditor will attend by himself or by some empowered
to act for Him so as some effectual measures may be taken by general consent for
the Interest of all concerned.' 'It may be proper that your Proxy be
empowered to act at other meetings as well as this.'
20. 1773 March 13 Kinneil - M B, Birmingham. 3pp. 4to.
'With this your receive a general Letter. My Trustees have managed my affairs
in such a manner as to cause a discontent in all my Creditors here and they are
resolved whatever may be the event to put them in a different form. If the
obstinacy of my Trustees should compell the rest to pursue vigorous measures I
foresee long and oppressive Law Suits which will arise from their past conduct
and in the end nothing will be paid to any of my Creditors. If on the contrary
my Trustees can be brought to adopt the Measures which the rests of my Creditors
approve something considerable will be obtained for every one and I shall be in
a more honourable and comfortable situation. As I do not imagine your Business
will permit you to attend the meeting I wish you to give your power to some
person no ways in connection or under the influence of my Trustees, But to Mr
John McGowan writer in Edinburgh or your Friend Mr James Watt or James Guthrie
Esqr in Edinburgh or nay other worthy indifferent Gentlm which power you may
send under cover to me or directly to the Gentlemen you approve of. It may not
be proper to send your power to any of the Carron Coy. they have Cash accounts
with Messrs Mansfield Hunter & Co. Pray do not fail to write by return of
the Post. I send you two Papers which may five you some insight into the state
of my affairs. I beg of you however not to speak of them even to Mr Garbett
because it is judged better to let my Creditors propose the measures themselves.
But as I cannot avoid thinking on the subject I send you these papers as
containing the best information of my affairs in a small compass. I recommend to
you not to produce the Note of Hand which I gave you when I was last at Birmg
least it should lay be under the necessity of an explanation. This omission will
make no alteration to your interest. It is my regard to your welfare makes me
mention it. At the first meeting the Creditors will probably do little more than
appoint a Committee to examine the state of my affairs and the conduct of my
Trustees and at the second meeting they may establish some plan for the general
interest. I send these papers under cover to Dr Small that they may first fall
into your own hands. I will again mention to you the necessity for writing by
return of the Post. It is of moment to me and yourself.'
22. 1773 March 29 M N, London - Dr John Roebuck. 1p. folio. Copy.
'From a variety of circumstances whc wd take more time than I am at this
juncture possessd of, to explain, I have not been able to read your Letter and
proposals before the present moment and even now can only reply in general
terMs.. That I shall joyn that party of your Creditors whom you shall call your
best friends and shall appoint Mr James Watt by this post requesting him to act
for me. As I am now in London I cannot send you the particulars of our Accnt but
believe it will nearly be as under. I most sincerely wish you a speedy
extrication from all your difficultys.' [Account annexed]:
Dr John Roebuck to M Boulton & Co
'1772 September 3d. To Cash advanced £500. 0. 0.
to Wm Matthews for the payment of your draught
September 3d. To discots. & Int. of
several Bills which you have drawn 39.16.10.
(To Goods which you bot. at Soho.
The particulars can only be sent
you from Soho, I now only write from
memory and not from our Books. 75. 0. 0.
1773 April 3d. To Interest to this Day
of £539.16.10 15. 4. 5.
23. 1773 May 17 Kenneil - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to.
'Having seen your letter to my friend Mr James Watt of Glasgow dated the 29th
of March 1773, making offers to me for my property in the Fire Engine a improved
by him, I hereby accept of the same according to the tenour of your letter. In
the first place I assign you my whole property in the Patent obtained for the
said invention being two third parts of the same, and also the like share of the
large model of the said Engine now at Kinneil. In consideration whereof of Six
Hundred and thirty pounds sterling due by me to you and your Company and of all
debts I owe to you personally and you are also to refer to Dr William Small and
Mr James Watt what part of the Annual profits of the said invention you shall
pay to me or my assigns during the course of the Patent or of such Agreements as
may be made for the use of the said Engine and may subsist for a longer time. I
heartily wish you success in this Engine and hereby accept of your proposals in
your letter to Mr Watt as mentioned above.'
25. 1774 January 1 Birmingham - M B [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to.
'As you have readily, by a letter to myself of this date, signified your
consent to accept of the Composition acceeded to by many of my Creditors and
which the present situation of my affairs renders necessary, and as you have
expressed your inclination to purchase my interest in the Patent taken out by Mr
James Watt of Glasgow for the improvement of the Steam Fire Engine, I hereby
make you an offer of all my right and property in the same on condition that you
accept it in lieu of the above Composition and discharge me of all debts due
either to yourself or to Messrs Boulton and Fothergill.'
26. 1774 January 3 M B [Birmingham] - Dr J Roebuck [Birmingham]. 1p. 4to.
'Whereas you have by a letter dated January 1st 1774 disposed of to me your
whole interest and property in the Patent for improving Steam Engines taken out
by Mr James Watt of Glasgow, and whereas it is impossible at present to
ascertain the real value of your Share in the Patent, I hereby declare that if
the same should prove a profitable undertaking to allow you such share of my
profit as Dr Small and Mr James Watt should think just and reasonable.' [In Dr Roebuck's handwriting].
[Note appended in Matthew Boulton's handwriting - 'I copied the above
and dated it January 3d and delivered it to Dr Roebuck at Dr Small's. I also
deliver'd him another letter dated 31 December 1773 and recvd one from him
January 1 1774.']
28. 1774 January 28 Kinneil - Dr Small, Birmingham. 4pp. 4to.
'The two candidates who have appeared as candidates for the vacant Chair were
Dr Lyn and Mr Roy. But neither of them is likely to be accepted. Dr Cullen and
Principal Robinson have recommended Dr Robinson, who for a short time officiated
in Dr Black's place at Glasgow and is at present with Admiral Knowles in
Russia and employed there by the Empress though in what capacity I do not
distinctly know. Mr Ferguson is of opinion that no person can have a chance
unless his name be publickly mentioned and his merits known, wherefore we cannot
have the agreeable prospects of having our wishes gratified unless you will
permit us to draw your name out of its present retirement. For though it might
be done as we think, without injury to yourself, as was also the opinion of your
friend Dr Franklin, yet we shall not presume to do it without giving you the
opportunity of putting a negative to such intentions. We would manage the
correspondence with Dr Franklin, Dr Priestley, and others, who are to be the
most distinguished Puppets in this Drama moved by us, who in turn are to be
acted upon by invisible springs from yourself. I have seen Mr Watt who before
this has no doubt written to you about the Engine. He is desired to print
several of the Reports of Surveys which he had made in different parts of
Scotland with a view to make navigable Canals across the Island further north
than the present one. I reflect with pleasure on the agreeable hours I spend
with you in England and return you my hearty thanks for your civilities.'
30. 1775 May 29 - Document endorsed 'Copy of an Award between Dr
Roebuck and Mr Boulton.' 2pp. 4to.
'At the request of Matthew Bo[u]lton and Doctor John Roebuck, I have
maturely considered the allegations of both parties and perused written papers
relative to a Steam Engine invented by Mr James Watt. I do award that Mr
Bo[u]lton do pay to Doctor John Roebuck £100 out of the first profits arising
from his share of the Engine.' [Initialled W M (William Matthews).]
31. 1775 May 29 - Document endorsed 'Copy of Mr Matthews' Award
between Dr Roebuck and Self [M Boulton]. 2pp. 4to.
40. 1776 August 10 Kinneil, Bo'ness - Dr Matty, Museum, London. 2pp.
'I enclose you a paper [see 1776 July 22] expressing my wish that our worthy
acquaintances Mr Bo[u]lton may be a member of the Royal Society.'
Two letters from Mrs Ann Roebuck (widow of Dr John Roebuck, Fullibody House,
Alloa, Scotland):
45. 1788 January 15 Kinneil - M B, Soho, Birmingham. 2pp. 4to
'I address you on behalf of a worthy son, who from the various misfortunes of
his father, is unable to put him into a line his abilities deserve. I have
written this without the knowledge of the Doctor who is much failed in his
46. 1796 April 22 Birmingham - M B, No 13 London Street, London. 2pp.
'It must readily occur to you that my late Husband had a principal hand in
first bringing forward Mr Watt's Invention of the Steam Engine and that the
unfortunate undertakings in Scotland which swallowed up the whole fortune of his
Family alone compelled him to resign to you his Share in that valuable and
lucrative Concern for what was considered at the time a valuable Compensation.'
APPeals to his bounty.
The final item is a letter from B Roebuck (son of Dr John Roebuck):
47. 1773 May 27 Kinneil - James Watt, Glasgow. 3pp. 4to.
'The Engine is now ready to go by the first ship [to London, for carriage by
land to Birmingham]: the boxes are all marked and numbered.'
John Smeaton. From Box S2(254). Boxes of incoming letters. Item 72.
72. 1779 June 5 John Smeaton - Mr Saint of the Newcastle Courant. 4pp..
'In your newspaper of the 15th inst you have the following paragraph, which
for the sake of distinctness, and to prevent the necessity of a reference
thereto I beg leave to state we hear from Coventry that a few days ago a trial
was made between two fire engines, at Hawksbury Colliery near that town with one
of the old construction, and one of the new improved engines. - The result was
as follows: the new engine raised 99.711 cubic feet of water, 130 yards
perpendicular height in the space of 48 hours and consumed 10 tons 16cwt of
coal: the old engine raised in the same space of time to the same height, only
84.124 cubic feet of water and consumed 17 tons 8 cwt of coal. The superiority
of the new engine, erected by Messrs Boulton and Watt, must therefore greatly
provide the mining interest of this kingdom, since the proprietors of the mines
may save by the new improvements, equal to two thirds of that usually expended
in fuel, and likewise may have such engines erected on the terms of the old
construction. The ingenuity and utility of the contrivances of Messrs Boulton
and Watt respecting the fire engine, in certain situations, stand confessed by
all able and experienced mechanicians; but how they will apply as highly
advantageous to the coal-mining interests in the circle of Newcastle, may
deserve examination.' Smeaton goes on to discus the relative merits of the
old and new engines in more detail. He also mentions an experiment in July 1772
tried upon an engine at Long Benton Colliery.'
Priestley material from the Church of the Messiah archive. Manuscripts and
printed items relating to Priestley, formerly at the Church of the Messiah,
Birmingham, and now on permanent loan to the Reference Library. Includes
material relating to the 1791 Riots, Priestley's official business, other
correspondence and printed items, and 'Recollection of Dr Priestley' by John
1. Copies of important letters and official business connected with the 1791
Riots, originally the property of Thomas Lee (given by the late Rosalind Lee) as
ii. Pamphlet entitled 'Dr Priestley's Laboratory, 1791', Printed [c.1890].
ii. Newspaper cutting of Tuesday, April 29, 1930. Printed.
iii. 'Copy of Address of Young Persons at the New Meeting to Dr Priestley.'
Ms. [1790?].
iv. 'Steventon. Account of transactions at the Riots.' Ms. [c 1791].
v. Broadsheet concerning the riots, given gratis with Swinney's Birmingham and
Stafford Chronicle of Thursday the 21st of July, 1791. Printed.
vi. Receipt ad list of documents lent to F G Jackson of Leeds. 1933. Typescript.
vii. Two cards for a Dinner to celebrate the centenary of the Priestley Riots.
1891. Printed.
viii. 'General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Annual
Meetings. Birmingham 1932 notes on an appeal for relics for the Joseph Priestley
Exhibition. Ms printed & typescript.
ix. 'An original letter from Dr Priestley to his friend Dr Withering, of
Edgbaston Hall. 1793'. Printed.
x. 'To the younger part of the Congregation at the New Meeting in Birmingham.
1791'. Printed.
xi. Copy of Letter to Dr Priestley. 5 September 1791. Ms.
xii. Copy of Receipt for Dr Priestley's damages, from T Lee to W Little esq.
5 September 1793. MS..
xiii. Newspaper cutting. Birmingham Daily Mail, July 15, 1891. Printed.
ixv. Newspaper cutting. Birmingham Daily Post. 15 July, 1891. Printed.
xv. 'From the Morning Chronicle of July 28, 1791': a letter to the editor
from a Dissenter. Printed.
xvi. Proceedings at a Meeting of Protestant dissenters on December 19, 1792.
xvii. 'Copy of Dr Priestley's answers to the address of the young men an
women of the Evening Class at the New Meeting, Birmingham. March, 11790'. Ms.
xviii. Letter endorsed 'Copy to Dr Priestley.' Ms.
ixx. On Toleration [: an essay] by JP. Ms.
2. Legal documents relating to damages claimed after the Riots, as follows:-
i. Schedule, inventory and appraisement of the value of Household Goods, Plate
and Linen destroyed or damaged in the Priestley Riots. Compiled on behalf of
Priestley for the purpose of claiming compensation. MS n.d.
ii. Estimate, schedule and inventory of premises and contents destroyed in the
Priestley Riots, and compiled on behalf of Priestley for the purpose of claiming
compensation. Ms. n.d.
iii. Account book listing 'Subscriptions for the Ministyers', 'For
repairs', 'For the Fund' Showing signatures of Joseph Priestley and
Mary Priestley) acknowledging receipt of salary. Ms. 1782[84?].
iv. Manuscript diary of J Priestley, in shorthand. 1754.
v. Letters from Thomas Lee to his daughter Mrs Coates: two sheets on which are
copied four letters dated Juky 16, 1791; July 19, 1791; July (20) 1791; July 24,
1791. N B Headed 'Copy of our Great Grandfather's letters to his daughter
Mary, Mrs John Coates, written when living at the house in the Hagley Road,
vi. Accounts of Thomas Lee, junior, as Treasurer to the Committee of
Protestant Dissenters in Birmingham. 1791-1796. Ms. 1 vol).
vii. Documents relating to the suit by the trustees of the New Meeting House
versus Hemlingford Hundred, co Warwick. As follows:-
1. Note from Mr Russell to Mr Lee of New Hall Street. N.d. Ms.
2. Letter summoning a Trustee of the New Meeting House to a meeting at the house
of John Freeth in Bell Street. October 6, 1792. Ms.
3. Letter from Chas Hunt of Stratford, to Thomas Lee re searching of books at
Warwick. 4 February 1791. Ms.
4. Note from R Bertles to Mr Lee, n.d. Ms.
5. Draft of letter to Trustees of the New Meeting, from Thomas Lee, junior.
18 August, 1791. Ms.
6. Minute of search at Lichfield by Mr Bertles. 2 July, 1792. Ms.
7. Statement of the losses sustained by the Sufferers in the Riots in the Town
and neighbourhood of Birmingham in July, 1791. To accompany Petition, 1791. 2
sheets Ms.
8. Letter giving notice to the Trustees of an adjournment to the 23rd instant of
a meeting to be held at the house of John Freeth in Bell Street. October 12,
1792. Ms.
9. Note (unsigned) to Mr Shipton asking him to attend the execution of the Deed
of renewal of Trust of the New Meeting House. N.d Ms.
10. Letter from W Jackson to Mr Lee, attorney of New Hall Street, concerning the
registering of the New Meeting House: also mentions a house owned in 1761 by
John Collins, situated between Moor Street and Park Street and used as a
Dissenting Meeting House. He asks whether this is the same Meeting House. 6
August 1791. Ms.
11. Draft of letter to the Clerk of the Peace for Warwickshire referring to the
pulling down of the Old and New Meeting Houses during the late riots in
Birmingham. Enquiries if they were registered in accordance with an act of I
William & Mary. 5 August, 1791. Ms.
12. Letter from W Jackson to Mr Lee, attorney, of New Hall Street, re the search
at Lichfield for the certificate of registering of the New Meeting House. Not
found, and Mr Lee referred to the Clerk of the Peace at Warwick. 12 August 1791.
13. Extract from the Session records at Warwick for Trinity Sessions 28 May I Wm & Mary, 1689, recording the certification of a New Meeting Place in Philli'.
Street, Birmingham. [1791] n.d. Ms.
14. Letter from C H Hunt of Stratford to Mr Lee, attorney, enclosing copy of
letter from Jas Hewitt of Coventry, and also above extract. 18 August, 1791. Ms.
15. Letter from T Urwick of Clapham to Mr Lee, attorney, of New Hall Walke, re
reported opposition to the rebuilding of the New Meeting House at the expense of
the County of Warwick. 2 March, 1792. Ms.
16. 'Extracts of Registrys': list of houses in Birmingham. Trinity I Wm
& Mary - Michaelmas 21 Geo II 1792. Ms.
17. Note to Mr T Lee from J Lee, junior re charge for alterations done at the
Meeting, Livery Street. 2 February, 1792. Ms.
18. Extract from the Trust Deed of 18 May 1727 of the New Meeting House in Moor
Street, Birmingham. Includes list of nine surveying trustees from the renewal of
the Trust in 1758 to 20 August 1791. August 1791. Ms.
19. Observations by Messrs Norris & Wyatt upon a survey of depredations
committed by the rioters at the New Meeting House, Birmingham. [Sets out
recommendations relating to the rebuilding, costs, use of old material etc.] 10
December 1791. Ms.
20. New Meeting House. Inventory of Furniture. [1791 ?] Ms.
21. Notice, with writ attached, of an action in the King's Bench between
(a) John & Roebuck, Joseph Smith, John Kettle, John Lee, Benjamin Mansell,
& Thomas Russell and William Russell, plaintiffs, and Thomas Archer and
(b) George Whateley, defendants, to recover damages against the inhabitants of
Hemlingford Hundred, Co. Warwick in respect of the destruction of property by
the rioters on the 14th July, 1791. 23 January 1792. Ms.
22. Estimate by Thomas Elvins of repairing the New Meeting House in New Meeting
Street, Birmingham. 28 September, 1791. Ms.
23. King's Bench: John Roebuck & others, plaintiffs, against Hemlingford
Hundred. Estimate and account of the particulars of the plaintiffs' losses by
the destruction of their buildings & premises, goods and other effects by
the rioters on the 14th July 1791. (NB none of the amounts have been filled in.)
24. Warrant from the Trustees of the New Meeting House to T Lee, authorizing him
to sue any two inhabitants of Hemlingford Hundred for damages resulting from the
destruction of the Meeting House by the rioters on 14 July 1791. 18 January
1792. Ms.
25. Case (? Draft copy) as to the New Meeting House in Birmingham destroyed by
the rioters. November 1791. Ms.
26. Rough Draft petition to the House of Commons of the sufferers (Protestant
Dissenters) by riots in Birmingham in July 1791. May 1792. Ms.
27. King's Bench, Roebuck and others against Archer and another. Copy of
declaration (assessing the damage etc to the Meeting House done by the rioters
in July 1791). Hilary Term 32 Geo. III. MS..
28. Draft Petition 'to the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in
Parliament assembled', of the sufferers by the riots in the town and
neighbourhood of Birmingham in July 1791. Ms.
29 (a) Draft petition of Trustees of New Meeting House in Birmingham. April
& (b) 1792. Ms.
29 Statement of claim of the Trustees of New Meeting House to
(c) accompany the Petition. 11 May 1792. Ms.
8. Evidence of witnesses concerning the riots etc as follows:-
1. Evidence of Cornelius Upton concerning the 1791 riots.
2. Evidence of James Bradney concerning the 1791 riots.
3. Examination [ie Acount] of Benjamin Wilding as to destruction of Old Meeting
House, 16 February 1792.
4. Examination of James Penlenton as to destruction of Old Meeting House. 16
February 1792.
5. List of General Committee [of Dissenters] as appointed 27 July 1791.
6. King's Bench. Hawkes versus Waldron. Plaintiff's bill of costs. 1791-92.
7. King's Bench. Lawrence versus Archer. Plaintiff's bill of costs. 1791-92.
8. King's Bench. Pritchitt versus Walldron. Plaintiff's bills of costs.
9. Taylor Esq versus Waldron. Bills of costs for proceedings against constables
of the several parishes in Halfshire Hundred who had not collected Riot Rates,
[and] for Mandamus against the Justices to amend Rate by including Manor of
Grafton. 1793-97.
10. Account from Thomas Lee to the Rev J Coates for professional services in
connection with a law suit following the 1793 riots. 1791-92.
11. Extract from deeds relating to the title to the Charity School House
adjoining to the Old Meeting House in Birmingham, 1687-1695. [c 1792].
9. Legal papers of Thomas Lee relating to the riots of 1791, as follows:
1. Unsigned note from Mr Russell to Thomas Lee, June [n.d.] re queries from
Mr Bell about bringing actions and about appointing valuers to assess damaged
household furniture and goods. Asks whether Mr Bell could meet the sufferers in
Birmingham, in order to advise them for a few days. [September 1791.]
2. Unsigned note from Mr Russell to Mr Shipton, asking him to summon a meeting
of the Sufferers at the Charity School. n d [c 1792].
3. Page of memoranda, probably of Thomas Lee, junior; mentions Old Meeting House
and title deeds of the Charity School. N.d. [1791 ?].
4. Part of draft letter from [Thomas Lee, junior?] to Mr Bell. Has prepared
copies of Mr Bell's letter for the guidance of the Sufferers and it is
resolved that each Sufferer should give in particulars of his case. The
Sufferers despair of justice and ask for a venue in London. Embodies proposals
outlined in 9/1 above. 23 September 1791.
5. Letter from Henry Bell of Grey's Inn to Thomas Lee, Junior. Regrets
business prevents his meeting the Sufferers at present. APProves of Mr Lee's
measures and gives advice. 24 September 1791.
6. Unsigned draft (?) of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Hopes to send the cases
of several of the Sufferers as instructions to lay before Counsel. The Committee
wishes additional Counsel retained, Mr D P Coke for Warwicks, & Mr Plomer
for Worcs. Queries about Mr Newnham and about nomination of defendants.
APPlication has been made to Messrs Norris & Wyatt of London to survey
buildings destroyed. Suggestions of selecting defendants from Banks. 8 October
8. Signed office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Agrees about Mr Newnham.
Suggests surveyors for both parties work together. Encloses particulars of house
and premises at Warstock and asks opinion on their usefulness. Further opinion
about selection of defendants. Enclosed letter from Mr Hutton, a sufferer.
Meeting of inhabitants of Hemlingford Hundred has been called. 18 October 1791.
9. Copy of Mr Bell's letter to Mr Barker. Awaiting particulars of all cases.
More views about choice of defendants. 29 October 1791.
10. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Mentions choice of
committee to conduct defence of the Hundred, and Mr Hutton's wish concerning
Counsel. 1 November 1791.
11. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Opinions concerning Warstock property and
concerning Mr Hutton's case. Retainer paid to Mr Plomer. 4 November 1791.
12. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Has written to retain
Mr Coker. Encloses abstract of Dr Priestley's lease (not present). Comments on
individual cases in order of general account of damage already sent. 8 November
13. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Two defendants each
have been named for Hemlingford Hundred and Halfshire Hundred. Action cannot
begin until estimates are fully prepared. 16 November 1791.
14. Signed office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Comments about choice
of defendants and about certain individual cases. 26 November 1791.
15. Office copies of letters from Mr Lee to Mr Bell, both written the same day.
First expresses concern of sufferers at delay, and suggests Mr Lee should meet
Mr Bell in London. (Probably not Lee's hand though signed with his hand.)
Second, unsigned, concerns a change in the defendants for Warwickshire. They are
to be the High Bailiff and the High Constable. 30 December 1791.
16. Promises to make a further examination of the letters and papers he has
received, and make full replies as soon as possible. 31 December 1791.
17. Unsigned draft of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Barker and Mr Bedford explaining
he had written 9/15 and enclosing copy of Mr Bell's reply. 9/16. 2 January
18. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Expresses serious
concern at delay, since the action must be brought within a year and the summer
assizes will be too late. Asks for Mr Bell's opinion about such cases as he
has been able to decide, so there is something to work on. 15 January 1792.
19. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Is awaiting full details of all cases before
actions can begin. Says Mr Lee will have to come to London. Encloses 22 writs in
both counties. Gives wording of notice to be sent to all defendants. Question of
Counsel for the sufferers on each Circuit to be settled. Some comments on
individual cases. Postscript re replacement of Mr Norris. 19 January 1792.
20. Letter from Mr Baker to Mr Lee. Accompanies schedule and estimates of Mr
Ryland's losses; also copies of Messrs Norris & White's observations on
the survey regarding Mr Ryland's and Mr Taylor's cases; also short statement
of surveyors relative to latter. Promises statements of these cases for Mr Bell
shortly. 20 January 1792.
21. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. The parcel containing Mr Ryland's
estimates etc has not arrived - asks Mr Lee to make enquiries. Mr Brooke to be
Counsel for the Defence. More information has been sent to Mr Bell. 22 January
22. Notes on various cases by Mr Lee, probably intended for use in a letter to
Mr Bell. 23 January 1792.
23. Unsigned draft of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Information about serving
of writs, about individual cases and about Counsel in Worcs. 26 January 1792.
24. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Comments on the letters and information
above, now received. Reports on progress of consultations and gives full
instructions about the conduct of individual cases. 30 January 1792.
25. Copy of letter from Mr Bell to Mr Barker. Agrees that the schedules should
be as detailed as possible, and refers Mr Barker to his letter to Mr Lee (9/24)
for instructions. Gives further advice about the schedule and preparations for
the trial. 31 January 1792.
26. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Replies to queries re
Counsel in 9/24. Reports on some individual cases. Inventories have been
completed. Asks for form of Notice and Declaration. 1 February 1792.
27. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Replies to comments about individual cases.
Promises to send wording of notices to defendants. APProves of progress with
schedules. 2 February 1792.
28. Copy of Mr Bell's letter to Mr Barker. Contains advice about preparation
of schedules. 2 February 1792.
29. Unsigned office copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Concerned with
individual actions, principally Coates v Archer and asks opinion about Mr
Holbeche, acting magistrate in Worcs and about change of Counsel. 4 February
30. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Gives opinion on various points in individual
actions. Sees no reason to drop one of the Worcs Counsel in favour of Mr
Holbeche, but leaves decision to Mr Lee & Mr Barker. 7 February 1792.
31. Extracts from Mr Bell's letter, probably to Mr Barker. Explains position
concerning proof of ownership. Worcestershire actions will be decided first, and
Warwickshire judge and jury will know result. Asks for drafts of briefs as soon
as possible. 13 February 1792.
32. Letter to Mr Lee from Messrs Norbury & Penrice, attorneys for the
(a) defendants, asking permission for Mr Plomer to be released to act for the
(b) Mr Lee's formal note of consent to the above request. 13 February 1792.
33. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Is sending parcel containing Declarations for
Warwicks & Worcs. Two cases to be stood over. Discusses briefs for various
cases. (Refers to 9/31). 13 February 1792.
34. Unsigned draft of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Plomer, expressing regret at the
decision taken in 9/32. 15 February 1792.
35. Note from T Gem to Mr Lee. Mr Payton and another auctioneer are to revise
the Halfshire estimates. Co-operation in this task is requested. 16 February
36. Letter from Mr Parkes to Mr Russell. Written to accompany a list of names of
possible jurors. 19 February 1792.
37. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerned with Worcestershire jurors.
Discusses relinquishing of Mr Plomer and the Worcester cases in general.
Mentions proposed visit to London by Messrs Lee & Barker and advises on
replacement for Mr Plomer. 21 February 1792.
38. Short letter from Mr Russell to Mr Lee concerning t he choice of jurors. 26
February 1792.
39. Short letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee, concerning the special jury in the
Taylor v Waldron case. 26 February 1792.
40. Letter from Mr Russell to Mr Lee. Concerned with Mr Romilly's possible
choice as opening counsel, and also with choice of jurors. 27 February 1792.
41. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Encloses some alterations and additions to
the briefs in his cases. Also encloses some estimates. 27 February 1792.
42. Letter from Mr Lee to Mr Shipton, who is dealing with his business while he
is in London. Raises various queries and gives certain instructions regarding
particular cases. 27 February 1792.
43. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Has seen Mr Standbridge, one of the
surveyors. Writes about results of this interview and reports on other
developments. 28 February 1792.
44. Letter from Mr Shipton to Mr Lee. Contains brief mention of several
particular matters. 28 February 1792.
45. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Has seen Mr Standbridge again - gives
wording of proof of Mr S's part in the surveying, to be included in the
briefs. Makes some points about the preparation of briefs and about the
jurisdiction of the court. 29 February 1792.
46. Letter from Mr Shipton to Mr Lee. Reports on several matters he has been
dealing with in Mr Lee's absence, including a mortgage on a Meeting House. 29
February 1792.
47. Letter from Mr Redfern to Mr Lee. Concerned with payments from Mr Blake's
estate. 29 February 1792.
48. Letter from Mr Russell to Mr Lee. Concerns of Mr Romilly, Dr Priestley's
claims, and the testimony of Mr Russell and of his daughters. 1 March 1792.
49. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Returns queries and observations with the
appropriate answers. 1 March 1792.
50. Letter from Mr Lee to Mr Shipton. Explains his prolonged stay in London,
gives information about survey of Kingswood, promises answer to Mr Shipton's
query about a Trust. 1 March 1792.
51. Short letter from Mr Shipton to Mr Lee. Makes brief references to individual
cases; has written to Mr Barker. 1 March 1792.
52. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Returns list of Warwickshire special jury
with some names struck off. Reports on work of surveyors at Bordesley. Is glad
Mr Bell may attend assizes. 2 March 1792.
53. Letter from Mr Barker to Mr Lee. Relates suggestions of Mr Mence concerning
proof of the residency of the defendants, and concerning the delivery of notices
to the two High Constables. 2 March 1792.
54. Short letter from Mr Russell to Mr Lee, concerning Mr Parkes. Mentions
Kingswood Meeting. 2 March 1792.
55. Letter from Mr Russell to Mr Lee. Mostly concerned with the wish of the
Sufferers to retain Mr Romilly. Mentions Dr Priestley's case and the
possibility of employing a shorthand writer. 3 March 1792.
56. Letter from Mr Lee to Mr Shipton, concerning the questions that may be asked
of servants and witnesses in connection with the plaintiffs' property. 4 March
57. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerns the possible retaining of Mr
Erskine as counsel for Dr Priestley. 7 March 1792.
58. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Has held consultations. Order of cases has
been fixed. Highly approves of Counsel chosen and is most hopeful for prospects
at Worcester. Discusses letter he has had from Mr Russell and reports progress
in several individual points. 7 March 1792.
59. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Discusses the employment and payment of Mr
Windus, who is to check on the 'Schedule to the Inquisitions', and of the
shorthand writer. Also mentions the order of Cases, the striking of the
Warwickshire special jury, and Dr Priestley's case. Worcester assizes now
imminent. 9 March 1792.
60. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Encloses some subpoenas in connection
with Mr Lee's cases. Will inform Dr Priestley of the contents of Mr Lee's
letter relevant to his case. Comments on the choice of Mr Romilly as Counsel for
the Warwickshire cases. 12 March 1792.
61. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Comments on results of Worcester cases, and
asks for full details of the evidence etc.behind each decision. Suggest
Warwickshire Counsel should be given Copies of shorthand writer's mniutes.
Mentions Dr Priestley's case and encloses the names of the special jury for
Warwickshire. 16 March 1792.
62. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerned with revaluation of Dr Priestley's
possessions. Briefs must be sent to be delivered to Mr Erskine before the
Assizes. 19 March 1792.
63. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Asks for prompt reply about evidence for Dr
Priestley's case. Further discussion about retaining Mr Erskine. Asks Mr Lee
to come to London again, and further discusses the forthcoming Warwick assizes.
20 March 1792.
64. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerns various conferences and other
business to be carried out before the assizes. 27 March 1792.
65. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Encloses two subpoenas. Discusses Mr Ryland's
verdict, already obtained, and Dr Priestley's case. Suggests that Counsel ask
judges to explain verdicts. 31 March 1792.
66. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Has sent a parcel with all his bills.
Encloses his cash account. Discusses the taxing of the costs. Encloses some of
the shorthand writer's minutes. Reports latest developments regarding Dr
Priestley's case. Discusses the possibility of Mr Lee or Mr Barker coming to
London in connection with the taxation. 11 May 1792.
67. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Discusses the timing and the arrangements for
the taxing of the costs of these cases. 15 May 1792.
68. Brief letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, fixing the date for the taxing for the
6th of June. 18 May 1792.
69. Rejected copy of letter from Mr Lee to Mr Bell. Concerned with Mr Bell's
charges, and with Dr Priestley's bill.
70. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerns the bill for the Priestley v Archer
case, the arrangements for the taxing of the costs, and Mr Bell's own charges.
30 May 1792.
71. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Is concerned that the taxing of costs may
have to be put off, and about the size of Dr Priestley's bill. 2 June 1792.
72. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Has sent a parcel with some writs, about
which he gives instructions. Also in the parcel are his bills complete up to the
present, and enclosed is his cash accounts. Comments about his part in the
business. 21 June 1792.
73. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerned with the case of Hawkes v
Waldron, and the affidavit referring thereto. 22 September 1792.
74. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, concerning the cases of Hawkes v
Waldron and Priestley v Archer. 29 September 1792.
75. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, concerning the taxation of the
Defendants' costs in the Warwickshire cases. 10 October 1792.
76. Letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Concerned with the delay in the taxation of
the costs. 16 November 1792.
77. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, giving figures for the defendants' costs in the Warwickshire cases, and further discussing the matter. 13 January
78. Brief letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee. Mentions Dr Priestley. Concerned with a
query about allowances in one of the Warwickshire cases. Hopes payment of
sufferers is progressing. 8 March 1793.
79. Short letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, concerning the rates for damages and
costs in the Worcestershire cases. 7 May 1793.
80. Brief letter from Mr Bell to Mr Lee, enclosing his whole bill and cash
account, and mentioning a balance of £33.9.0 to come to Mr Lee.
23 November 1793.
81. Brief letter from Mr Davis to Mr Lee, to accompany the papers lent to him by
Mr Lee, which he is returning. 21 May 1795.
[NB None of the enclosures mentioned in the above Correspondence are in the
possession of the Library.]
10. 'Recollections of Dr Priestley by John Ryland.' February 25 1844.
Typescript. (Bound) n.d.
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